Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

I get the challenge is hard, I do, but why does he need to auto for 2 mil and crits for like 4… ?

Was definitely over-tuned before for Ret - just before reset I could kill some T9 bosses (tuned for 610 ilvl) but couldn’t defeat Zekvir on “?” (tuned for 600). Now I’d say it’s much closer to being correct and was straight-forward at my current ilvl of 606.

So just completed it as 613 blood dk and thought I’d give a tip I realised that made me finish the fight. Yes the fight is extremely rng heavy, but as blood dk we can lessen one of the rng elements.
Instead of waiting out the slam when eggs spawn, eat them with cooldowns while you kill egg. With rune tap layered on something else the slam won’t kill you, granted you have high enough ilvl.
I did get rng lucky and only had to eat 2 slams so I had cooldowns ready for both.

But for a review of the fight 1/10 really. It’s just about what abilities he uses, in what order that decides whether you get a kill or not. And if brann does good interrupts on spittle since dk can’t cleanse it outside of using AMS before cast and that won’t be up all the time.

From a blood dk perspective, with ilvl you’ll eventually be able to eat every slam with maybe just rune tap so that should make it even easier.

Blood dk
DPS brann lvl 50 with Brute force idol 4/4 (just to test, did kill one egg with it but after that I didn’t dare use it again during fight since it locks your movement), Amorphous relic 1/4.

Not for delve players which this content is, most you can hope for is 626 and thats very unlikely as the max you can get is 15 gilded per week.

More HP, more damage, more mechanics and a 2nd phase with additional mechanics. Surviving his melee hits or beating the dps requirement isn’t the difficulty, at least not now with the eggs nerfed. Brann’s healing potions more than outheals the damage the boss does, so it’s up to you to use them well.

Mage Tower in Legion was a lot harder.

Even if you only did delves, people had already beaten it pre-nerf with ilvl610 ish. At 626 it would have been easy, that’s a massive difference in damage and survival, you could get away with so much.

Right now at 610 if you play it safe and focus on killing eggs, only bad RNG or major gameplay errors will cause issue. It’s undertuned now, in my opinion.

And most of those players are outlandishly good at their class. Killing an egg in 7 seconds while zek’vir is throwing every fronal at said egg or casting a heal wasn’t doable for a very large protion of the playerbase (especially if you were melee) with this nerf hes still a challenge for a lot of the playerbase even at 620ilv and im glad they toned it down a bit.


As melee there were problems with overlaps but I don’t think it’s fair to say putting a target on focus whilst dpsing something else is beyond the scope of what should be included in difficult solo content.

The fight should have seen bespoke changes based on spec / role ability, not sweeping nerfs. Not to mention many of the problem aspects for specs that struggle with it (Namely melee) weren’t even fixed.

You can put zek’vir on target all you want, doesn’t mean he won’t fire off 2 cones or cast a heal during egg so you have to completely stop dps in order to deal with it and the egg usually hatches. (As a melee) the only people who can cast a ranged interrupt is surv and DK.

Now you have time to move out of things and still have enough time to make sure eggs can me managed, everything will still overkill you for millions so its not like you can face tank everything. Its still a challenge, its just not so much of a challenge that you get to gatekeep content for rewards to horde over the rest of the playerbase.

I did it today on my 607 prot warrior on my third attemt
Was super-fun.
Felt like a brutal dance. One slip and I was inches away from death, but after a few min fighting I got the hang of it.

Wish I recorded how long it took me, because the fight felt like 30 intense minutes lol

Its way too easy now on ? At least not tried it on ?? yet. I mowed it down on my first attempt on my 603 ilvl warrior. There are still some delves that I can’t do on T8 which suggests to me they got this completely wrong.

Well yea, ? Wasn’t the problem, even pre nerf i was getting sub 2 minute kills and doing that 8 times to fill all vault slots in like 20 minutes. It was ?? That was the problem.

The egg timer was 15 seconds and the health was 13 mil (pre-nerf), so 866k dps, not massive. Given that it was the only dps check in the entire encounter you could easily keep your cooldowns for each egg and deal with that as the only priority. As it is now you can kill the egg comfortably without using CD’s most times.

And also, it’s ok for there to be hard challenges. I am not the best player in the world, I’m not a high M+ player and I no longer raid Mythic, haven’t for many many years, and I was able to comfortably beat this challenge. If I had ilvl 620 with 4 set and up to date enchants/consumes I would have walked all over the pre-nerf challenge, most likely.

The hardest part would actually be the mechanics, like making it out in time with the fear, it was the main cause of death on my pulls, so having items with speed drastically improves your chances, that’s the biggest factor in beating this other than RNG on boss abilities.

Starting to think you never even tried the fight if the small fear circle was your problem.

Starting to think you never tried the fight if you think it’s not. I have the achievement though so anyone can see that I have done it, but cry more and come back when you’ve done it yourself mr private profile, you scared of being criticized? lmao.

As I said, spell queueing for melee was a problem. However that’s why I also said the fight needed role / spec specific changes, instead of blanket nerfs.

wasn’t too hard on ?? today

Completed zekvir ?? as 611 surv and bm hunter : keep the boss aggro on yourself and resurrect the pet a few times, he wont take aggro back after 2-3 lives and do the fight normally.
Fight took 7 min 45 seconds

Kill egg all the time, interrupt boss heal,dodge stuff thats all

Thanks for the change to egg and timers :+1:

It felt like the biggest “problem” for me on the fight was the inconsistency.

Sometimes the boss was in the middle, they’d spawn an egg, I’d move over to dps it. They’d then cast the heal (still in the middle), which I’d have to zoom across to interrupt. I’d then move back to the egg to dps and he’d cast a cone smash (having still not moved so its huge and hard to avoid).

It’s not impossible to beat the above but it is inconsistent with most times where the boss will move closer so its easier to interrupt / avoid frontals.

On top of that there are still the occasional bugged frontals where he does it with zero wind up time.

Finally Brann… How as a healer does he end up perma feared? It felt like he was unconscious for the entirety of the last phase because he takes full damage from the spikes and avoids none of them.

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95% of the death are due the bran isn’t using dispell . it’s not fun having in a fight 2/3 times a full ticking dot …

Using healing/healing pot …not possible .

Just give an extra ability to classes with no dispell

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It’s a movement impairing effect, most things that remove movement impairing effects should work, if brann was able to just dispel it every time it would be the same as the mechanic not existing.