You need to do 627 BGs for a fully upgraded honor set

I swear i read (embarrassing) instead of (paraphrasing)… had to do a double take. :joy:

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Well, it is also embarrasing.

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Oh, I forgot to add that for most classes the vendors are utterly useless aswell, since they do not provide the required stat combinations. So there is that aswell. A job well done, Ion!

They’ve dug their own graves with how easy and fast you can gear up with mythic plus. It invalidated so many aspects of this game it’s insane.

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There are bonus honor for first wins, alliance bonus and might some quests, anyway you not supposed to get good gear afking in bgs for evening or two.
If you are so peeveepee player you can play ranked for higher honor gain

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Yep… well at this point, let players gear up and actually play the game.
Raids have an end game… up to mythic.
M+ has… well m+ as high as you can go
PVP has… well i guess the feeling of overpowering someone lower geared than you? xD Though some play it since it’s interactive vs players, which has many different outcomes, so you could say you’d play even if you wouldn’t get higher gear.

Well… let’s just say, they could have offered different transmogs as an end-game in pvp, mounts, pets, whatever non-power related. A lot of players would play for that even if they geared up as fast as in m+.
Though rng still comes in in m+, but at least they are spammable.

imagine having faith in blizzard in 2020
getting gear was an issue during entire bfa why would they suddently care now
SL will be the same rng fiesta where nobody will be bis geared even after 6 months of farming

Well… let’s just say, they could have offered different transmogs as an end-game in pvp, mounts, pets, whatever non-power related. A lot of players would play for that even if they geared up as fast as in m+.

I mean PvP has a recolor of the current mythic raid set, multiple titles, multiple mounts, toys and pets. If your main focus in the game is PvP, and only PvP, you’re handicapping yourself so much that it almost makes it impossible to compete with people who do PvE to play PvP.

Couldn’t you apply this to literally any group content?

You can afk through raids and dungeons too, so they shouldn’t reward gear either.


Considering you need to spend 150 hours worth of BG playtime just for a M0 set, I think your argument is very illogical.

Again, the conquest gear doesn’t even give you the stats you need, there’s quite literally 0 useful pieces for all cloth users.

And where are all those so called “afking” players inside bgs eh? Ye, it’s bs.

No one is asking for the best gear, people are asking to be viable in PvP with gear that comes from PvP activities, which is a stepping stone to better gear from conquest.

PvP should be about skill, not gear. No one complained and wanted elite gear if they didn’t have a high rating, yet people were still viable. If you don’t even understand that with your honor level, then you’re pretty dumb.

People who do M+ and Mythic raiding should not have an huge edge when it comes to gearing in an activity they don’t participate in, simple as that. The best gear for PvP should come from PvP.

You didn’t even play before 2016, so you don’t even know what PvP gearing was like.


Is this serious ?

And I was probably only person, who actually liked templates, but players hated it and they removed them.

Templates were nice on paper and kinda worked out well, but there was also 0 feeling of getting stronger which made PvP feel pretty stale for me personally. Also not being able to use stuff in bgs didn’t feel right.

Well pvp is all about skil, so gear is irrevelent there, so not a big deal really.
Also pve gearing will be slower too, so it makes sense a slow paced pvp gearing. You also get conquest gear, this honor gear is just to cover up parts you miss.

Pvp should give gear what you need for pvp. By your logic why is it ok to get good gear by afking in mythics? Groups can run those dungeon even by 3 guys. Or just buy boost and afk.

To make it fair guys need to run 627 heroics to unlock mythic0?

In pvp gear doesn’t matter, all can be ilvl100 and pvp will still work. Pvp is more skill based. For pve you only fight set numbers, so gearing must be faster. At least you have something now.

only 627 bg’s?

Good. Then by the time 9.2 arrives, they’ll be done with 9.0 gearing which will be a tiny bit better than mythic 0 gear.

Nice. What a system to pursue.


Idk why Blizzard is so against a PvP stat back into the game.

It would make PvP gear so much better in 0 time since PvP stat would be king over everything else.

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A solution for that would be that if the max ilvl of pvp gear is … let’s say 220ilvl and max ilvl pve gear is 230ilvl, then scale down anything higher than 220 to 220.

Pretty simple and effective solution, that way you can do pve to get gear to pvp with, but it’s the same as the highest available in pvp.
So you wouldn’t have any advantage of higher ilvl gear if you pve to pvp.

Regardless, the outcome is still ridiculous, whether its 600 BG’s, 300 or 100, no?

You kind of made a non point.