Failed to connect to server bug

Hey, just lost SR because server failed to connect to comp game and its effecting everyone. Got suspended with timeout and i cannt queue for qp nor any game mode as it has the same issue.

Please fix this issue with fixing SR loss for players effected by this myself included.


I got that twice today. This is insane. And no official answer for OVERWATCH TEAM



The reported connection issues are currently being looked into. To assist with the investigation, please reply with the following information:

  • Date/time you first experienced the issue :
  • City and country :
  • ISP :
  • Traceroute (created while experiencing the issue) :
  • Pathping (created while experiencing the issue) :
  • WinMTR test (created while experiencing the issue) :

For the 3 log files, please run them while trying to connect to Overwatch and post them on a page like or share them through OneDrive, and post the links here as Preformatted text so we can have a look.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!


Will we get our lost SR back?? Losing 100 sr is frigging unacceptable.


Isn’t their an other way to help, there are much sensitive information in it that I publicly show everyone. Do you have other contact way?


Same thing happened to me. But it wasnt only me, we could actually chat with the team. Everybody lost their mind on the chat xd. However, after like 20 seconds it said “competitive match ended” and we were all suspended. Even right now i’m chatting with a friend who happened to be in the same team that match. We are pissed lmao. This has happened to me twice today, but in the first one I couldnt even use the chat. rip my 100 SR. I’d be so happy if you could return my SR at least.


i want my sr back too i was close to master xD


In addition, we had no problems at all with Custom games

Started at around 0200 CEST with people being thrown out of a Hanamura QP match that had just started and was on for like 30 seconds.

From then on it would sometimes work, sometimes not. And while it was usually possible to get into a skirmish match, whenever it failed it was when the actual QP map should have loaded.

It’s clearly a network issue either within Battlenet or with it’s backbone peers.

Telekom, Berlin, Germany.

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First noticed at after 2nd Ranked Match around 6 am this morning
Hamburg/ Germany
ISP: Telekom
Pathping and Traceroute is not working.

Thank you for the feedback so far everybody, please do make sure to post the requested information though.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

will we get any form of compensation for the time we lost not specifically sr but at least something to relieve a bit of our frustration.


WyomingMyst, forum MVP, from the North American forums here. I am sending others your way to follow your instructions. Cheers!

As said earlier, don’t you have a more private contact way? Mail /support ticket etc?


Lost like 50 SR or such and got banned for 10 minutes… it’s been 2 seasons since I had the last disconnect, so isn’t the ban a little overkill?

Date/time you first experienced the issue : 10:28 CET
City and country : Pesaro, Italy
ISP : Telecom

as for the log files, it’s way too complicated and I don’t have time right now, sorry. hope you can get this sorted out :smiley:

Tried again at 10:45 and still nothing. got suspended for 30 minutes and lost more than 100 SR


same problem,
Country -> Italy
DATE TIME 10:20 am 21/06/2018 gmt+2

50 SR PENALTY 10:20
50 SR PENALTY 10:39

Failes to Connect bug
City and Country: Karlsruhe,Germany
ISP: Vodafone
lost 100 SR unacceptable

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Traceroute/Pathping pastebin id: sqHCGxPc

Forgot my WinMTR test

there you go: pastebin id: awmV3aF7

i am a bit concerned about this comment of you tech support staff:

Hey all,

While its true that Customer Support isn’t able to alter SR values, we do still want to help out where we can. We took a look through where you guys were posting from to see if this was affecting a specific region, but there isn’t much tying you all together. Additionally, we haven’t been seeing signs of server instability/mass disconnections (at least not in volumes that would indicate issues).

To start, I’d recommend performing some basic connection troubleshooting to at least eliminate the local network as a potential contributing factor. Running through the steps below should help optimize a bit.

Power Cycle 16

DNS Flush 22

Selective Startup 10

If it keeps up from there, I’d recommend opening a ticket 10 with your system files 3 and an MTR 5 attached so that we can take a closer look.
