Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

Sounds fine by me.

Oh, I absolutely didn’t think about that. Really.
It’s just that it wouldn’t make sense in a story if the hero (or anyone) willingly forgot a bunch of his abilities and learns new ones in an instant, only to just as easily switch back after a fight.

And as said, that’s the one thing I understand, that the OP has no problem with a player character changing gender, as any (other) player’s individual character has nothing to do with the lore.
If someone talks about the lore, he won’t talk about any specific player character.

The Shadowlands is pretty much an oversized barber shop on steroids.

What you’re saying right there is that people who make such a decision irl also don’t make sense then.

So, it’s you. You are the problem here with not being able to accept something YOU don’t understand.


Breaking News: another “I’m not a bigot but…” Post storms the forums, displaying much of the sake behaviours as last time we experienced this. Be on the lookout for a pedantic focus on all things concerning the topic the poster “doesn’t have an issue with” and expect tooth and nail arguments on every single point coupled with a room temperature IQ front of “buts it not an issue to me”.

Take sensible advice and carry on as normal and please disregard false news outlets recommending the use of tinfoil hats to navigate this period, their use has been found to be statistically unwarranted, and such adverts calling for such as being sponsered by dubious media sources such as “IReckon.c0m” and “Triggered Unhappy TV”.

Coming up Next: “How important are 2 extra bag slots?” We ask the several posters who thought this issue deserved them each to make an individual topic concerning it for their input in this issue currently dividing the wow playerbase. This will be followed by Sports with High Warlord Zugzug who will be broadcasting a special report lamenting how he feels the spirit of PvP sports has evolved for the worse now that players are expected to do more than sit in a room with pillars all day, every day “back in my day it was good enough, I don’t understand why the League can’t just focus gameplay back on these elements and ignore anything else.” Stay tuned (Please note you’ll be unable to tune into the Sports report unless you have an arbitrarily decided arena rating)


Yes, Pelagos is a huge problem. After reading through all of the soulbinds, it’s mind boggling that he’s the best one for literally every spec. The typical Blizzard balancing skills.

This is the only issue worth discussing regarding Pelagos.

Nearly 50% of theorycrafted builds lean towards picking him as a bind across all binds. How this cannot be seen as an issue is boggling. 12 binds across 4 covenants and 1 of them makes up nearly half of calculated builds.

“But you don’t need to min max”

Yes, but the fact you don’t need to aim high doesn’t mean blizzard should attempt no balance whatsoever. There is nothing min-max about observing natural power growth for your character and going “oh hold on, this dude seems like the right answer in most cases”

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I do agree with this, and it needs to be balanced better.

However, if they nerf Pelagos, then another soulbind will just become ‘the best’.
There’s no stopping this zealous min-max crowd. Even if there would only be a 0,001% difference; it would still be better! MUST HAVE OMGOMGOMG!

So yeah.

Imagine being so obsessed about such a trivial thing that does not affect you in any way, that you thought you needed to write an essay about it on the forums.

Get over yourself, you snowflake.

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It’s a viscious cycle for sure, but i’d rather have one be the best and the others are well represented because “the best” isn’t massive or significant to the casual player, but when nearly 50% of players are advocating for one bind, then it must be pretty far ahead. The binds offer a lot of variety in the tree across several areas, with some having really good starts, and others finishes. If one bind is taking 50% of the pot, clearly it’s way too far ahead as no part of the others is tempting enough.

True balance is impossible, but we should expect some modicum of attempt at something a bit more stable. I’m no min maxer, but I will observe that if somebody goes “pick one” and the two choices are between say an ilevel 100 axe and an ilevel 70 axe, even as a more casual player there is no way i’d pick the lower axe without feeling like it was a worse choice (unless the mog was absolutely sick) whereas it if’s between say a 100 axe and a 95 axe, i won’t feel like i’m hamstringing myself so much.

I’m not concerned with the 1%, but I do like to “do well” in whichever content I go for and having choices that are “well this seems good here, but this over here seems better for…guess i’ll have to decide…” is tons better than “This seems amazing, the rest seem crap” for sure.

Feels forced af, adds nothing to the character.

Blizz just being politically correct and caving to the green/pink hairs of our society


Outside of wowhead broadcast 99% of players probably wouldn’t even notice it was the case when playing. Forced only because people fixate on it.

So people die and come back as freaking bears and animals (Ardenweald) but a humanoid coming back as a humanoid of a different gender is out of the question and “forced agenda” as opposed to just an extension of the idea that what you were in life seems to have no direct bearing on what you appear as in death.

Yeah okay. Sounds like you want it to be for an agenda tbh.


Blizzard is US company, in US its ok. LGBT represenation, if u said something against this u can lost your job. Russia easy solved this problem in early 2000-sh, our politics tried to like in west and tried to accpet this. But our society was so angry and when they tryed to do their so called pride parade Russians collected in 10-15 times more people, they were beaten and kicked out. Even one ambassador from Sweden if i’m not mistaken ended up in the hospital. Thats how Russians solved this “problem”. And then we had a law against homosexual propaganda against kids.

Not just America. Pretty much most developed nations in the world view the situation differently to Russia and a few of the more regressive nations in the EU.

Following your “gang up and boot them out” logic, if the progressive nations of the world (those that recognise LGBT rights in law) decided to gang up and “boot out” those regressive nations (which are fewer in number and certainly have collectively less financial and military power) this would be an okay way to solve the problem?

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oh no, it’s another gender gay topic.

Translation: I’m not a bigot but…the violent suppression of people for wanting equality is something to boast about.

Word to the wise geezer, you are really, really, not making yourself look unbigoted.


It’s not Pelagos that is a problem. It’s whole covenant/soulbind system.

U just can to accept the law thats agains society in Russia. Your politics day will be ended on the next day, coz instability and riots.

I haven’t looked into SLs much if any at all since it was announced, so what makes this Pelagos special and what does it do? According to posts here your character temporarily swaps gender upon death? I don’t see how that would help maxing out stats?

The problem isn’t the character
The problem is you OP


If you don’t like the soulbind, don’t take the soulbind :woman_shrugging: