You just lost millions of players in 1Q 2019

@Jinsk: Actually, a loss of 3 million MAUs does NOT mean millions of players were necessarily gone, as I have already explained in several other threads.

Second, as several other posters already noted, the limited available data very strongly suggests that losses are mainly elsewhere than WoW. Of course some WoW players are gone, but the amount is not millions, most likely not even hundreds of thousands as actiivity levels in both US and EU are climbing in comparison to November 2018, which was the weakest point of last year.

EDIT: Deleted an excess letter.

From all the comments I come to conclusion that Legion saved WoW when TBC and WOTLK almost deatroyed the game.

All of which came after WoW was released at a difficulty level that made it accessible to the everyday gamer. Prior to WoW MMOs were for the most part only played by hardcore gamers, WoW changed that and opened the doors to the games that you have just rattled off.

and this is what most people seem to forget, and think instantly it is subs that dropped, even if this do not need to be true, considering it could only be that people log in less now.

what game that is mostly affected we do not know, but offcourse all the huge drama queens say, wow is dying, Blizzard is going bankcrupt, yes I manage to over hear that from some 12 year olds, when I walked past their school lol.

WoW is definitely losing subs. This is BfA we’re talking about, so it’s stupid to assume that this is not the case. However, we will never know how many people quit.

@Uruk: I would use the wording “has lost”. The current data does not support them actively decreasing in large amounts at the moment. The limited data suggests that there was a turning, by the calculations I made last year, somewhere fairly close, if not exactly on, December 8th.

WCR activity update stats are higher in December, January, February, March, April and during the current 12 days running than they were in November. While it is mechanically possible for subs to sink while activity goes upwards, such a situation would be highly unusual, especially over a period now most likely already exceeding five months in a row.

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“You just lost millions of players”… According to what exactly? Youtubes video made by retail haters who talk about “ThIs Is HoW BliZzArD aLiEnAtEd iTs OwN pLaYeRbAse”? Or Asmongold who makes a living out of streaming his subjective criticism about retail simply because it’s not Vanilla?

The reason i can’t take these topics seriously anymore is because the forum was filled with the same topics during Legion as well, which is now considered one of the best expansion of the game. There were people who cried about not being able to get into groups because there were no groups at all because the game was already dead (which is obviously not true).

This is how currently, in this minute, the server population looks like: Well, wanted to link an imgur picture here but its not allowed, so there it is: 8 full/15 high population servers. Meanwhile after 9 months in Legion there were 2-3 full servers and a few high population ones. This certainly doesn’t look like “dying” to me.

I don’t think that the few hundred people on this forum realize how insignificant their own hatred towards the game is.

The point of the OP seems lost to him I am afraid if WOW had lost millions it would prove WOW was in a very good state before Q1 results which in turn would make redundant previous post of WOW is doing badly.

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@Mortheria: :D:D:D Indeed… and on the other hand as some doom sayers have claimed, if WoW had taken as heavy hits as they claim, the current player base would in fact be below zero. :D:D:D

Hang on there a little Trelw… are you saying we aren’t below 0 subs as the doom sayers say? D: I am in shock

@Dhoobswow: Of course you are, you are a paladin… one of your optional versions in Diablo is a Shockadin. ;):smiley: chuckles at his own bad pun

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We were talking about vanilla, tbc and wotlk here. Half of those games existed and was played trough 100% of that list and all of them existed trough wotlk. Point still stands imo.

also considering bfa did sell realy well when it was launched, I meen better than legion, so loosing 1miljon players would make wow have over 10 miljon players, offcourse this is in not a fact, and 1 miljon players they talk about is from all games, and it was loggins they where talking about not players, something I would say over half the doom sayers get wrong all the time

I play crusader kings 2 game of thrones mod

I dont see myself as a “doomsayer”, in fact im usually a very positive guy.

But it gets to a point where people are not positive, just delusional.

The game is in the worst shape it has ever been you actually hurt it if you defend it at “any costs”.

Sure, opinions are pretty volatile and what i enjoy its probably diferent from you and the other way around.

The problem comes when there are “constants” of what the general population doesnt enjoy and those usually are tied to what i wrotte:
-Class design
-Character progression
-No feeling of danger out in the world
-Lackluster communication (specially compared to classic forums)
-Lackluster systems
-No community feeling with all the sharding

Then there is another thing wich is called “arrogance”.
From the designers
From one guy called “Lore”

Im not saying to sack/fire people but the lack of LOVE for wow is clear so they should just be moved to other games.

Heard they (Activision Blizzard) are betting on mobile games, maybe thats the move.

I guess eso and ff14 having huge amounts of new players has nothing to do with people quitting wow then :thinking:

Correct, none whatsoever!! Since when does playing two games become a mutually exclusive event?

People can play more than one thing you know!

When games have to increase servers because they suddenly cannot handle all the new players?

I am one of them btw :wink:

And yet there is not one single piece of evidence that supports your ridiculous claim that the increased player numbers are from WoW…

In ff14 you get a seedling icon by your name when you’re new… I have joined a lovely Free Company and I am amazed by the fact that every new player I have chatted to has left wow after years of playing it, because it just isn’t the game it once was.

The seedling icon is great… people chat to you, offer help and advice… in wow you’d get slaughtered by abuse :rofl: