You just lost millions of players in 1Q 2019

Player count is not really that important now, the majority of the revenue that is made within the game is through cashshop.

If you notice that 500,000 players have quitted the game, you can easily drop a new store mount that would compensate for the losses.

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good point actually.

i know that since the last report (at least), the cash shop now makes more than sub income.
EDIT: this statement cannot be confirmed, so i withdraw it in case people take it to be fact

so, if lets say, 50,000 players quit, thats Ā£500,000 lost.

but, release a new mount at the standard cost of Ā£19, they only need 26,316 people to buy that mount to make the lost amount back. and a lot of people will buy the mount. look at numbers below.

according to wowhead, these are the % of profiles that have these store mounts. i dont know if ā€œprofilesā€ means armory profiles, or wowhead user profiles, but either way, this would be a large number of people.

  • Celestial Steed 30%
  • Winged Guardian 28%
  • Enchanted Fey Dragon 27%
  • Heart of the Aspects 26%
  • Armored Bloodwing 23%
  • Grinning Reaver 20%
  • Iron Skyreaver 19%
  • Swift Windsteed 16%
  • Mystic Runesaber 15%

the other store mounts dont have data for them :frowning:

but i think its a good guess that the shop money is coming from tokens?

every token bought is almost worth 2 subscribers.

  • token = Ā£17
  • 2 month sub = Ā£20

and then, not everyone is buying tokens for sub time. they are buying it to turn into gold. so that makes that token worth nearly 3 subscribers!

that is not a sustainable way of doing bussiness.
It mitigates your losses in the short term but they need solutions long term.

Cant you link where that was written ?

So you want then to say active sub numbers, but even if they do you will not believe them? Donā€™t you see anything wrong with this logic?


Could it be people whoā€™ve registered on the site? Not sure. Just out of interest can you link the source for that plox.

Eso new expansion and ff14 new expansion will of course have a negative effect on wow subscriber numbers .

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@Vintoleth: I read the Q1 report and could not find such info in it, would you kindly copy the relevant distribution of revenue sources data, thank you?

Source? or are you ummm guessing?

Yes I am guessing cuz the expansions have not released uptil now but I am seeing more people in ff14 and eso then they were 3 months ago and when I talk with most of them .they said they came from wow bfa .

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So guessing then.

Yes .do I need to repeat it ?

Nope just wanted to clarify.

Okie dokie .fellow rogue .

Just check out various ff14 wow refugee vids and see just how many comments there are from ex wow players saying they are having a much better gaming experience.

If you want proof you can go find it easily yourself.

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is this what you mean?

in the quick facts box, just above the picture it says ā€œAttained by 30% of profilesā€.

and yes, there is a high posibility that it refers to people whoā€™ve registered on the site. but im guessing that quite a lot of players have cause otherwise the fact that most of us take drop rate info from them make us fools. drop rate info isnā€™t provided by blizz (f u there blizz) so we could be chasing a ā€œ20% drop which actually is a 0.2% dropā€ if that were the case.

if you search for each mount i listed, it will have a similar piece of info in the quick facts box. the other mounts not listed didnā€™t have that info :frowning:

ok is this one of those ā€œits been repeated by so many people but it actually isnā€™t trueā€ ā€œfactsā€? :frowning: if so, sorry. iā€™ll have to look into it. maybe im too trusting when a larger portion of people all start making the same quote.

I mean the source for the shop making more money than the subs.

like i said. too many people have been saying this i thought it was true, so i will have to look into it. iā€™ll return in time to either confirm or retract.

@Vintoleth: The things is that only one number is mentioned and it has an extra note that reads:

ā€œNet revenues from Digital online channels represent revenues from digitally-distributed subscriptions, downloadable content, microtransactions, and products, as well as licensing royalties.ā€

In other words, purely from that, it is impossible to tell what sort of portion comes from each mentioned sourceā€¦

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This is the reason why you should always ask people to source their claims. Only people who hear something they want to hear, will not ask for a source to not risk it to be a lie.

And itā€™s the most fun part to do in the classic forum because 99% there is a lie or made up :slight_smile: