So it seems like he was right. All streamer left and wow is dying
Isnt wow streaming on a all time high with the world first streams each tier?
The only logical explanation as to why the current dev team is still in place is that Activision Blizz wants to shut down WoW and milk us as much as possible until that happens.
In any field, business or sports or whatever, if something isnât working the first thing you do is change the leadership.
So either theyâre intent on pulling the plug, either the game isnât doing nearly as bad as it looks.
Ye cause he compared expansion release month to a usually quiet month. August is when BFA was released
I feel stupid now.
Well so far your fun facts were just baseless assumptions used to make yourself look clever, nobody knows the true figures except Blizzard, that is a fact, the only one that matters!
They were so good because they were new. Most people didnât even know what an mmo is. For example, i upgraded to wow from super mario or some shooter game i dont even remember. The magical atmosphere, the lack of knowledge and being very inexperienced is why wow was so good back in those days, and sorry but those feelings will never ever come back. Nothing will be able to give them back to you. These are just nostalgia spasm.
Most changes Blizzard did was because of players. Players has changed and thatâs why the game has changed. So they actually listen to players and re-shape the game according to them.
Many of the Diablo developers moved over to WOW after the last Diablo expansion was delayed or cancelled
Probably because it is cheaper to keep him than fire him or maybe no one wants the job currently with all of the complaints about WOW at the moment
They really do not care about PVP and with less players doing it, perhaps they want it to die a slow death.
They change classes because everything else is templated or someone just thinks changing classes and breaking them is the way to go and gives them something to do.
I would say that titanforging and warforging are not the issues this expansion, at least right now. Not when you can get 395 level trinkets from emissaries, 400 level weapons and gear also from emissaries, plus high level gear from war fronts.
Uldir was not that bad to be honest but I did not understand why the Alliance would attack that zone, Horde had every reason to
Not sure if it is easier and easier, people still struggle if they they have not did anything to get some of the free gear, for example try being a new character without a legion artifact to BFA, while you can kill demons and rares in Legion, a quillboar will kill you quicker in Drustvar
I assume you are talking about the loot changes, I agree it should be up to guilds to decide
Sharding is to help with the # of players and well as everything is on the cloud and you need it, but it is not helping with lag, at least not in Boralus
I have only used LFG once and decided to look on here to find a guild for my horde alt, most people could care less for communities anyways, they use Discord or social media
Hmmm that begs to differ, to me the reason why the old zones were good, was due to the storylines, nothing beats the WOTLK story line. I think the issue is the lack of engaging content to keep everyone happy, plus classes do not need to change every single expansion, not to mention the continuous adding of different currencies and more things to grind, just create something called a WOW medal and let us earn those across expacs. A new currency or currencies is not needed every single patch.
did we play the same legion?
Really good unless you only played PvP.
Hello, just diving in because of the argument of numbers. Is it a trend to be illogical or are you being on purpose?
I DO NOT KNOW if the numbers he has are correct or not nor do I care to tell the truth. But you cannot deny the fact that you do not need blizzard official numbers to learn about the playerbase number. Based around wow platforms traffic will tell you a lot about it. I bet with some calculus and if you blend in 4-5 different websites you could get the number to a thousand approximation.
Saying that you need to see a cat to tell cats exists is a plain and simple insult to our intellect. We have a billion ways to tell you atoms exist, hell is there something we are more sure about? ( Spoilers yes according to Descartes ) , but we cannot show you one. Do you doubt it because one part of your person ( your eyes) cannot certify they exist? If the answer is yes, you are missing on a lot of opportunities to use this wonderful thing you got at birth, your brain.
PS : I do agree that implying wow is dying when there is still at least a one million people community is a bit silly. Or the fact that decreasing numbers has to do with the quality of the game. We could elaborate a lot on it but Its getting very late here so I will just put it here so people donât act like martyrs and think Iâm helping one specific person.
Vanilla to mid wotlk were good days but i would not want to go back to that point in the game not with the 2019 safe space i am offended by everything people.
I wonder why that is
Mainly because it has nothing to do with you? What would you do if you knew the figures? Nothing, youâve left the game, so why are you still here if only to spout crap?
Like I said to your other reply I have a right to provide feedback to threads if I like.
Who are you to tell me otherwise?
Think youâll find I asked you a question, Didnât tell you anything, may need to get the difference between those points sorted if you wish to give good feedback.
I gave examples in the other threadâŚ
but really, why is ion still game director?
Maybe there isnât anyone crazy enough to try to clean up this awful mess?
if you guys like BFA then you are mindless fake fan boy.