You are ruining PvP - It is not possible to grind gear

The best wpvp MMOs I played had factions in them:
Ultima Online - 3 factions - order/chaos/player killers
Dark Age of Camelot - 3 factions - albion/hibernia/midgard
Albion Online - Player found alliances vs each other

But in none of these games one faction had better racials over the other. It was only cosmetics and character models that were different. The results were great, every faction had a healthy population and wpvp was great.

So they can implement it in retail?Dude, nobody cares about your tbc classic thingy, it will die just like classic in phase 2.

Everyone here clearly cares about it bar you.

Why not test it in retail? you make no sense and evidently don’t have the intellect to have a debate or even hold a conversation properly.

I personally think that’s an oxymoron. WPVP was never good, will never be good, and will always just be an outlet for people’s bully tendencies. You can’t tell me you play that for skill, because there’s none involved when you’re ganking.

It was good in any korean game i played.You have siegies for objectives and guild wars which wow lacks because of the factions.There is literally 0 purpose for guild in wow except pve

Do you realise that people make experiments on monkeys first, yes?Thats answer for your question

Another very intellectual answer that took you near 20 minutes to muster together.

Good Job :+1:

t. 1button drooling paladin whos waiting for my message.

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Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt. oh wait…

Incinerate, Incinerate, Incinerate, Incinerate…

It’s a game from 2007. You are not supposed to get EVERYTHING in under a month. And the Horde made the Q’s so bad by driving a large portion of the Alliance PvP players to PvE servers.

yeah, classic wow in nutshell.Wonder why people even consider to compare “it” with retail

I do not get you, at all. What are you expecting horde to do? Stick to 200-300 honor per hour?

Only possible honor boost for horde characters is to go and PvP in the world and gain as many kills as possible. What will this do does not matter in the long run, queues will be longer and longer regardless of this.

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Queues are region based, it does not matter if alliance is on PvE or PvP server. Get your “facts” straight.

This long queues are here thanks to, mainly, lvl58 boosters (alliance rerollers and retail players) who picked horde for TBCC.

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Dont Factionbosses give around 800 honor or so? Why not just farm those :slight_smile:

Don’t talk about facts if you can’t understand what was stated. The Horde drove people AWAY from PvP and as a result less Alliance play PvP and more Horde players play PvP so you have LESS Alliance to play with.


Someone drove someone away from PvP by doing PvP.
Perfect logic, I get it!

That is same logic that is proposed now, that is:

  • Don’t kill alliance in the open world, they will join less battlegrounds
  • Horde should suffer and die because of P2 (which was btw, completely server to server based and alliance - horde ratio was almost even in classic)
  • Alliance fled to PvE servers so there is less PvP now! (switching servers does not change battleground queues, at all, but ok)

I know you and like minded people will defend your stance with all you;ve got. I also get it where from that stems from, but it’s wrong on so many levels. If you do not see a problem where someone has to wait 90 minutes in a queue, while other faction has queues that are instant then there is no help for you my friend, at all. Potential band-aid fix is horde>alliance faction transfers that at least some horde people would take (I and my teammates would for example), but not, there is so many alliance even against that.

P2 was P2, it has nothing with TBCC queues. It was a problem that should have fixed by Blizzard and it does not matter even if it was 100% player made. Poor planning, not locking full faction servers etc. are all Blizzard created problems. Fact that factions were pretty much even is enough of a proof for this, it’s just Blizzard being in complete “we do not care” mode that created all the crap. Adding lvl58 boosts sure did not help at all too…

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Why should it be a grind? Why do you think that? Do you enjoy mind numbing soul crushingly boring grinds? Why? How could anyone think thats fun? WTF is wrong with people.

That’s so foolish I’m not even going to respond to it. If you don’t get what the problem is I doubt any explanation will help you. Enjoy the Q.

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And typical response to finish it off… “Enjoy the Q”

I “enjoyed” it, it took me almost 7 days /played to get all pieces I needed, and that’s with prefarmed 75k + 100 marks for each BG (ofc no EOTS). If I wanted full set I would have to dedicate minimum another 10 days /played to get everything, but thanks God there are some craftable pieces in game which have resilience.

Only way I’m farming honor nowdays (for honor gems) is via world PvP and that’s how it’s gonna stay as long as there is no action by Blizzard to sort out queue times (for a start: horde > alliance faction change).

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It looks like you just proved the point that the game is not broken. You can get the gear all you need is time. Ask yourself if the people you are ganking want to be farmed for honor. If they can take the ganking as part of the game you can live the Q.

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