Zekvir Delve Tuning is Now Live - 27 September

The target audience would never get close to the ilvl. Done two T8’s so far and 4 crests. I say it alot but its true ppl live in a bubble on this forum, not everyone is smashing T8 right now…

Doubt on feral couldn’t do T5/6 as cat but smashed t8’s lol.

People delvs are aimed for isn’t you nor me… its for those who did open world as their content, which is why I laugh when I see M+ players say how easy they are. They are not what delvs are aimed at.

Again, it’s 2 crests per bountiful delve. Idk what’s going on on your end with that but that’s what I’m getting. 615 is more than a comfortable level to set a delve end boss for, given it’s around for the entire patch and exists purely as a stretch goal even then.

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Does anyone know how much dps is needed to kill the eggs in healer spec?

Edit: I got the egg to a bit under 50% before it hatched, i’ll wait :joy:

Have you tried shouting at brann? Maybe calling him a noob and telling him to git gud?

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Sadly didnt help :smiling_face_with_tear:

How much health do the eggs have? I’d also genuinely suggest using brann as healer even as a healer. He doesn’t provide much help but the eggs have less hp.

If i saw correctly they have 9,7 million hp.

That seems incorrect. Since as a DPS with healer brann they have 7.8m with an incubation time of 20 seconds, Needing 390k DPS.

I’ll go back and have another look, might have seen wrong.

I dont know why i saw 9,7 million earlier, it is indeed 7,3 million hp for the egg and 136,5 million for zekvir. Edit: i think my UI is bugging, they seem to first show 7,3 million and then 5,8 million hp.

So you need 365k DPS to kill an egg.

Edit: 290k if the second number is right.

Yeah, think its 290 k, sounds more feasible for a healer. I’ll still wait for some more ilvl i think, im getting smashed righht now.

290k seems extremely doable for a healer at your ilvl, yes. You got this!

Probably, but i also need the skill level XD

It’s not. It seems to be scaling as you’re going. The boss scales health for your spec before you open the door too.

Ah i was wondering why i was seeing different numbers.

You understand that other than 30 perhaps 40 guilds the others M/Raid Guilds will never going to clear the Mythic Raids without the Nerfs ?

Last Season Df Last boss got 43 Nerfs… 50% dmg on some Abilities …34% Health Reduction~ and many more nerf for other abilities …

So why have a challenge …Mythic Raid while Nerfing everything since week 1 ??

Look 2 weeks in Mythic raid …

Broodtwister Ovi’nax

  • Broodtwister Ovi’nax health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Experimental Dosage duration increased to 8 seconds on Mythic difficulty.
  • Poison Burst cast time increased to 4 seconds on Mythic difficulty.
  • Volatile Concoction periodic damage reduced by 30% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mutation: Accelerated increases movement speed of Blood Parasites by 10% every 2 seconds (was every 1 second) on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
  • Blood Parasites are no longer immune to crowd control while casting Infest.
  • Fixed an issue where Blood Parasites would sometimes melee players.
  • Vile Discharge damage reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.

Nexus-Princess Ky’veza

  • Health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Chasmal Gash now persists through death on all difficulties.
  • Assassination damage reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Twilight Massacre damage reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Queensbane damage over time effect reduced by 17% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Queensbane expiration damage reduced by 25% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Starless Night damage reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Eternal Night damage reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue causing Assassination and Twilight Massacre to pierce some immunities on all difficulties.

The Silken Court

  • Motes will now spawn more reliably at each player’s exact location.

This is just 2 weeks …and you know that those current Mythic guilds other than the top 10 …the rest are Overgear and waiting for Nerfs.

So where is the Challenge in Mythic Raid if there are so many nerf over and over ?

Princess is not an AOE fight, the top feral at ilvl600 on princess is doing 977k, the top 21 are above 900k and the top 49 are all 866k+, the dps requirement to kill pre-nerf eggs. I told you how to find it, you didn’t even look at it. clearly.

What are we doing here? The information is there for all to see, you can’t argue based on “la la la I’m not looking, I’m not listening” and expect people to just agree with you because you’re unhappy with the spec.

As someone who completed both version of Mage Tower on multiple classes/roles, who completed most/all achievements in BFA Visions, 100% completion of all Torghast achievements in Shadowlands, having not raided to cutting edge since 2016 I think Delves as challenging solo content are actually made specifically for me.

They even advertised them as challenging solo content. What you actually want is easy solo content because you think that Blizzard should cater to you who refuses to do other parts of the game and so you’ve developed no skill or experience as a player, you want easy content and you cry when you don’t get it.

It’s a silly comparison because Max from Liquid stated that the bosses were so overtuned that most mythic guilds would never kill the bosses no matter how much gear, because they were so mechanically punishing. They needed to be nerfed.

By comparison, multiple people had low ilvl kills on pre-nerf Zekvir (after Brann nerfs) without even a fraction the level of effort put into Mythic raiding. If pre-nerf raids were a 10/10 difficulty, by comparison Zekvir ?? was at like a 5 or a 4. I could not raid at world first level, but I could have killed pre-nerf Zekvir on ?? at ilvl610 ish.

Still not doable as Protection Warrior
His abilities still mis-align with interrupt cooldowns, and the spider can’t be killed in time either.

Guess I’ll spend more time farming gear and crests…

Amazing you saying from a boss where its private…

“All of the recorded fights for this boss, difficulty, size and region are private.”