Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

There gets a point where you’re so mad about inclusion that it just comes off as problematic.

I’m a really stupid person, so I’m going to ask really stupids questions :
-Pelagos transitioned after dying, so what’s the deal ?
-He’s just a random npc, so what’s the deal ?
-We’ll forget him once next expansion launches, so WHAT’S THE DEAL?

To summ it up : so what ? What is the deal here ?

There’s a whole lot of political and country based hate going on in here, like really, a lot.


I don’t imagine he does. I take individuals as individuals. I just find the staggering inconsistency of these people hilarious. It’s all “raaaaaar the muslims!” until LGBT then it’s “but what about the muslims?”

It’s about as clear as a weekly CoVid update from Boris Johnson.


Who? Oh the english Donald Trump. Right.


Would you have preferred Blizzard gave you some convoluted backstory to justify why this character is now a male? They don’t have to.

Sometimes things are the way they are… hard to grasp I know.


Not gonna lie, if I had the choice to freely swap between male and female in my afterlife, I sometimes would. Just to see what it is like.

Who wouldn’t?


And getting paid less for my work as a spirit healer?

No thanks.

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Why limit yourself? Go Ardenweald and change species! Go Maldraxxus and change class (or is that only for Draka?)! Go Revendreth and, erm, change your favourite beverage to Garrosh’s sweet sweet anima…?

The idea that changing form in a made up afterlife is a “real life political issue” is just ridiculous.


My goldShire dreams would finally become TRUE !! :heart_eyes:

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How dare they do the right thing to make a profit!!

Sorry didn’t read the whole diatripe(sic), are they supposed to do the wrong thing to make a profit or do the right thing but not make a profit? Is there a TL:DR?

TL:DR : Typical politcial thread that snowballed into a racist/homophobic thread.

It was transphobic from the get go


Most of these threads/posters tend to stick to one thing though, OP in this thread went all out with it by being both homophobic, transphobic and unapologetically racist from the get-go.


Seemed to start out that way from my reading of the first section…


Lulw 10char

basically all you need to know is he’s released covid updates to the UK along the lines of:

“Okay so from Monday you must work from home where possible, but you should aim to get back into the office so we can rejuvenate the economy, as the high street needs it, but yes work from home. You can meet in groups, except where the group is a group, and not on tuesdays or if you’re over 2 metres tall unless you’re also a lover of smooth jazz”

Like no clarity whatsoever on what he wants people to do. Very much “work from home but don’t work from home whatsoever” on a weekly basis.

And then a majority of the population thus ignores any guidelines he imagined he’d communicated clearly and then he pikachu.jpgs when the rate goes up again.


Oooo spirit healer

The words of a man who’s so far attached from regular working people/reality.

I’m not even english but whenever I see news about him he seems to be living entirely in his own world. Reminds me of the old Marie Antoinette french thing of “Let them eat cake”.

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Well, it can be better if you’re a mage, more tips for serving mana buns.