You need to do 627 BGs for a fully upgraded honor set

How disappointing! i was looking forward to grinding some pvp gear in battlegrounds. oh well ¯_(ツ)_/¯

By the time one finds the vendor, they easily did 627 BGs already

considering we don’t know how we are going to get honor in shadowlands, your argument is very illogical.

you can’t afk in other group content, unless you convinced others to do your part before :unamused:

tell me then

That makes no sense, what makes BGs so much more susceptible for such easy “afking” but not other group content?
Furthermore, if everyone was just afking in BGs, they would not grant wins at all, so SOMEONE has to be playing still.

People had to rely on bots back in MoP to be able to actually afk through BGs, which doesn’t really happen anymore, and hasn’t for years.

You have a report AFK button, which people do use.

Definitely not.

Not with the current system in play.

If the game was as simple as classic days when it came to gear, then DEFINITELY would have agreed with you on that one.

But with so many many many random stats and hidden effects and other procs that happen every second of fighting, having extra stat for pvp, would just mean carrying 5 extra sets of armor. Our bags won’t handle that anymore.

They could just officially make vers a pvp stat and that’ll be better.

Yes pvp is skill based, but gear still matters. Put 2 equally skilled players against each other with same class and spec. Other player is with mythic0 gear with correct stats needed and other player with this new pvp gear. Think witch one will win?

plus people get auto-kicked if they’re really afk.

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Problem is, if PvE gear is good for everything, and offer a lot of stat combination, it allows you to optimize your gear in a way PvP vendor can’t.

So PvP players will probably end up doing M0 and Heroics and will probably end up better geared with 1/4 of the effort and time they would need to invest in bgs.

Plus if PvE gear can be used in PvP and viceversa, there will always be a faster and better way to gear up, and that is usually PvE.

If PvP gear does not give a good reason to get it people will simply do some effortless PvE content and get gear that is decent for way less effort.

Idc what solution they find, but people need a reason to buy gear farming bgs instead of doing a m0 and cutting the grind by a lot.

You can just do M+ to get better gear?! I dont see the issue. Besides we are all going into the shadowlands to stop sylvanas. There is an armestice between the Horde and The Alliance. No reason to PVP

If it was other way around (PvP having easier and higher ilvl gear than PvE) you would be the first one to rage on forums :wink:

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Oh but we do know it, why else do you think we can apply a number to it hm?

I’m glad roleplayers think this way, but I and a huge portion of PvP’ers do not.

Obviously, that would make no sense. Getting Mythic level gear from something as simple as battlegrounds. That would make raiding useless

oh boi
afking in bg is figure of speech here, means content that require little to no skill and cooperation to achieve results.

and afker has minute to get into combat and drop afk report :neutral_face:

i suggest you watch less ckickbait videos and use own brain more, it may be tiresome at the begining but will greatly benefit you in longer term.

Apologies, but I’m experiencing the beta myself and the sheet provided is very very real.

It doesn’t really matter how long it will take to fully upgrade the honor gear.
Let’s say it would require 2 weeks by playing daily for 3-4 hours for full upgraded honor gear.
Then you would still get destroyed by everyone having hc raid gear.
WoW’s main focus is PvE, so PvP gear will never be completely equal, especially with best stat combinations (at least as long as PvP and PvE gear aren’t seperated through a PvP stat or scaling).

But I wonder how bad it will hit casual BGs. Before Legion gear for being stronger was the motivation. In Legion it were the rewards for honor levels and in BfA it was the pretty high weapon for 500 conquest points. And from WoD onwards less and less people care about PvP, especially with the growth in PvE content (WQs, M+ dungeons, and other PvE features).
Unless you will again be able to get a good weapon through a conquest cap the number of players for rnd BGs will get even lower.

Much like… group content in general?

If you weren’t able to effectively AFK through most of it, you wouldn’t be able to boost people who have no business in +15s or mythic raids.
Which does happen, a lot.

if you dont pull your weight you get kicked in group content in general, except randombg.

boosted person isnt getting stuff for free, because boosted person has to put effort into convincing others to carry him/her.

I hate m+
If it is primary way to gear for BGs again I will not purchase SL as this just repeat of what we have now - worst I have ever saw casual pvp & BGs.
PvP Gear is already here u already did it te crap way

Back in my day we did BGs because they were fun.

Remember doing things for fun?

Spoke like a true Dragonslayer