šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

Hope you saved any folders. Ill save the account folder next time have to reinstall wow, tweaking dozen addons and auras from scratch thats the worst, hope dont have to do it again.

Good Morning


I always back up wtf and interface

Sadly it didnā€™t resolve the issue, even did a cvar reset.


That the transfer button doesnā€™t become red/lit up, just stays grey.

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I always read wtf as WTF!


Itā€™s an unfortunate acronym.

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I worked out if you click in the black space in the box it will light up - me getting mad and clicking everywhere worked it out :grinning:

The amount of times I instinctively hit Cancel is too high!

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Type in the amount you want to transfer then press enter/return.


Will give that a whirl, thanks!

Had an annoying bunch of crashes in the last few days when exiting Valdrakken, but thankfully a reddit thread had a simple fix so should be good now :smile:

On the other hand, Fury Warriors lost the annihilator build (passive Raging blow and you insert Slam into your rotation instead). Why? :c

Yes! I want a filter option, or sort by lvl or or something!

Wondering why Amuul is selling a 30 slot reagent bag in the pre-patch when I already have a 36 slot bag from playing DF ā€¦ canā€™t remember where it came from but it canā€™t have been anything very difficult or complicated.

Well, itā€™s catchup. The base game throws at you a 20 slot bag. The 36 slot is crafted Iā€™m quite sure. They donā€™t want to devalue crafters. Thatā€™s why they sell 32 slot bags rather than 34 for the regular ones too.

Urgh, making support ticket and CS not even reading the issue and closing it.
Top job.

Update: Well this whole CS debacle has ruined my day.


I completed the Draenei Heritage quest. Loved the story, hated the reward :frowning:
My first toon was a Draenei and I had high hopes for the transmogā€¦ was nice to revisit Bloodmist Isle one more time though.


ā€œCSā€ is now either ChatGPT or an offshore script reader from India, probably.

Both are equally useless at their job that just read the Title of a ticket.

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I donā€™t know what to play for next expansion.
DK is looking more than decent and Iā€™m ok at frost and blood but after five or so years of playing it I wanted to main a caster for onceā€¦ but DK is looking good :smiling_face_with_tear:


It can be troublesome get through, if I get human answer I can tolerate being let down better but if its link to read guidances of something that my ticket were not about then I get demotivated continue attempting but usually Ive got through in end, it takes time. Hope you get it sorted or answer at some point, hang in there.

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Finally got there in the end, a real human being (and a real hero ;P) answered, looked into it.
Couldnā€™t do much but has assured me nothing is wrong with my character/account, which is already nice to hear.
Just the interaction of that CS person being attentive and understandingā€¦ does a lot to not feeling frustrated with an issue.

Now my frown of the day:

Have a feeling they are full hands rush on TWW. The amount of really bad bugs they have created the past updates and the attitude towards having them fixed hasnā€™t been stellar.

I feel my class (Outlaw Rogue) and some others are in a bad shape gameplay/rotation wise. This late in, the changes theyā€™re doing are % increases which only helps with DPS numbers but not with the gameplay.

Then thereā€™s recent things like:

Where they canā€™t be bothered fixing something.

Mmā€™yeah it hasnā€™t been great the past few months. Iā€™m used of bugs in games but have ran into way more the past two/three months than before.

Which is why I think they are scrambling for the new expansionā€¦ Iā€™m hoping that it doesnā€™t mean it will be released too soon or that it needed more time. Iā€™ve always been more for a delayed release than buggy releases.

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