I haven’t said anywhere that ff14 or eso have more subs… I said they have both had a huge influx in players that led to queues and upgraded servers to cope.
I see it would be a total waste of time to explain anything else to you. If you love WoW just how it is great, I am happy for you.
Ive asked you to explain what both games do better but you are being flippant in my view sorry.
I have played wow longer than you and find it rather disrepectful you generalize and call the whole wow player base toxic .
You are just like the rest of the negative poster only believe in your view and when questioned about it act all snotty .
Goes to show you didnt read all my post to you as i agreed with some of your points so i rest my case you are nothing more than a troll and waste of my time .
So as i said nothing helpful or constructive or suggestions to improve wow just a sarky thumbs up utter garbage reply carry on love you just add to the “toxic community”
Your retorts are poor if you have nothing of value to say why post ? all you are doing is parroting what others have said about how bad the game is yet offer nothing to improve it and when asked what eso and ff do better you relply with garbage in my view a nothing post .
Well thats how you have been so i thought i keep the same tone as you do .
And you wount answer because you have no answer i would really like for you to tell us all what those 2 games do better.
What do you expect when you call the whole community toxic ? you want people to act nice towards you .
In game people either don’t speak or toxic… now in other games I can have plenty of conversations, and if I ask for help in ff14 there are no noob, l2p or google comments.
Professions are very useful and fun, story is good, classes are varied and fun as is grouping. People actually talk… it’s great.
Ok good start but how are they better please can we have more details like :-
How many proffs in total is it the same as wow ?
Is crafting gear like TBC standards useful the whole expac ?
Ingame story is really bad but the books are solid .
we have 36 specs some are still fun rest need work on but what makes you have more fun pushing a rotation in those games compared to wow ?
its sad you seen that, were as i dont or not very often friends and guilds and good communitys help and they are still out there .
From what I’ve experienced with it :
Crafting is akin to “classes” on their own, you have skills to use to make progress in what you’re crafting and to get better quality components and such. Crafting is a fun minigame and not a “I click once” kind of thing.
The gear you craft will have stats relative to the first (I don’t know if it’s higher right currently in Stormblood) raid tier, so it helps you get started. The major point of crafting is that it’s highly profitable. It is quite expensive to level up but nets you a lot in the end.
As for Story : Up until Heavensward, ffxiv story is… Meh, there is some nice opponents though. It gets better once you start the Heavensward exp.
Classes are, let’s say, how was WoW during BC as in you’d bring nearly every classes because everyone bring valuable buff to the party (Except Black Mage). It makes up for a mixed community where you really play what you want, and you don’t get benched for it by the community stigmas.
Rotations have a few more buttons to push compared to current retail and a few skills outside GCD that makes it a better feeling to play. But be careful, during leveling the combat is a borefest and it’ll be a wall that’ll make kinda a lot of people just stop playing. It’s only good once you reach a certain level 45/50+ at minimum. There is also classes that gets bonus on their skills with their positioning; for example bonus damage if you hit the monster on the flank and next skill you’d like to throw it in the back. Things like that.
Fun thing also is that you can have every classes on 1 character, you just switch your weapon and gear and you go from a Paladin to a Scholar for example. So it’s really nice to people that like to invest fully on 1 character.
I can’t really tell about Stormblood situation, as I took a break at the end of Heavensward, and I’m currently releveling my character.
Blizzard needs to learn that they can’t cater to everyone (it’s impossible). What makes the situation worse now is that people are spoiled with “ez” stuff and you can’t make the game “complicated” anymore.
Oh I also forgot something about crafting : You can craft nice furnitures for your guild mansion. And it feels comfy to chat in a nice mansion with guildies.
I like that i would have so done that for my garrison.
They had such a good idea just messed it up .
With proffs in wow they have gone from stand in SW and buy mats and power level to in legion doing 28 + quests and ranks then to BFA ranks again rng and huge amount of mats just to get to 75/150 .
The only profession that did something for the garrison was Archeology iirc ? Since you could put your discoveries in a room dedicated for it.
They did so much change with professions every expansions in wow I don’t really know what they want to do with them anymore. I just don’t like the current professions we have. Give us some quests, toys, more things like catching nets and such. Make professions a nice asset to have