You just lost millions of players in 1Q 2019

I played Legion and I liked it a lot, the raids were great, the m+ introduction was a big + for the game, the specific class quests were rly well done, the mage tower challenge was fun, the zones like Suramar and Stormheim were nice.

Or maybe we are just people with different tastes from your, able to form our own opinions.


Different people like different things, I enjoy BfA, woudn’t be playing it if I didn’t, I enjoyed WoD more than Legion, just my tastes, Cata was ok, hated Wrath, no idea why…
It’s just a shame that people can’t see things Black and White, that they have to either like it or hate it, and are ridiculed if they don’t appear to conform.

Ion has been working on the WoW for a long time, he worked on a design of the raids even in a Wotlk era which a lot of the people praise on this forum, he brought to us the raids like ICC which a lot of the people liked. But I don’t expect from the cringy type of the people which like to portray everything nowadays in a negative light and in a doom and gloom fashion to know that.

Besides when it comes to the WoW I highly doubt that just one person is responsible for the direction of its design, Ion is just the most exposed figure to the public from the dev team. I remember how in the past when the other people were in the charge like Ghostcrawler they faced the similar type of the criticism like he is now from the part of the playerbase to. Its hard to be the dev in this game with so many different types of the players, you can’t please everyone all the time, there will always be some people which will not like some parts of it.

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There’s a simple answer to all of this. It keeps their cash cows happy, the ones that are happy to be milked for, in some cases, thousands of extra euro’s/dollar’s each year. That is why they aren’t really too bothered about sub numbers or even the state of the game and it shows by the way they keep tossing fodder at them.


Here is the thing. There is no save way to find out how many player play. If you want to look at player activity than our green friend should be able to post is statistics which show an increase over last few months

And now we just provided the numbers with , that the streamer activity almost doubeld itself.

But what the guy who brought twitch numbers in just did , was post fake numbers to prove something. Because he believed it is this way anyway. Now he is proven wrong and doesn’t talk anymore

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just cause ion did something good 11 years ago, doesn’t mean he gets a free pass for creating rubbish now?

and again, i say that whenever he gives an interview, it just looks like he couldn’t care less. there is no emotion on his face. THAT is one of the main reasons i dont think he should remain in a position of authority.

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What kind of feedback is that ? Definitively its not something which can anyone take seriously and make improvements on the game based on that. I see often comments thrown in now on the forums about how the game is rubbish, how something is not right without any specified details what is not right about that in the game, how that should be improved, and without the mentioned alternatives which could possibly work better than the things currently implemented. And as I said Ion has been a member of the design team for a long time, he didn’t created good things just in the Wotlk era. And about his responses when he got interviewed about the game I think how sometimes he is just not in the position to answer on everything because he might not know at that time how something will be implemented in the game if its still in the development phase or he might not be even the person in the team responsible for developing that specific part of the game for which he is questioned about.

how can the fact that he always looks bored out of his skull not be a thing of concern? he is a director for the game. he is meant to be guiding where the game goes. also, as i found out recently, he was a lawyer, which explains how so much of what he says seems to be words to just make sound rather than answer anything. there is a difference between not saying something because its a secret/surprise, and purposely avoiding actually saying anything.

just look at the last “face” before ion, chris metzen looked like he was a child in a candy store all the time. it gave you hope that something good was coming.

i dont trust ion, cause it looks like he dont care. and he is in charge. so if he is in charge, and doesnt care, then dont hold your breath for great things.

but on point. the game is bleeding players. anyone who trys to deny that is deluding themselves or trolling.

again i say, that on my server, i would guess that nearly 20% of the toons that took part in legion (101-110) have since quit the game and not lvled past 110. ie. not played bfa.


Metzen was entertaining figure for the game I agree, but its not a job of the game director to entertain players in their public presentations, but to work on the design. And personally I never had that impression how Ion is not caring about the game.

Also I see that you are playing on the Ghostland server, well that one from what I remember was never one of the top servers when it comes to the pop in the EU for the horde. It was always behind the ones like Kazzak or the Draenor, and I wouldn’t be surprised that a lot of the people moved from there over the years to some other ones with a better pop for the endgame reasons.

i can agree, it probably isn’t a game directors job to entertain players. but in that case he should stay away from the limelight, and delegate someone a bit more energetic who obviously likes the game to do such presentations. and come on, the only reason ion probably looks at the camera is there is probably a clock behind it and he is counting down the time till he can go. he looks soooooooooo bored all the time. but also, he evades questions. not just doesn’t answer them. he evades them.

yes, ghostlands has been in decline since faction change came out in wotlk and loads of people jumped ship, but while it has been losing players over the years, this 20%~ would be only since the start of legion, and more likely from the end of legion. eg, played during AtBT but never came back.

I do wish we could go back to the other ways tbh. All their other games are measured that way so I guess it gives them consistency.

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Ion is a lot like George Lucas both i think in reality have lots of passion for what they do but both need somebody standing back of them with a rolled newspaper roll.

Passion is good but you also need limits and not be surrounded by yes men who think everything you do is pure gold.

Currently it feels that Ion has surrounded himself with yes men who say that he poops gold.

I agree it’s like certain royal courts there was always one person on the monarch’s councillors who was permitted to speak out if needed if they felt the monarch was going too far or being too lenient or so on.

It would be a good thing if Ion was under that kind of scrutiny but I suspect that he probably would not be because it would look bad if not unprofessional in say development meetings if someone raised a hand and then told him x y or z is not the right way to move forwards or change the game.

Very tricky in a large company to have someone with the right temperament for that role with out embarrassing him or getting the ire of the rest of the people who act like nodding donkeys to his every idea for fear of being demoted or being fired.

Do you remember the CM Ythisen or so who got laid off recently ? He gave a interview in a classic podcast. In this he explained how the work situation at blizzard is and that the door to the higher ups is most of the time open and if someone has a complain about the game , they were always allowed to voice them directly ( aslong as they didn’t disturb something ).

I don’t know if he lied about this. But he got fired , so why should he ?

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Well that’s a pretty poor attitude an open door policy if you have issues and being terminated from employment if your idea is not in line with what the lead’s of the development team think. Almost like gagging someone from having a different view for speaking to it. That’s the kind of company culture I personally would have a hard time to work in.

More so when I can see what being done is inherently wrong and taking things in a bad direction. If he lied it’s a different matter entirely.

What ? No he was praising blizzard for being such a open company and good to their employees.

He got laid off because his job does not exist anymore.

No one gets fired ( as far as we know ) who had a different opinion. Where did you get that ?

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Never this much tho. Sure badges in Wrath and fowards was a thing.
TBC had a bit of catch-up gear when Sunwell launched on that Isle.
But it’s never been invalidated this quickly before in the history of WoW, i’ve played and raided through every expansion including classic and I’ve never seen it be this crazy before literally even once.

Ffxi, guild wars, lotro, aion, lineage 2, everquest, runescape, global agenda, rift…

If you wanna try to undermine the ops point by being obtuse then atleast put some effort into it.

yea but your opinions broke the game and unfortunately blizzard listen to players like you.