<Archaic Order> [Twisting Nether] 1-day Mythic Raiding guild - Established for over 19 years!

We run TWO separate raids (each with it’s own Raid Leader).
Thu - Raid time: 19.45 - 00.00
Sat - Raid time: 19.45 - 00.00

Achieved CE Nyalotha on 1-day/week raiding

Social Recruitment: Open to anyone that likes what they read below

Are you someone who has seen so many guilds come and go? Want to achieve decent progress with only ONE night a week of raiding? Refugee from disbanded guilds? Tired of being in a dead guild. Or just someone that loves World of Warcraft through all it’s changes?

We offer a home that has stood the test of time (even WoD!)

Archaic Order offers a friendly, community environment where we encourage people to help each other and enjoy the game together. AO has been around since Vanilla (running for 19+ years now and top 10 Rag server kill) and we still have old hands pottering around. We’ve achieved many great things. Cutting Edge across different expansions and tiers and have a long and deep history.

We’re looking for people who love the game for the game itself, are friendly and respectful to each other while having fun overall. We are an international guild with people from all over the world. Our ages range from 20s – 60s. We have people in-game nearly 24 hours a day due to our location spread.

We raid once a week as the majority of our members work during the week, have family commitments, don’t want the stress of grinding up the requirements that Blizzard seem to like us to do these days, etc.

We are running two separate raid teams (Thu and Sat 19.45-00.00). Each raid caters for people who can only raid on a weekday or a weekend (or both if you like to alt and have the time to maintain 2 chars).

Our main goal is to gather people who have been playing this game for years and are looking for a home that will be here till Blizzard shuts down the servers. We welcome PvPers, people who love to run M+ all day, Pet battle people etc.

If you’re looking for a fun environment with people who also know how to play, come find Tigarr on Discord and have a chat!

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Still open for recruitment. Mostly looking for dps / healers.

Still open…mainly dps at this point.

Heya! If you’re still looking for dps hit me up for a chat! Zanda#2106 on bnet Garchomp#3454 on disc

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still open, definitely looking for a warlock or 2. But open to all.

Still recruiting!

Sat team is pausing recruiting as we are nearly full. We may consider someone from a class that we don’t currently have.

Thu team still has spots so feel free to reach out. :wink:

Thur team, definitely looking for a DK dps.


Saturday Team (29/30): ONE spot left for a Rogue

Thursday Team (27/30): THREE dps spots left. High priority for a Rogue