No, it’s not. This is a forum to discuss WoW only. General discussion of WoW. Discussing other games goes in their respective forums. The clown doomsaying is literally revolting at this point.
If you don’t like WoW/don’t play it/don’t sub anymore/think it’s trash => beat it from the forums and go to the forums of your new favorite game.
A forum should be open for newcomers or possible returning players to come in and ask questions before subbing. The issues in hand about other MMOs should not restrict people because of them.
WoW is maybe the best MMO for you, but that’s far from being the truth, be it you like it or not. Your likings do not means people should peep off because it hurts your feelings.
What are you doing here if this is not the best MMO for you? Enlighten me. Are you here to whine because you have nothing else to do at all, or because the forums of the other MMOs are dead?
It’s not a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of not discussing other products on the forum meant to discuss -WoW-. It’s even up there in the heading, do you see it? It says “World of Warcraft” with big letters.
It surely doesn’t say Final Fantasy, nor does it say Elder Scrolls Online.
Lets go to ESO and Ff14 forums and spam them about WoW . Whine about how poor both games are and tell them wow is great and that we have more subs than them in the tone of “my daddy is better than your daddy” because thats what these eso and ff players sound like.
loool i know right? I almost feel like these people are so lonely and miserable in their new ‘best’ game. Maybe they are trying to lure people to be able to play with in their new ‘best’ game? Maybe they think their misery will go away when others share it with them.
They spend so much time on wow forums gushing over how good the other games are that they are either trolling us or not playing them at all they got so much time to post.
I have no idea how many players WoW lost or didn’t lose, but I can say that for me many of the things in the OP apply, such as class design being not to my liking, titanforging (and random sockets) are not to my liking, removal of player choice is not to my liking, and so on.
Personally I’ll be maining Classic and playing Retail on & off, because I hope retail WoW greatly improves with significant changes focused on the terrible class “identity” and pruning, as well as the scaling and ugly RNG-fest.
I paid for the game for 12 years, and even though sub is cancelled I do still have game time left… so right now I am as entitled as you are to post.
I would love nothing more than for WoW to turn itself around… I have 12 years invested in it after all.
My feedback and the feedback of others is important if this game is ever going to change for the better.
Things I would like to see change:
The wow community is toxic (yes not all, but in random grouping scenarios it’s awful)
Repetitive rng upon rng
Mindless grinds - time gating to drag the content on and on
WoW rewards a high ilvl reward on par with a hc raid from a few world quests, yet people open mythic+ chest each week being disappointed by the same item, or one they don’t need… worse is when it’s for another spec!
Awful talent builds
Class pruning and totally unnecessary class revamps every expansion
Professions that are boring and uninspired… and mostly useless