If by protagonism you mean the sort of attention and story the Horde had, take it. Take it all.
But I wouldn’t say that protagonism is the word you are looking for. Jaina was a protagonist in this story, the Alliance was protagonist in this story.
Even if the story ended up revolving around some Horde issue, they were still protagonists in it. They reacted, behaved, and had plots around it.
The war campaign, Azshara, and most importantly, the raid in Zuldazar, certainly had Alliance protagonists. They had their own story.
Again, having as final issue something Horde related, doesn’t steal the story the Alliance had because and around it.
But yeah, if you want that particular kind of protagonism, you can have it all.
Wouldn’t recommend it tho.
I don’t know, how to respond to it. Frankly I stopped listening to devs ever since WOD. But what I do believe. From a story point of view, the alliance is clearly the cherished kids. The Horde cuts through warcheifs all the time. The alliance have the most powerful and developed characters in the game. Like, who cares about Lor’themar, he is so under developed and so is Gallywix. But for the Alliance, Malfurion, Tyrande, Turalyon, Alleria, Velen, Anduin, Bolvar (Even though he isn’t alliance now) and Jaina and I probably forgot a few The Horde has Thrall, Sylvanas and Baine to an extend but he defo needs more work, That blood elf assasin I forgot to mention, the friend of Varian does have a developed backstory, but it not explored ingame and mostly in comics. Not to mention all the Alliance characters are immortal.
Story point of view, maybe.
But as the effort put in game, you tell me:
Remember Cata? “We didn’t have enough time to make Alliance content”
Remember MoP? “We run into technical dificulties by making Alliance content. So, suck robo-cat”
And now in BfA. Compare the WoT camp;aign with the scenario of SoL. And the fact that night elves “got their revenge” after a scenario compared with how many CGI movies about Saurfang?
The truth is that Blizzard hates or don’t want to make Alliance content. So they made this “human potential” and “pure white knights” so they can work as little as possible on Alliance content.
Was neutral until BfA. And developed how?
First 3 expansions, tyrande did nothing, then:
“Hush Tyrande”, “Stupid tyrande learn from Varian pacience”, “Emo tyrande” who will become a villain soon. But what do you want to bet that Tyrande will become a loot pinata by killing two trolls and a forsaken, not by razing Orgrimmar?
Really? These are developed characters?
What is his development?
Development: from a stupid child(who let’s say we can understand that he is stupid) to a stupid king, who cares more for Horde lives than his own subjects.
I agree, Jaina is the most “developed” Alliance character.
BTW, this week Jaina is “Beware of me”, or “How nice pectorals you have, Thrall” ?
Really? Night elves are not immortal any more. Velen maybe, but we don’t know. And the rest are not.
With Immortal characters, I mean they are unkillable, they have 10 inches of plot armor around them and can’t be killed by any story means. Malfurion received a lot of development throughout the years, he has one of the longest character background alongside Tyrande, there is an entire book almost centered around him. Warcraft III aswell for Tyrande and Malfurion. Velen is probably the weakest but in Legion he played a huge role, we got to see his homeplanted and got to see that, even he doesn’t understand the Light completly and even flat out disagreed with it during Legion, not to mention his entire ordeal with Kil’Jeaden got finished off. He received awesome attention in Legion. But if we look at the power level if we compare it to the Horde. Jaine, is bloody captain hook with her peter pann flying ship, shooting arcane missiles out of it, meanwhile in the Horde we have Baine that slams people with a totem. Alleria sucked in the full power of a void Naaru. Turalyon being the Leader of the Army of the Light, a group of roided up Draenei that go on endless legion worlds and cleanses them. Then we have Lor’themar in the Horde, he shoots arrows with his bow. We have Tyrande who is the Avatar of the vengeance of Elune and one shotted at least an entire battalion of Horde soliders with the flick of her wrist. We had Saurfang who swung an axe while screaming “For Honor!”. Then we have Anduin who mass ressed his entire army during the BFA trailer. The only Horde character that is on their level is Sylvanas and she left. The alliance also has Mechagon who goes in power armor, we have gallywix who doesn’t even fight! Thalyssra may be the strongest race leader currently in the Horde, I mean they are so weak compared to the Alliance character.
Sorry for picking your post to say it but I have been seeing people throw this one around way too often. Anduin did not mass-ress anyone, he healed the wounded.
However if you noticed the date I posted that, at the time the very NPC you are referring to now didn’t actually exist in the game. So strictly speaking I was right at the time.
The Forsaken work in mysterious ways it seems, so mysterious that even the laws of time and space don’t seem to apply to them.
I Agree blizzard butchered the paladin lore/class fantasy i always almost vomit everytime i see a tauren or zandalari troll pass me by in the orderhall looks so unnatural… blood elves is okay, cant wait until shadowlands when scarlet crusade comes back and sieze lordaeron and purge the infedels, you can practise your sunwalker BS somewhere else Maybe in the barrens in your tents
No the light can act in Both good and evil, thus explaining the scarlet crusade. The light has struck a bargain with the maw and jailer the enemy of old