⸰☽ The Nightblade Sentinels ☾⸰ - Protectors of Kalimdor!🌙

Ialluen gave our little group a great blessing when we set out for Darkshore to help us on our path.
They are awesome people and you should definitely check them out of you are looking for a sentinel guild!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today we in the Nightblade Sentinels celebrate our 5 year anniversary! For 5 years we have been an active part of the Argent Dawn roleplaying community and we have had many exciting adventures along the way. We’ve also created a warm and friendly little community and I couldn’t be happier about how the Nightblades, that started as a passion project for me, has grown and changed during these past 5 years. I’m so grateful for everyone who is, or has been, a part of it. The Nightblades would be nothing without you.

So once again, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Nightblades! Here’s to many more thrilling adventures and much fun and laughter still to come! :blue_heart: :partying_face: :crescent_moon:


May you have many more years of happy, action and prosper!


Happy Birthday! <3


Happy birthday, Nightblades!


Thank you all! :heart:

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Happy Birthday Nightblades :slight_smile:


Happy annibirthary to my favourite, traumatized night elves!


In order to celebrate our anniversary we took an updated group picture of the current lineup of Sentinels! Enjoy!


After a long time away from Feralas, three intense campaigns and an amazing amount of events played in a very short time, The Nightblades have finally returned to Feathermoon for some much needed rest, peace and quiet. Question is for how long? One never knows, and with trouble always around the next corner, only time will tell when next we move out!


From September 1st until the 30th the Nightblades will be in Astranaar, hosting casual and semi-casual events for the Kalimdor community. Check it out and read more about it here: [Night Elf RP] Sentinel September - Ashenvale. We hope to see some of you there!


Great to see some Kaldorei rp is still going on :slight_smile: Despite the fact I no longer play the game I am definitely still cheering on you guys from behind the screen. Hope the Sentinel September will bring some new faces and nice RP to the scene! :new_moon:


After some calm travelling criss-cross Kalimdor, ceremonies and some well deserved rest, the Nightblades soon set out towards Astranaar, and Sentinel September. We look forwards to meeting both old and new friends there, and hope for a fun month full of mixed eventing and casual.

As we depart towards Ashenvale, we will also be focusing our recruitment to a small number of IC Sentinel type characters only - female warrior/hunters/rogues and similar. For the moment being, trainee and auxillary recruitment will remain closed for a little longer. We do however look forwards to meeting the community a little more, and hopefully make some friends along the way! Should you have any questions about the guild, feel free to have a look at our webpage linked in the beginning of the thread. You are of course also welcome to get in touch ingame ^^

Tor ilisar’thera’nal!


Sentinel September continues in Ashenvale and we’ve had a grand time so far! It’s lovely to see so many people in and around Astranaar and it’s been lovely to meet so many new faces. Later in September we will be hosting an Illuridei celebration as part of the Sentinel September initiative and we hope to see some of you there. :heart:

We are still looking for a couple more Sentinel-type characters to join the guild, so if you’ve always wanted to join but haven’t gotten around to it yet now is the perfect time. Come and say hi to us in Astranaar and we’ll take it from there! :slight_smile:

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Sentinel September has come to an end. It’s been a wonderful month of RP and it’s been great to see so many and varied characters around Astranaar and Ashenvale. We’ve been enjoying ourselves immensely.

The Nightblades will remain in Ashenvale for a while longer, at least until after [Night Elf RP/A-RP] Loyal to the End - RP-PvE Campaign and we are still looking for a couple more Sentinel-type characters (female hunter/rogue/warrior, over 300 years old) to join our ranks. If you’re interested, please do not hesitate to give us a whisper or send us your application through our website! :crescent_moon:


Very nice and awesome video, people!
Greetings from an old RP-er from way back when.


Thank you! Happy to hear that you enjoyed it! :heart:

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[Night Elf RP/A-RP] Loyal to the End - RP-PvE Campaign has concluded and thus the Nightblades will be heading back to Ashenvale for the time being. We will also be closing our recruitment for now, as we have three people currently on trial and we’d like to give them the time they deserve to get to know the guild. We do welcome people to come and RP with us still, however, so if you see us around Astranaar, please don’t hesitate to come and say hello! :crescent_moon:


Good and fun elves!
Even though they’re on the wrong side of Blue/Red side of life.
Got a free night elf or just want to dust one off? Go and RP with them!


This may be several weeks after the “Loyal to the End” campaign, but I hope it’s not way too late. So, where to start from… the Nightblade Sentinels provide a unique and pure Night Elven roleplay experience, simply put. Their peeps are wholesome and they take great care and attention to detail.

Simply mesmerized, I could write paragraphs on paragraphs but I’ll just say this: I am happy to have met you, and I am hoping to more nice experiences together!

You have our fist bump from everyone in Unit Decima likewise! :fist_left: