while true, there needs to be a cut off point of trust. if 1 person says something, then yes, you really need sources there. but if a million people say something, then you sorta should be safe in taking it as fact. otherwise society would never move forward as we would always need to check that something is correct. example, we take for fact that Pythagoras’ theorem is correct, instead of spending all the time needed to confirm it.
the downside is sometimes something gets through the fact filter and the millions believe something which is wrong. this is probably what has happened here. (not saying millions, but you know).
1 example being in another current thread, someone tried to say that it was not a known fact that blizz (ion) had said they never wanted flying again from 6.0 onwards. like this statement about the cashshop, loads of people were saying it, but i didn’t know if it was fact from me actually checking the source. but upon checking, it was clear that this was fact and a quote/link could be made proving that blizz DID want to stop flying from 6.0 onwards.
i think this cashshop thing might be something that has spiraled out of control from a theory. with subs lower than maybe ever, people are wondering how can blizz be claiming they’re making profit if people are not playing it anymore. and what “IS” the cashshop? does it include tokens? faction changes etc? people need to agree on what is and isn’t included. lots of people are “paying” for wow via tokens now. so is this counted as a sub? or a cashshop?
and what about the £20 cards you can buy in the shop for 2 months game time. are these subs? cashshop? other? and if so, what other?
with blizzard being as secrative as they are about things, its hard to know true facts. like Trelw says,
if everything is amalgamated, how do we know whats what.
but with something as simple as sub numbers, if blizz wont release these, then what hope do we have of knowing what the state of things are? some people may say this isn’t as simple anymore cause of the token. well, there are other ways…
type /ginfo into your chatbar. it will show you the number of UNIQUE ACCOUNTS in your guild. so blizz could just say how many people are actively playing within the last 3 month period. they know this data.