Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

What class is this causing you a problem on?

With Hunter 613 ilvl i reach always 20% and always due rng (position etc ) . Somehow Majority of the deaths are from critical+ dot . Always keeping disengage for the dot unless using to avoid the aoe due bad position .

With Dk 606 ilvl 10% best try .(With better gear is easilly duable ) .

Pretty duable with better gear still dislike the bad rng *

So you can instant remove the dot by pressing a button but you’re dying to the dot?

I don’t really have sympathy with that, you’re misplaying.

Wait I thought your issue was with brann not dispelling you? Sounds like you have the tools to deal with it but are messing up in other ways forcing you to use them ineffectively and rely on brann as a last resort.

Stay close to the boss at all times, move back in after fear, portals etc, and only disengage after spittle.

The problem is if in cd 3/4 sec ~ i barrely make it

what ilvl required as fury warrior now to beat boss

There isn’t a “required” ilevel. Ellipsis can do with 590 -or less- what I did with 605. Which one is “required” to complete the challenge?

Me when i am about run out of something dangerous that insta kills me, brann using leash get over here and die with me!

there must be because he hits hard, so what is lowest ilvl i c an do on fury warrior

It depends on how good you are, how are we supposed to guess what level you can do it at?

i want to know in generall

With perfect play I’d assume it could be done at 590, but I wouldn’t personally suggest you try that unless you’re an exceptional fury warrior. 605 would be absolutely fine though.

with 590 i cant beat ?, but i admit im a bad player :smiley:

Yeah I’d say Ret, along with shadow, are the two easiest specs to do zekvir on.

As shadow id say “??” is even doable at 580 or close to it. The only issue is surviving the melees with half the hp.

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I’m bad aswell but managed to beat him on my ilvl603 ret pretty easy, maybe just gear-up a bit more.

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how is it easiest with shadow ?

Why do you say zekvir is tunned when he still oneshots 5 million HP pets?
Think you still need to check how he handles pets.

He random switches aggro to them and oneshots… why he only hits for 1,8mil on me… he never does that on my pet always a oneshot!

Doable as a Deva evoker, 614 Ilvl, got my mount today. So happy, and so rewarding. :smiley:

he insta kills hunter pets… more busy ressing my pet then dpsing as it should

610 if you want a good time, 600 if you’re feeling spicey. There are only 2 basic things you need to do in the fight to ensure success.

  1. Stay alive - Brann’s potions cover this.
  2. Kill eggs.

There is no enrage, there is no rush, you just have to repeat. So you keep your cooldowns for eggs and figure out a rotation so you can kill each egg, you only need enough ilvl to kill eggs, you can take as long as you want to kill the boss. To remove the slow dot you either bladestorm or you leap + charge with relentless pursuit hero talent.

The strongest stat for this encounter is speed, because it gives you much more time to react to frontals when you’re away from the boss or fears when you’re next to a wall attacking an egg. Arms is better, because it has much better single target/cleave dps.