You just lost millions of players in 1Q 2019

while true, there needs to be a cut off point of trust. if 1 person says something, then yes, you really need sources there. but if a million people say something, then you sorta should be safe in taking it as fact. otherwise society would never move forward as we would always need to check that something is correct. example, we take for fact that Pythagoras’ theorem is correct, instead of spending all the time needed to confirm it.

the downside is sometimes something gets through the fact filter and the millions believe something which is wrong. this is probably what has happened here. (not saying millions, but you know).

1 example being in another current thread, someone tried to say that it was not a known fact that blizz (ion) had said they never wanted flying again from 6.0 onwards. like this statement about the cashshop, loads of people were saying it, but i didn’t know if it was fact from me actually checking the source. but upon checking, it was clear that this was fact and a quote/link could be made proving that blizz DID want to stop flying from 6.0 onwards.

i think this cashshop thing might be something that has spiraled out of control from a theory. with subs lower than maybe ever, people are wondering how can blizz be claiming they’re making profit if people are not playing it anymore. and what “IS” the cashshop? does it include tokens? faction changes etc? people need to agree on what is and isn’t included. lots of people are “paying” for wow via tokens now. so is this counted as a sub? or a cashshop?

and what about the £20 cards you can buy in the shop for 2 months game time. are these subs? cashshop? other? and if so, what other?

with blizzard being as secrative as they are about things, its hard to know true facts. like Trelw says,

if everything is amalgamated, how do we know whats what.

but with something as simple as sub numbers, if blizz wont release these, then what hope do we have of knowing what the state of things are? some people may say this isn’t as simple anymore cause of the token. well, there are other ways…

type /ginfo into your chatbar. it will show you the number of UNIQUE ACCOUNTS in your guild. so blizz could just say how many people are actively playing within the last 3 month period. they know this data.

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But the first thing you do when teaching math and trying to teach a new equation is proofing it, and your example proofs itself. And everyone can use that to proof it for themselves.

But we don’t know. Subs could be higher than ever. If someone says the subs are low , he most of the time will use his empty friendliest as source.

@Vintoleth: This is a rather tricky question and my conclusions might be off, you need to judge by yourself, but here goes… :smiley:

The game time cards no longer automatically add two months. Instead, they provide a certain amount of balance, which can be used to buy things… game time, pets, mounts, etc… So one card could turn in to a month of sub and a cheap pet, as an example. So, basically, your question does not have just one answer, sorry. :smiley:

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In that case it does look like those registered on the site.

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ok a maths equation can be done simply, but i mean anything we’ve developed. what about medicines? they take years, decades to make. are we going to repeat the process each time a new person looks at a bottle of aspirin?

true, some of the “reasons” used to show low sub count are questionable. i have personally surveyed about 30,000 characters on my server though. only about 5K are 111+, which means for sure they have BfA and play it. and remember, this 30K will include alts. of this 30K, there are 1K guilds. but only about 170 have more than 30 toons. there are about 5K which are inactive players. but this is what BLIZZ calls inactive, which i THINK means not played in 3 years. but we know a lot of people have quit between legion and BfA. why? the amount of 110’s i saw. you can see this at each lvl cap. a guild filled with lvl 90’s. that guild is dead.

also, look at wowprogress. in HM/BRF there were 143 guilds who had done some progress in the raids on my server, but for crucible, there are only 21, of which only 6 are horde. these numbers show that at least for our server, this are bad.

the problem is blizz are misrepresenting the actual state of affairs. saying that someone is inactive if they have not played for 3 years. thats not inactivity considering that we had an expansion release 8 months ago. thats massaging the numbers.

the only way we could know anything, is if blizz releases hard data. but that will show the game is in decline. :frowning:


i would put my head out and say that would come under cash shop, as you spend your £20 in the cash shop, whatever you buy.

but that then brings up another question, what does blizz call a sub?

is it someone who has an ongoing direct debit?
is it someone who has bought a bulk amount of time over a set amount? (like the 6 month boat sub)
is it someone who only buys 1 month at a time via the gametime option?
is it someone who uses a token?

overall, this is very hard to pin down without blizzards help clarifying things, so i will retract my original statement of the cash shop making more money than subs, cause this is far too complex a situation for a black or white answer. i also wont use it to back up my arguments as it cant be confirmed officially.

@Vintoleth: Actually, the subscription question is easy. Anyone, who has active game time is a subscriber. The payment method as such does not matter. So answer to all four of those is yes. :smiley:


I would advise anyone to research the medicine they take or to consult a doctor. Just because the majority thinks Aspirin is good against a headache. But forget that it is a really dangerous medication which can lead to death.

You remember Contergan? 4 years long people took it and everyone thought it was save. And one day it was forbidden since it damaged unborn children.

Which difficulty? And It could also just mean guild groups aren’t used as much anymore since the introduction of community’s and discord.

Will it ? Are we sure ? No.

Should it be in decline ? Yes. If the product follows the law of the market it should be in decline. But we can’t know.

this is true. but i mean the actual development of medicines. the procedures that take years to make… but we’re detracting.

normal, heroic and mythic. where at least 1 boss in any of those 3 difficulties has been killed. 143 down to 21 is a massive drop, regardless of discord or anything. either way, it shows guilds are dying.

the figures i have gotten do show it, at least for my server. but my server is not special, and i believe this will be similar on many realms. if blizz’s raw data did not show the game in decline, they would release it to shut up all the “wow is dying” crys that permeate through all players. thats also why blizz wont merge servers. it will show that wow is smaller, even though it is anyway.

I was promised faction conflict and good narrative. What I got is the Horde infighting, smart characters making dumb decisions, fan service instead of story development, plot holes, treating players like they are idiots…

I’m still a subscriber, but I’m only waiting to see the Horde’s story arc resolution. Right now I feel like our whole faction is only a tool to push the Aliiance plot.

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You believe.

You believe.

you see the problem here ?

You can believe what you want. But try to not make it look like facts.

And Do you remember what happend when the sub numbers got , leaked „ ?

People claimed the game is dead and that if blizzard is lying by saying the sub numbers leaked are wrong?

How can blizzard win against someone who doesn’t trust blizzard AND want blizzard to fail ? What would releasing numbers change if they don’t believe ?

i believe from what i have tallied! yes i dont know what other servers are like, but ours cant be the only one thats dead. if that was the case:

  1. other people on other servers wouldn’t be saying anything,
  2. it would be an easy fix to just deal with ghostlands/dragonblight.

it has been painful going through over 1000 horde guild armories, and calculating the number of toons in each expansion group (1-60, 61-70, 71-80 etc), to see how many are inactive, etc etc. this has taken about 3-4 months on the side but i have finally finished the spreadsheet. it PROVES that this is the state in ghostlands/dragonblight. but then, like i said, i believe that ghostlands/dragonblight is not unique. but i am not going to do this for every server. especially when blizz has the numbers at the click of a button(s).

so while i “believe” this to be so, this believe is based on hard numbers which i myself sorted through, unlike my previous statement which i was relying on the numbers of others.

If you have actually made notes. I would really be interested in them for personal reasons. I would love taking a look at them and how you went and got them. Can you link them to me :slight_smile:

i am going to make a “grand post” soon on forums. not just for ghostlands/dragonblight, but for all players who feel that lack of activity on their servers is effecting there game. but i will link the site i have thus far created.

https:// clockworkorangegui.wixsite. com/gl-db

the main details you are after are on page 2. i am hoping for more guilds to let me use their name officially, which is why ive been delaying making the post, but time is moving on.

Thanks gonna check it out once iam home.

Then bugger off from the WoW forums and go to the forums of whatever trashy game you play atm? Why are you even allowed to be on those forums srs?

People who don’t sub to the game anymore shouldn’t be allowed to post.


Yes they should. That’s a forum, not a game.


Those are the people who you want to actually listen…

Unless you want WoW to go even more into single player mode, wich if you want there are great games out there for you.


No, they shouldn’t. This is a forum to discuss WoW, which is a game. All those people do is try to convince others (and themselves) how much the other MMOs are better and how WoW is dying.

No, I don’t want to listen to them. I have a brain, I can think for myself. I’ve been through all other MMOs, literally all of them. They seem better for like 1-2 months when you’ve burned out on WoW, then the shortcomings start appearing one by one.

I can write a long essay on why exactly WoW is the best MMO on the market by breaking down the systems of every single other MMO out there, but I won’t - why?

Because this is a forum to discuss WoW and only WoW, not to run your mouth about other games.


they are giving their perspective and opinion on current game and other games compared to current wow.

Its a valid topic to make in a game forum.