2400 rating vs. Mythic +10

Kelduril is the new Jito. You guys should jerk each other off while talking about the out of this world bullsht you guys come up with. Like, how does a human being even get to this level of absolute stupidity? PvE=Fighting scripts. PvP=Fight actual players WITHOUT scripts, there is a constant need of improvement in PvP where that is nearly non existent in PvE. Also I’m absolutely convinced you’re troll, because if not your IQ is below 70, I’m surprised you know how to use a keyboard. Sorry to burst your ant brain but getting 1.5k in arena requires more effort than doing a +10, PvP is the hardest content in WoW, has always been that way, and will always be that way. Fck outta here troll, go back to your cave.


@Drae, thank you so much for still standing up and helping out the PvP community, even though its nearly hopeless since GM’s never check our posts, they don’t care about EU nor PvP. But I really do hope they bring back PvP vendors with PvP resilience, unprune classes and nerf all the pve gear/trinkets so the pve retards climb ladders using minimum effort and winning due to gear. I would love to have someone like you as a PvP developer, cheers and gl <3


Did you know in WoD i literally don’t remember ANY PvE content outside of levelling and the odd dungeon to level cap. All I remember is Ashran, BGs, Weekly Gear, Vendor, Some Arena. I had lots of alts as Survival, Frost DK and SP all played so damn good. They were greatly designed to me.

I could buy all my gear and camp stormshield, and only do PvP. I could choose what gear i wanted with what stats. It was awesome. Also everyone eventually had the same gear, so you wasn’t at a disadvantage. It was an amazing gear system for pvprs. As much as everyone doggs on WoD, it truly was great compared to what we have now.


You reading this ion?

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to be fair, pvp is dead. There are only the tournament players left playing that high, because the normal players gave up on this dumpster fire.
Pretty sure in an expac like wotlk we would have so many more players above 2.4k.
Rating can’t go up if there are only 200 players left playing actually pvp

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Nope, too busy clearing The Eternal Palace :smirk::grinning:


Imagine having better gear than 99% of The playerbase in EU and moaning forums for more, and what comes to Cutiepie, the guy is literally one of the best geared players in the world, yet here he is defending Draes opinions.

M+ paired with weekly cache is the means of keeping those who have little time on their hands and literally stupid people as well on similar gear level as other people. They know that majority of their playerbase are kind of underdeveloped bunch of monkies, they’ve said that on multiple occassions, the most prominent one being when Ion justified the reason behind PvP vendor removal. That’s how they treat their customers so forget about anything being fair in the game. It’s been lost to history probably around the time WotLK/Cata happened.


Considering how hit or miss m+ pugs are, I have no hope of ever reaching even mythic 8. :neutral_face:

Imagine being so clueless to not realize Cutiepie, being one of the best geared and top players is a tiny percent, who, in a system like arena, an ELO system, will disappear and drop down, if the base disappears. Players like him in other seasons could be like 3k+ and top players are now struggling to reach 2.4. Heck, I meet lots of former glads at arouind 2k mmr and ~1.8/1.9 cr.
And the base (the lower rated and geared players) disappear because of the same crap gearing system Drae talks about.
So if for your thinking is a monumental effort to realize that the whole system is broken and a logically thinking player would not defend it even though he might have the top gear, fortunately for some other people it is not, hence they voice their opinion against this absurd system.

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I usually do 1 dung per week, but hadn’t done so for months and just did 10 and 11 the past 2 weeks without even remembering what it was.
And that was when people were moaning that the weeks were bad because of skittish or some other crap.
It’s literally brainless to get 10/11 (haven’t tried higher, probably my gear would suck for it). Reaching 1400 in current state of PvP is harder, literally.

You can easy time +15 up to +18 with pugs without communication.

Kelduril, you clearly lack brain cells
you cant even understand that m+10 is accessible to basically everyone, going above 2.3/2.4 its not
i mean, go to a doctor please, you need some help


ah yeah you are the huntards who trolls on forum … for i moment i forgot that you lack braincells too.

not to defend all this m+ stuff but it is not easy to time 15+ with pugs. It is not even so easy to do with a group of consistent players.
everything timed above +15 is less than 2% of all keys run.

it might be easier than ranking high in arena because you can practice it better, but surely not so easy

OP was about m+10 vs 2.4 weekly chest

-done by eveyone who has decent ilvl,
-done by PvPers that need gear
-no need to beat the timer to get weekly
-chest contains titan residum
-overall it give more AP
-always the same, learn simple m+0 mechanics and add the weekly affixes


  • no PvE guy would be able to get even near to 2.2 (well, this not true since PvE stuffs are broken and you can get out damaged by people who back-pedal, kek)
  • you need to actually WIN one match at or above 2.4
  • NO titan ressidum
  • overall less AP
    -way more hard since its not always the same and you will always have to adapt every damn fking match

i mean… isnt clear that PvP gearing system need a revamp? give pvp vendors back OR reintroduce the reforging system.

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Imagine replying to kelduril…lol

I did 7+ mythic dungeon with my friend healer. As 400 ilvl ele and i was top dps top kicks an top activity. I was doing this dungeon for the first time and dont even have pve traits and have like 50 lvl amulet. Still i easily beat dragonslayer with 420+ ilv. Its laughable. Ofc if you talking about mythic 15+ you have to play good but +10 is joke. I have watched prot pala who soloed mechagon… so hard.

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Even pve players think its bs. At least add residuum to the PvP chest so we can buy gear.

If devs reading this thread the lol hard on us They will say that we designed the current rewarding system to be more hardcore and fair among pvpers Omg guys u are so pathentic that u cant play 50 arenas for a drop we gave u the conquest cap by choosing a certain piece of gear and u can upgrade it by collecting 40 quartermaster’s prize by just doing pvp activities omg guys u are not so hardcore The fact that a pvper runs pve stuff is great success cause players are not onesided brings more fun and understands the game overall Ofc a timed+10 key is as hard as an arena at 2.4 mmr

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Crown of eternal winter - opinion discarded