Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

Did it yesterday on my Destro Warlock 594 Brann lvl 24 - took 4 goes but not too hard really if you avoid the frontal and kill eggs. Was on ? will try ?? later now im high I lvl.

Yet they aren’t… not even that feral you listed… You can’t get to that using delves lol… 2 crests per run 4 runs a week…

Very good? What has that got to do with me pointing out bigbazz is wrong lol And they needed a nerf…

finally someone that posted ilvl for ? affli,demo or destro?

But you’re wrong. The top 49 Feral parses on Princess Normal (pure single target) for players in the ilvl600 bracket are doing 866k or above sustained dps. Also, Feral on HC princess is ranking in the top 1/3 of performers, significantly above specs like Fury Warrior and even Frost DK on single target.

To beat the pre-nerf Zekvir you needed 866k burst dps, checking the 49th ranked player on that fight @ilvl600 we can see he actually bursts to roughly 900k dps several times outside of bloodlust during the fight.

Zekvir ?? was actually tuned for ilvl615 tho and I simply used ilvl600 to prove my point. If we use the ilvl615 data point the top 50 players in the bracket are above 1.1million dps sustained, with the rank 50 player hitting 1.1million dps bursts outside of lust, this is only the 80th percentile in the bracket, so not an elite performance by any stretch.

Now please tell me how in a season that goes up to ilvl639, and a challenge that is meant to be hard, was this overtuned? Lmao.

Hes not wrong. Learn to read.

Show me a feral doing 900k which he claimed. Show me a Feral who can do that solo when you need to heal so that’s DPS lost every time you hit regrowth… My bear can do more dps than my cat… so carry on I guess lol.

Its like Blizzard has the numbers and change things to that… not some random on the forum but but this guy could do it.

Crests are in the bountiful blue chests, not the locked ones that require keys.

He told you how to find the information. Im not your secretary.

I did and used it against him… Try to keep up.

No you didnt, you moved the goalposts by flooding them with tears until they floated off.

How? Not one of the fights was over 900k… he said they where… AOE fights are nice to pump dps numbers… solo boss he was 600k What goal posts where moved other than you jumping in and not reading the thread I guess? Also do you play feral? If they can’t it his magic 900k in a RAID how can they do it solo when they need alot of healing to stay up…

Luckily its been nerfed so you dont need that dps anymore :slight_smile:

Because you only needed that DPS for 12~ seconds out of every 30, and could pool / save as many resources / CDs as you wanted because nothing but killing eggs mattered.

You don’t even stack your CDs like you do on a conventional boss fight, you stagger them so you have something for each one.

Edit: Talking to Guilty atm. Seems to think current version as long as you’re not dying to melees it’s pretty chill. Have a lot of short CDs you can stagger / plan out for each egg set and good enough burst to get em down comfortably around 605 possibly less. Was doable 615 pre nerf but woulda required actually planning your resources out per egg.

I think that’s the issue ppl have lol they want to gatekeep content…

Why have a challenge if you’re going to nerf it so it’s not hard anymore, that’s what confuses me. I can understand blizzard realising how much more work doing this right is compared to what they created and giving up by nerfing it into the dirt instead of tuning it per spec, but expecting / wanting even more just so you can do it even after that point is wild to me.

I hope they do better with the next one so it doesn’t need to reach this state at all.

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Same challenge ppl used Brann to do on day1?.

Fight was bugged, bug got fixed. Can debate whether or not those who got it back then should have it removed, personally I vote yes.

100% yes. All things delvs should have been reset.

Biggest thing for me is bliz folded on zekvir before it’s target audience had even reached an appropriate ilvl. People had started doing it the week before on various classes at said ilvl, and I dare say had the launch of zekvir not been such a catastrophic mess feral would’ve been one of them given how it’s toolkit fits the encounter. But so few people were trying because everyone just thought it was “impossible” and we’re just waiting for nerfs.

I was expecting nerfs too to be clear, but I was expecting targeted changes to things like spell queueing and Brann’s ability usage, you know stuff that would make the fight more learnable and fun whilst maintaining the challenge. Also changing health values for tanks and healers. Instead they gutted it without actually fixing it, which is why I’m so disappointed.

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