As you can see from the previous replies of mine that you haven’t read, you see that I respect the Draenei and the way they use their Light. The Zandalari Paladins are a metaphysical middle finger specifically for the pious Human races because the Kul Tirans won’t be able to play as a Paladin…
They already ‘exist’ as Zandalari Prelates and they summon the Light through the Loa.
I already gave great arguments for why Paladins in WoW are also like that in my previous posts. To save you some time:
The rest of your arguments are irrelevant. Also, if anyone wishes to respond to my points, feel free to do so but at least read the rest of the replies so I do not have to repeat myself.
You are correct, I did not read the rest, the initial post baited me into an immediate reply.
I’ll say one thing tho and this is mostly my opinion;
Zandalari getting paladins and Kul’Tirans not getting paladins isn’t a middle finger in the face of Kul’Tirans.
Kul’Tirans not getting paladins is a middle finger in the face of Kul’Tirans
It’s the specific aspect of the first post that baited me into the first reply because it makes a post feel like “If I can’t get it they shouldn’t be able to get it either”, even if that wasn’t your intended message.
I’m not sure about the Kul’Tirans having paladins and how their lore is on that so wether them not being paladins is lorelol or not I don’t know, but considering humans were the original paladin race on Azeroth it feels weird that they’re not able to make them atleast
If I may enter the debate, I have a few observations. We know that the Light is a cosmic force.
The way the paladins draw on the Light is just one of the possible ways to do so, so these Zandalari can also gain access through their worship of the appropriate Loa.
Chronicles state that Mu’ru was capable of granting his power to the Blood Knights (they didn’t siphon them, he gave them), and seeing that the Blood Knights were not a particularly moral order at the time, one is forced to conclude that “belief in one’s own justice” is a human/draenei/blood elven notion.
The tauren paladins draw power from the sun, and just like them, the Zandalari draw power from their Loa. No morals are required. Further more, Zandalari paladins, simply are not paladins.
They can be defined as paladins if you define paladins as holy warriors, because you can even call druids holy warriors.
But if you define a paladin as the human/draenic concept of an offensive, libram-carrying light wielder, they simply do not fit the bill, and they do not have to. I consider them being paladins a game mechanic, they are their own completely separate thing. Similar in some aspects, yet different.
You’re wrong in claiming that “holy warriors” could be even applied to druids. I n WoW we have already established definitions.
So druids had to have access to emerald dream in order to transform and commune with nature. Without this they’re not druids.
Paladins/hole warriors are the representatives of their religion, they draw power from their faith and the power they vield has to be from light.
In this regard Zandalari paladins fit much more than elves who were siphoning it like battery. They’re not doing it because of their faith, blood elves aren’t even religious I can’t remeber even seeing one church or temple they created.
Zandalari live in temple-city. They developed their own order tgat fills all the criteria and their chosen Loa grant them light powers.
The only difference between human pala and Zandaladin is their religion and their dressing code.
I am not using WOW definitions, I am using an in-general definitions. The night elves consider nature sacred, so according to that definition, they are holy warriors.
It once again depends how you define a paladin or a holy warrior.
They are doing it because of their faith, but their faith is not in the Cosmic Force which is the Light, but in their Loa.
Blood elves are, and were religious. Liadrin is an ex-priestess, you can check her development and how paladins work in the Chronicles. Their faith in the light is deep.
I do not disagree with you, I only think that you confused my out-of-game definitions with ingame stuff. We are on the same wave-length mostly, I was just stressing certain differences in belief and attitude.
People need to stop thinking of classes so simply. A paladin is just a classification of a load of sub classes. For example a Druid, contains Druids of the claw, fang , pack, Dinomancers and Drust. All are different kinds of druid. its the same with Paladins. We have the Standard paladin but also Blood knights, sun walkers, prelates and Vindicators. Blizzard would have an awful time balancing 5 different kinds of paladin so they group up the 5 - 6 different sub classes into one main class.
In fairness we have ill defined definitions. The Source ultimately may be the same, but a Paladin does not believe the same as a Vindicator, as a Sunwalker, as a Prelate.
Ermm, the actual Priest units during the WC games were not human, but Elves from Quel’thalas. The State religion of Quel’thalas was, and again is, that of The Light. Liadrin was a Priestess of the Light. Individuals may not be, but the state as a whole believes in the Light.
I’d argue ‘their route at arriving at the same destination’ as another difference but ultimately, yes, Zandalari Prelates make complete sense.
I mean they have golden eyes, golden hair. Golden/red clothes (warm colors). They look really amazing as paladins. They are kinda perfect, even with the new heritage armor.
I have different understanding of perfect. I’d rather have in holy warrior somebody who’s arms aren’t resemblings wet noodles or overall to feel squishy. Who’s animations aren’t about tipping on toes, or some weird proportions for gear.
Like tiny shoulderpars / massive boots.
This is why I deleted my belf. It felt like playing gnome on Horde.
As Zandaladin I’ll have both interesting religion but also enough of body mass to be intimidating.