i mean if it came instead of classic, not back then
Ah yes.
The weekend posts show is about to begin…
Any good seats left?
Like I said, intellectually dishonest.
Also, classic will fail horribly. The world is a completely different place to 15 years ago when the game came out.
Well yes the fact that Blizzcon sold out means that the company still has a solid base of people who play the games and want to go to it. This is something that is completely contradicting all the doom mongers and naysayers that continue to use the stories issued in various business and financial magazines to say that Blizzard is on it’s way down.
If the tickets can sell out that fast it proves that at least in part some people are hopeful this year they have taken on board the lessons they learned the hard way in the last one and changed course. But at the moment it seems the company’s direction is not looking that way.
They have lost all of the core founder members of the company retired or moved on or quit the industry entirely as a profession and it’s now being run by a company who’s objective is to make as much money as they can and they have ripped out the soul of the company in the process. And look at the two high profile people who have recently left one who has gone to Square because after having laid off 800 people was likely probably fully aware they became universally detested by any one else who worked there.
And the other was job hunting working there and went off to Netflix as they got a much better job with them. That’s telling in itself. But it seems to me now that greed is what is ruling Activision and that’s what they will do going forwards.
I think regardless of how badly or well the company performs the atmosphere in such a work place must be no fun to be in. The industry press is also taking a swipe at them as well which never use to happen years ago. But now it is a regular thing as well.
I get the company is in trouble there is no doubt about that but what really bothers me is the persistent need to keep knocking them as well it’s not getting anything fixed it’s a depressing vicious circle of attack and attack and attack and nothing constructive comes from it.
A very sad state of affairs.
You sound really angry. Careful to not have a heartstroke.
I was here since Vanilla, and no it was not the pure gem you all make it ought to be.
You also seem to forgot that yes, as you said it’s been more than a decade since it’s been released, people grow up, get bored, look up new things to do. Of course sub numbers will lower that’s normal.
Keep screeching though. That’s funny.
When I finished reading the original post I saw this button
I didn’t need a summary when I looked up again at the post…
Oh my god! Where can I get these?
Edit: Sorry Aerensiniac but your technicolour farts made me giggle
Did we perhaps hurt your feelings by saying part of WoW succes is due to it and the MMORPG overall still being fresh ? Poor thing.
Re read OP nonesense about how vanilla BC and Wotlk were great based on a few elements and then blame WoW failures to them. It’s easy to blame some features without taking into account what was recieved in return. This post is no criticism, this is pure BS.
WoW held on for 15y because it kept evolving, but it’s initial succes is partialy due to the communities it created and partialy because it was one of the first to bring people together.
“Experts” before vanilla claimed the market for MMO was at most 1M players worldwide. Vanilla reached this amount in a matter of weeks. If anything it shows how many opportunities people had to play online.
If you believe vanilla succes and the fact it was one of the first game to bring people together are unrelated than you may have more issues than we do.
Thats a flat out lie. Great way to start a conversation.
Which ironically doesnt contradict the fact that wow refugees is there too
Yeah, im sure that everyone, including people like Bellular just lie about wow streams going away. Either that or refer to the answer to your first line.
Then again, just for giggles, should i look up the actual numbers on it just like for wowhead?
Point ignored and bs released. While wow is bleeding out, they are opening new server parks. If the conjecture is too hard to figure out, then im sorry. I wont insist on trying.
Which means what? EA that has been voted the worst trash company of america consecutively, is still making millions too, mostly on well informed and rational people such as yourself and your blizzcon ticket buyers.
Even beyond that: The fact that tickets sold out sure as hell tells a lot about how the last one wasnt a disaster that was felt across the entire industry.
Finally: You posted 5 lines demagogy, then decided to ignore the one with hard numbers behind it. I wonder why.
Good luck with that narrative.
How is this monthly stuff calculated?
Like for example if I play hearthstone and wow, and my friend only plays wow and we both quit wow. I still play hearthstone while he no longer uses blizz service. how is this calculated?
- is it 2 units out of 3?
- or 1 unit out of 2?
Or to phrase differently is 1 user calculated as a physical person or as an account per game meaning 1 physical person can represent multiple units?
If it’s a lie , than why don’t you prove your claim.
Give us a list of the streamer who left. You made the claim and call other lier. Now it’s your turn to prove what you said
u forget about multiboxer in this Active Account count that has 8 accounts and use 7 of them to multibox (that is legit and allowed).
Alright then. World of warcraft twitch stats it is.
The average numbers for 2018 august:
- Viewers: 75’517
- Channels: 1915
Comparing to 2019 may averages:
Viwers: 27’214
Channels: 909
You know, just a drop of 50k viewers and roughly 1000 streamers in 8 months?
But let me ask you a better question: You are asking me to prove my point on the largest database humanity has built to date, the internet. Remind me please, why arent you the one looking up facts if you want to disprove me?
Is it laziness or do you perceive it to be counter productive to risk looking for the facts yourself cause you might prove me right?
Per battlenet logins.
If i may ask, could you show me statistics for may 2018? Or may 2017?
For twitch ?
May 2018 : 760 channel 70173 viewers at peak
May 2017 : 575 channels 30738 viewers at peak
Lots of people here with no acctual information making baseless claims.
WoW could have been 3 million of those players, wow could also have gained players and the loses was bigger then 3 million on the other games.
we. do. not. have. the .numbers.
10 May 2018 15.000
9 May 2019 20.000
Nice it even went up
Are those peak viewers or average? Cause his 2019 statistic is average.
Woops here is the average
May 2018 : 17812
May 2017 : 11055
Okay so:
May 2017: 575 channels 11055 average viewers
May 2018: 760 channels 17812 average viewers
And according to our great hero Aerensiniac:
May 2019: 909 channels 27214 average viewers
So in may 2019 there are as many viewers as in may 2017 and 2018 combined and almost twice channels than it was in 2017 and around 30% more channels than it was in 2018?