You need to do 627 BGs for a fully upgraded honor set

Oh I’m letting you off with that I don’t want to risk getting banned on here

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Don’t be ridiculous!

They’ll go; “you asked for vendors but nobody used them” and take them away again.

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You’re probably right man, i got nothing on this… :joy:

I’ve seen many people do just awful DPS in +10s, and not get called out for it. Those people didn’t get kicked, like, ever.

And even the fact that +10s are pretty comparable in effort put to random BGs, yet yield ridicilously more lucrative rewards is pretty telling of how poorly the system-to-be in Shadowlands works.
Also, I don’t even think BGs should reward THE best possible gear, but as it stands, they are effectively obsolete in the progression path, both in BfA and SLands.

Best course of action is to scrap the idea of a conjoined system, and separate the 2 modes of play via pvp-specific gear.
Having a mode of play such as BGs be completely sidelined is just wrong, people want to play BGs, but they have nothing to gain out of doing so (i.e. it feels like a waste of time until you’re already decked out), apart from bloating their stats on a 3rd party leaderboards site, which is a pretty niche audience.

Wouldn’t worry too much this just seems way too slow to be a thing when PvP in Shadowlands kicks off. Its possible it will still be bad but I doubt this will go live.

You get everything wrong. When shadowlands hits live server things will be different from what we have now at the end of expansion cycle.
To finish m0 with little effort you would need gear that drops in m0 in every slot, to get that kind of gear you would need finish m0 in blues from heroic first. It’s serious entry barrier for majority of playerbase especially those without capable friends.

Random bg has no entry barrier you queue you get inside you do whatever you want you get reward. So it’s very natural that such way to acquire gear would require biggest time investment, exactly because skill requirements are nonexistant. You either work hard (no skill requirement content with huge time investment) or you work smart (high skill requirement, low time investment). M0 also has weekly lockout, mind you.

nah, rated bgs require soooo much more skill instead :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

m0 wasn’t difficult at any point.

BGs have a wildly varying difficulty, how should we compensate for winning against a 5man geared premade, for example?

Ostensibly no, but in practice it does, since you are a huge handicap to your team’s ability to win if you’re not geared, or not contributing.

Your idea of going into BGs and getting rewards for doing nothing is little more than wishful “in theory”-line of thinking.
If you go into BGs thinking you can do nothing, you are torpedoing your team’s ability to win in a big way.

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Can i ask when you typically start doing m0 and with what gear? I usually start doing them after getting closer to hc dungeon gear, and it’s nowhere near “wasn’t difficult” both in terms of effort and success rate.

From my experience, good player would have like 10-15% higher win rate in regular bgs than random clueless noob with no gear, because both teams are largely made of such noobs. Horde player also can win epic bgs just standing at resp, becuase the horde has like 80% win rate in those nowadays :unamused:

If bg content requires no skill why do you loose all epic bg matches? Stop AFKING!

can you be more wrong, idiotic and condescending? lmao

you’re literally clueless, going off on people with very valid points and providing absolutely nothing to the discussion.

take several seats please, you’re a moron.

so your content is lfr and +15, literally the most afk-able content in game lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Whenever friends ask me to. I wasn’t exactly counting minutes with a stopwatch.

If you “just stand at resp”, you’ll get reported for afk.

Winrates in random BGs are an unreliable metric, since the stats can be manipulated (or directed/skewed towards a certain outcome) very easily.

Fighting what is effectively a 8-9 v 10 fight is a considerable handicap, so even just 1 person being undergeared and clueless on your team can easily lose it for you.

You avoided answearing question, it means you were not trying m0 in blues i guess, as i expected tbh

and if you reported afk you have minute to enter combat and drop report, how many times should i repeat it?

winrate in random BGs is very reliable metric when you have 10k+ random bgs on your back on various chars, like me.

Random bgs are full of people people who are nothing else but handicap to their team, it’s content for that kind of players afterall. 1 more or less isn’t really big issue. BGs are too big and involves too many players to allow solo good player reliably carry bad team, so “good” player isn’t really getting much more honor than bad one.

i had keystone master this season months before you finished your first +15 in time, so keep lmfaoing, It’s a bit funny i do agree on that.

oh my. you’re a pro player

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Targeted farming vs weekly RNG.

Best get cracking!

I did them during the first days of BfA. What else other than quest and dungeon blues could I have been using during that time, that didn’t come out of m0s themselves?

When I say I wasn’t really doing exact measurements in regards to what my ilevel was when I got invited to my first m0 in BfA, I didn’t mean I did it half a season later when I had full epics, I mean I dont remember if I had done 1 or 5 heroic dungeons prior.

Only exact thing I do remember that I had a 288 or so ilevel dagger on my offhand even in my 4th m0, because I was having rotten luck on 2nd weapon dropping.

Applies to epic BGs only, and if you’re in a position where your entire team is throwing, you’re losing anyway, at which point the content is not “rewarding afking” anyway.

Because people are consistently applying their undergear/underperform handicap onto them in BGs.

BG wins are not a zero sum game, someone has to win and/or lose (and draws are considered a lose-lose).

Yeah, if you apply undergeared/underperforming to m0 you get no invite, in randombg you are always accepted. That is why difference in rewards is in place. Work hard or work smart.

On my main I used to have 75%+ random bg win ratio, it means (not gonna do the math as I have no beta access and cba looking stuff up for a quick forum answer) I will get gear ~30% earlier than others.
BUT as I play horde I only need to wait 10 minutes for a bg queue to pop up, most of the time the bg is already lost and I’m backfilling, not gaining honor for the progress the team already made and finish the bg with ~50-120 honor gained and I’m back in the queue for another 10 minutes and I have a good chance on backfilling once again. This is the exact reason why I don’t do bgs anymore.
The current iteration of upgradable pvp gear is okay, the numbers and stat combinations are not.
Blizzard wants feedback from the pvp players’ pov, here it is in this topic.
You don’t do any pvp, why are you trying to invalidate the work of others?

Or alternatively you can just use guild and other cliques to get your m0 done.

More reliable than doing the same in random BGs too, because you can basically never guarantee a win in BGs, unlike m0.

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