Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

No that just makes you a bad person.

You’re a hyprocrite because you complain about ‘issue A’, but ‘issues B-Z’ are fine.


I dont see an issue with it
They are happy so they don’t see an issue

The only issue is people like you

Bigoted and ignorant to people who are different to you

If you cant relate, they’re a problem right?

How about you accept that the world has many different people in it.
Why shouldn’t they get representation?
Because it upsets you? Thats stupid


Ah yes, thats why people who do not fit in the standard idea of what is “wrong and right”, like LGBTQ+, have fewer rights… :roll_eyes:

And why does it not surprise me that this topic hasn’t been closed and deleted and the TS given a ban? This whole topic breaks the forum rules, top to bottom ten times over.

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Coz its EU, not US. EU is different, different countries with different laws and opinions. In US ofc it was closed in 1 hr.

Yeah, and I could keep a dog locked up on a single metre of chain. If I extend it to 2 metres, the dog is “more free”, but that doesn’t change the fact fundementally the dog is not free at all, at least as far as most people see it.

Also “Yeah well we used to lock up gay people, now we only beat them and chase them off” is like the worst defence you could probably conjure up to try and demonstrate progressive/free values.


Ga jij eens wat nuttigs doen.

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What? 10char

Told him in dutch to: Go do something useful.
(he has a dutch name)

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What about the muslims and islam?
It’s against their religion to be attracted towards the same sex right? Pretty sure you’d be an outcast too or beheaded if you decided to transition.
Just a thought.
Can’t please everybody so better be safe and avoid stupid controversial real world issues like this.

All there is is you not understanding a thing but having your head so far up yourself you think you’re smart.

Do some research
Learn something

Until then… stut up

If this is the case them, given actual transgenders exist, wouldn’t we see people in real life legally defined as apache helicopters and totempoles and having this legally recognised?

You mean we don’t do that? You mean these “50 genders” people often tout are “being a thing” aren’t really recognised by most of the world beyond a few speculative tumblr blogs you really have to go out of your way to find?

BOOOOOOOOM the sound of your snowball argument crashing into the floor.


Compare suicide rate for ppl who ‘transitioned’ and people who identify as their sex at birth. Lmao GG.
How can you even say i’m wrong lol. I’m politically incorrect but it’s the cold hard truth. Peace out my lunch break is over.

Have you considered its because of people like you?


You flatter me xx

Is it in the game that she is now really a he?

If society wouldn’t treat them bad, maybe they’d be happier

So you’re saying you want WoW to be based around conservative Muslim values?

I love internet righters. Muslims are like the worst thing in the world and need to be erased off the face of the earth as far as they are concerned until they’re coming up against stuff like LGBT rights and then suddenly Muslims are alright again.

I guess “against LGBT” comes up higher in points than “has brown skin and foreign religion” in Right Wing Top Trumps.

This is why I can’t take you people seriously. You say you’re about “values” and stuff like that, you have no values. You shift what you call values about more often than a hypermmobile cat on a sugar rush and don’t believe in anything beyond your own opinion of the world and then have the audacity to claim it’s some kind of grand value. One minute Muslims are wicked and need to be kicked out and the next we should be mindful of them when designing games because we don’t want to offend their sensibilities (which just so happen to be concerning things you don’t like).

Yeah okay then. Really robust values.


Oh yeah, we could offend someone, so let’s just all be suppressed. Great solution.

This same discussion is now going on because ‘is it worth it to tell the truth about things, when there’s sick people out there who’d chop your head off if you do’.
Well… It’s freedom. And fanatical religion like that threatens our freedom.

But that’s an entirely different subject.

To be clear; that ‘Spierbundel’ fella does NOT represent the average dutch person.


Character: Litterally just exists.

Homophobic/Transphobic people: