Yes I covered that in my other responses.
How many expansions were released before?
I hate this.
This wasnt true up untill Cataclysm/MoP, so we gotta look back and see what keept people entertained before.
And it wasnt lack of choice in terms of games to play.
Currently you could implement the best system ever, if the class you play doesnt feel special or the âsystemâ challenging then its gonna be a fail.
Why did people love the Mage tower?
1-Class felt special, you used your tools to complete it (reason why prune is bad)
2-It was challenging
Me and my friends dont, we only play wow.
Most arena players dont either, WoW arenas even though right now aint fun nor balanced are unique in the market.
I made a general statement about games and when new ones come out they have interests in older expansions. Some games have many expansions and others donât. The original discussion was about how all the new players or returning players to FF were being contributed to WoWâs decline, when I was pointing out that there is no way of knowing where their increased playerbase was coming from.
Personally Iâve taken a break in every expansion until Legion. People are all different.
Even when we still had subs being published you can see how numbers peak for every new expansion and every patch. This seems to be the nature of most players. There is obviously a proportion of the playerbase that always stays subbed regardless, sometimes even when they arenât actually playing.
Theyâve changed the way they measure interest in games by concentrating on MAUs now. Personally I would love it if they still release both lots of data but I donât think they ever will. Iâm not unrealistic, I know the game will never hit the sub numbers it had during Wrath.
Itâs worth noting not everyone loved the mage tower, not all of the player base could even complete it even when they could outgear it.
I have friends who loved it and did every single spec variation on every class and got every single mage tower weapon. They then worked their way through unlocking every skin.
Personally I never change main so the only one I cared about were getting the paladin ones. I think I may have done a couple of the hunter ones and the feral druid.
Iâm indifferent to getting another mage tower at this point (Iâm not against), personally Iâd prefer things like going back to tier sets that were flexible and changed with your spec, I detest Azerite, get rid of the GCD, get rid of TF/WF etc, I could go on and on but thatâs just opening a can of worms.
WoW is my main game, I try other MMOs but I usually end up back here. I spend the bulk of my time on WoW and I rarely run out of things to do. Thatâs not to say I donât sometimes play other games with friends though.
Itâs not unusual for players to take breaks from the game. This expansion Iâve seen a lot of my friends take breaks and go play other things because they just arenât enjoy the game and would rather spend their money on other things.
It doesnât really matter, the effect is the same, weather you lost those players or they arenât playing, the result is the same.
I mean who cares? Itâs a moot point, the result is still less players in the game.
@Ryura: I am not sure, if I am somehow misunderstanding what you are trying to say, but there is a big difference between fluctuations in MAUs and losing players entirely. Even my MAU generation varies from month to month, quarter to quarter, depending on how many different Blizzard games I play.
Itâs not a fluctuation itâs a nose dive into the abyss.
Fluctuations are one thing, but when you consistently get less and less players playing for a long time there is clearly a problem, i mean are we just gonna ignore the layoffs and all the trouble that happened at blizzard in the past few months? Come on.
@Ryura: Well⌠Looking fairly quickly at WCR prime time average stats⌠This week is rather low for the alliance side, there are only 7 lower points within the past 52 weeks⌠but on the horde side, there are (if I counted correctly) 27 weeks that are showing lower averages. That does not really fit a pattern of a nose dive. I am not saying things are great, but there have been numerous somewhat weaker time points looking at things that way. In light of activity update stats⌠November 2018 was weak, but still a little better than May 2016, which was really bad⌠and every month since has higher numbers than it had.
You also have to keep in mind, that both 8.2 and Classic are still ahead of us. Honestly, do you firmly believe that activity is going to go down with those launches?
I have mentioned this in previous posts (at least in other threads, if not this one), but⌠It is possible for Blizzard (as a whole, not just WoW) to gain players and lose MAUs, it is possible to lose players and gain MAUs and it is also possible to both gain or lose players while the MAUs do not change significantlyâŚ
When classic releases we will see a spike in users, personally iâm not interested in classic, but many people are, with 8.2 i donât think much will change, the game will become better but it will take much more than that to get it back into track.
And i mean is it really a coincidence that we see this when the game is not very good, wod was really bad, may 2016 was wod, and now, well bfa, call it fluctuation, but it really is just because the game was not very good, legion was better so the numbers increases, i mean itâs pretty easy to see, what happened.
The fact is that your post seem to dismiss the problem as just a fluctuation, when in reality it;s the result of a game that is not as good as it should be.
@Ryura: What would you say, if I told you that current preliminary prediction suggests that May 2019 will outperform May 2017 and May 2018, both of which were Legion time, in terms of activity updates despite the fact that WCR has lost CensusPlus users, too? And going further, Q2 will likely outperform Q1, at least as far as WoW is concerned?
I am not denying the existence of problems, there are several and 8.2 does not fix them all. I am just saying describing the current situation as a nose dive is in my opinion overtly dramatic.
First of all itâs a prediction, second, classic wow, the prediction is most probably because of the expected return of players in preparation for classic.
There is a possibility that some players will return in preparation for classic, but in may 2017 or 18 there wasnât that, i mean, come on man, this seems like cherry picking, itâs not really a fair comparison.
@Ryura: TrueâŚ
âŚbut the prediction does not include the Classic launch, it is purely based on the already existing WCR data from past 12,5 days. After all, we do not have an official launch date as of yet.
EDIT: Or are you suggesting that such return has already started?
Go on. I would love to know
LOL where do you guys get those data about the numbers? cos so faar what i have seen in game those 32m is now good for at least 3m now And this delusional made up facts about BFA got better ? LOL just fing LOL. You gyus livign in a deram world
weel gues waht the emerald dream hase been already corrupted one expansion ago you all betetr wakign up now cos you wont recieve any buffs in real live from the Ghost of Ysera to deal with the reality of the sheet show and sheet fest of this expansion.
Those numbers come from Blizzards quarterly report to their shareholders(see Q1 in the title?). Blizzard currently have 32m monthly users across: Diablo, WOW, OW, Hearthstone, HOTS and Starcraft. Why are you using âLOLâ like 11 year old on mIRC?
As for BFA getting better, well lets look at facts and systems individually:
Azerite: Adding extra ring of traits improved system a lot. New traits in 8.1 are pretty good. System as a whole is far better than it was in 8.0. Also addition of vendor was good.
Raids: Both BOD and COS are regarded as great raids and are considered better than Ulditir.
Dungeons: There was a lot of balancing and improvements in dungeons over 8.0. It made m+ much better than it was in 8.0.
Expeditions: Drop rates are higher and expeditions are slightly better than in 8.0. Also additions to dubloon vendor are great.
I donât think any systems got worse and almost all systems got better.
@Säruman: Elaynne is not being delusional. Things right now are significantly better than they were in November 2018.
This is a very limited sample (my own stats only), WCR activity updates by month. As I watch and play on a very specific set of servers across three support languages, the recent results are comparable.
November 124 915
December 146 000
January 135 493
February 130 320
March 137 111
April 140 360
May, so far and projected: 65 680 (in 11 days, I have been absent at times) and 156 622
8.1.5 helped and the figures have held above November ever since⌠and as you can see from the current projection, the servers I play on as a whole, will probably do better than they did in December, even with no patch this month.
Naturally, looking at my stats only is too limited a sample, but other CensusPlus users are showing similar patterns. Many of the top actives are showing better numbers (both historical and actual projections) than in November.
While it is theoretically possible for activity updates to go up while player counts drop, such a scenario is NOT sustainable over a pediod exceeding five months by now.
I am no longer believe in anything what Blizzard says. Those datas can be easly manipulated anyway. I will believe it if Blizz will realease an active subb data, untill then it is nothing more then BS. thats my opinion.
Your opinion is you dont believe in what they say, but youâll believe if they say it?
i know its confusing but they have to earn my trust back, (and not jsut mine my friend they have to earn back millions of players trust as well) so basicly even if they say i would not believe it even if they say it.
@Säruman: Which data are you talking about, exactly?
I totally agree especially on your points on classes, gear and difficulty. Why is it that the only difficulty you can have in this game is going into mythic +10 and higher while a bit undergeared, or in HC raids the same way. Why not make the game a bit harder to actually bring people together on group finders or just in cities. World quests were seriously a letdown because you just group with randoms, kill a bland mob/mobs etc. Classes havenât gotten much new mechanics in a while (new talents, new skillsâŚ) . Titanforging was a dumb idea and just removed completely the aspect of progression within the game. PvP got gutted with random drops and long periods of OP comps not being fixed. I have no idea why theyâre doing this to the game that probably gives them the most money. They seriously need people to get back on it and produces real content . Your Post needs so much more attention.