Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

every single time somebody makes a disgusting thread like they make sure to preface it with “but i don’t care” then proceed to spew their vile bile.

if you don’t care, you even create this thread in the first place?

because you do, you’re a little person, with no empathy for people who struggle and having one, just one character like them being represented in-game is probably amazing.

f off with this pointless hate that you “don’t care about”.


This just proves all kinds of prejudice people have against Russia. Thinking ‘beating up people to suppress them’ is okay is just very bad imo. It’s a vile and dangerous path.

Unfortunately the world is still full of such horrible behaviour. When will humans learn? If ever… :disappointed:

Life is precious, live and let live. As far as we are aware, we might only get one try. Would would you, or anyone else, tell others how to spend their one try?


Mastery and versatility buff with basically full uptime.

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Versatility+extra you say? Sounds great to me. I love that stat for the +DMG and +DMG received reduction. I always try to stack much of it as I can, even now.


I’m just saying, if the idea is “accept it, because it’s the rule we all follow” that doesn’t bode well for Russia in an increasingly globalised world where they are the ones with the minority viewpoint. Eventually we’re going to come to a point where if a country wants to stick to their country and their country alone, they’re going to be left behind in terms of development on the world stage. This is fine for the most part. However it does leave said country in a bit of a position of weakness if by this point the other more advanced countries decide to sanction them because of their human rights views because then they’ll be royally rodgered (unless they have the entirety of their countrie’s needs developed in-house).

I don’t think the west is at risk of collapse, i wouldn’t believe everything any right-wing echo chamber colelcting mold on the corners of the internet will tell you. These people use “collapse” when what they mean is “change”.

The WWI vets said the society would collapse because of their children, and their children said the same of theirs, and so on. Pieces of every generation think the ones to come after them will be their ruin and history has very very seldomly proven them correct.

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It was political move “to like on west” when Russia trying to be part if the west system in the beggining of 2000-sh. Society was inrage about that, everyone even our church said its unacceptable. They’ve got what they’ve got.

Russia is a primitive country and a dictatorship with no freedom, you literally only have Moscow and Saint Petersburg as normal cities while all the rest of the country is rotting in poverty and corruption.

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Russia have more freedom than u think.

Sure, Putin-drone.

If you have money. Sure.

I think there are elements to Russia that are very nice myself. I just think waving around their abysmal recognition of human rights and discrimination against individuals with minority sexual orientation are probably not the things people should be proud of.

All it does is shove this kind of thing underground. If Russians think these moves mean that LGBT is being removed from their country they are incredibly naive.


for 22 specs kyrian is the best choise, what in it self, already says there is a problem

Most people (you and me included) don’t play any content high enough that requires the numerically strongest covenant to be chosen.

Pick what you like.

Real world issues like war, betrayal, loss, struggle to keep your home, working together to overcome adversity… Yeah how dare they bring such real world issues into a game!

Dude… you’re full of it. You nitpick about things YOU don’t agree with, but other issues are fine. You’re a hyprocrite of the highest order.


USSR even have a law thats homosexual contacts was a crime and u come into jail. Russia nowdays have much more freedom for this individuals.

human rights aren’t “political correctness”, might want to educate yourself on that one too bud.


How am I being a hypocrite by being against transgenders in wow and similar laughable subjects? I’m not exactly a transgender myself you know.

you answered it yourself


What real world issue?

I can’t remember the last time an individual in our world died one gender and came back as a blue humanoid of a different gender? Can you?

Or do you mean it’s dealing with “similar themes” to real life stuff like Transgenderism?

If so, why is “this real world kinda” thing an issue and not the 5000 other “real world kinda” issues like motherhood, fatherhood, losing a child, poverty, homeslessness, drug addiction, marriage, war, working with enemies, moving on from the past and etc that have basically made up the entire of warcraft.

Oh wait, I know this one.

You specifically don’t like transgender stuff but you’re hiding behind the cowardly mask of “muh real life issues” rather than out and out say it.

Do I win the speedboat?