Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

We don’t need to do things that aren’t important.
We never brought any of those social issues/discussions into WoW, why are you blatantly lying?
I mentioned the Garithos event and how it happened.
You don’t need to bring things from the outside for NO reason.
Tell me, why do you choose to play WoW over Warhammer or LOTRO?
You know what’s the difference between their orcs and ours?
Our orcs were originally peaceful, a shamanistic people.
They were altered, some of them understood that they were doing wrong, and now some of them are BACK into their roots while some of them have embranced the warrior spirit.
You always think this “Lack” of inclusion is a personal attack on your beliefs, gender or race, IT’S NOT.
Your emotional brain can’t get that through.
When you try to make EVERYTHING UNIQUE, nothing IS.


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What is important and what is not is personal opinion. You deem it not important. Blizzard deemed it important enough.

Please qoute me where i lied. I said such characters exist since Vanilla. And that is correct. For Vanilla there were two characters that were highly implied to be bisexual. Something that has continued nearly every xpac. The topic was just not a general topic of the real world then (aside from gay people). Now it happen to be trans and the world being more and more connected. Also the people that started the Pelagos/Gay Alien couple debate were not the people in favour of these NPCs.

Read above.

Because LOTRO sucks. So does Warhammer. From a gameplay perspective.

Shamanistic roots. However still brutes.

Aha. Tell me more about how you know how i tick. Werent you just complaining about personal attacks against you and yet you do the very same? By implying what im supposed to think according to you?

And there is the personal attack.


Can’t hear you over the sound of your transphobia


Of course Blizzard deemed it important, didn’t Apple also think the same when they needed to sell their phones? :slight_smile:
Oh of course they accept EVERYTHING you are! NOW BUY THE PHONES.
You lied in your statement, how hard is that to grasp?
" It has happened ever since vanilla."
Still brutes? Do you even play the game?


Doesnt change what i said. We can also just say instead that you deem it not important. Other players do. Its that simple.

Bad comparison. They can do whatever they want. They just have to live with the consequences. If players quit over it then that is a consequence they would have to deal with.

I did not. VanCleef and Baros were both implied to be bisexual. Actually make this three albait less obvious if we include Hearthsinger Forresten

Orcs have always been brutes and savages. With or without the legion. Not the worst of brutes and savages, but still brutes and savages. Some clans more, some clans less.


These threads are excellent for bringing out all the dinosaurs


Don’t insult dinosaurs, please, they were not transphobes


Dinosaurs believe in equality, they’ll eat you no matter what!


I don’t care.
I don’t have anything else to say to people who try to shut down others by making them feel bad and not accepting other opinions while claiming to be “open minded”, lmao.


Yeah, he is a problem but not for the reason the OP thinks he is.

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But were they or not?
And no it’s not a bad comparison.
It’s you literally being too proud to admit companies USE anything as a fake way to ally themselves with people. :slight_smile:
I actually thought you were pretty rational, but im disappointed in you believing this.

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Entertainment/advertisement media evoking, and leveraging our values is the oldest thing in the world. By that token we should maybe remove orcs since they’re muscular and appeal to boys who find the idea of muscular big dudes appealing. A value that has been exploited in marketing for decades at this point.

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Think what you want. Otherwise die hard confirmed cases are in the game since MoP.

And as i said, nobody seemed to have complains about the Lesbian couple we had in Legion.

Yes it is.

And its you believing everything being done must be a conspiracy or a marketing move.

Also i havent denied even once that companies dont use stuff to further their own profit. But if that is a marketing move then i must say it was a really piss poor one conidering the one questline will be ignored and skipped through by 99% of the playerbase and the other will be ignored/missed by the majority once again.

I dont care what your opinion about me is. You have already lost my respect the moment you attacked me despite me staying polite while previously complaining that others insult you anyway

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You believe you’re making people upset, but you seemed pretty upset when you started going to posts nothing to do with this in order to insult me.


Lol, are we playing the same game? All sorts of discrimination has been covered in the many stories the game has offered over the years. Sexism (orcish traditionalism), racism (does this even need an example?), genocide (same again). It covers dependency on drugs (blood elves/nightborne), poverty (Westfall humans) and more. All of which are real world issues.

Moreover, involving a character that happens to be trans is not a ‘social issue/discussion’. A character being black or gay does not mean the story is involved in a social issue/discussion surrounding that identity. The only one making it about that is you. You claim ulterior motive on Blizzard’s part - consider that the gaming community, players and developers alike, is no longer made up predominantly of straight white male nerds, and so expect a diverse community from all walks of life to be represented in the games they create. Diversity is the norm, no matter how often people write angry posts on forums about Pelagos off-handedly mentioning once he now exists as his true self.


Heeey, it’s an angel. :innocent: Or rather angel wannabe, no wings. But probably with very innocent angelic behavior in certain matters.

So - Why would you even care?

Suspension of disbelief is suggested for playing WoW. Or most entertainment.


Who cares just play the game

Right on cue, the Edgelords start to lose interest in the LGBT couple in BFA (because that is soon to be old content) and start switching their attack to the LGBT couple in Shadowlands, instead… because two years of salty fury stretches ahead of them.

They are not bigots but…There must always be a problem with inclusiveness.