[A-RP] - The festival of Strength - Bul’ghaz Khara’kaz! 24-26th of May

3rd Day - In the shadow of the mountain!

Map: [A-RP] - The festival of Strength - Bul’ghaz Khara’kaz! 24-26th of May - #31 by Hruroth-argent-dawn
Poster: [A-RP] - The festival of Strength - Bul’ghaz Khara’kaz! 24-26th of May - #27 by Hruroth-argent-dawn

Oh it stokes this old dark irons flames to see such a turnout! Super happy to see folks have found joy in showcasing their strength, as well as partake in dances and revelery!
BIG thanks to all the hosts and helpers that have aided this venture thus far, could not have been as great as it has been without you!

Below we now have the “final” champions for the penultimate challenge, “The Anvilbreaker”: all of you below are qualified for the days 6th and final Challenge before the finale - the mountain brawl. Break your anvil, and secure a spot in the brawl!

(If you see your name multiple times, that is merely to show your effort. All names in the lists above have their slot secured for the Anvilbreaker)

1st Challenge: Algaz’ Al-Modan - Mountains path

Hiyorin, Xi-xi, Valka, Vi, Vedir, Alias, Sujee, Beans, Lucius Thrane, Iorund, Terelias, Xiao, Ceardach, Berdo, Bolf, Donar, Canai, Fionnghuala.

2nd Challenge: Krumdul’Ganbar - Boulder Smash

Bronzeo, Terelias, Xiao, Wu-Zhao

3rd Challenge: - Krum’Haldar - Rock hold

Silne, Lucius, Ceardach, Thoreem

4th Challenge: Krum’Rollhaz - Rock toss

Ceardach, Jessicah, Kyouhei, Jess, Vedir, Aeana

5th Challenge: Kargan’Thurul - Hammer throw

Drinul, Vishine, Kyouhei, Lundra, Vedir, Thurim

The rules of sign ups of the pen-ultimate challenge

  • If your name has been called, or written down above - you are qualified to partake in the Anvil-breaker!
  • Only those who have their name called can partake in the final challenges
  • Top 3 performances will be given prices for their performance, just as the previous Challenges (Exception made for the mountain path, where the top 3 of each race will be given prices)

Schedule Sunday 26th

19:45 - 20:00 - Opening ceremony

Small intro speech, where the call for the champions of previous days will be called MAIN STAGE

20:00 - 21:00 - Penultimate Challenge: Kunvar’garakaz - Anvil breaker - Frolbar

The ones proven in mountain strength, will now compete with their peers in this old Dark iron rite of strength. Face the breaking of the anvil! Champions, have your chance at securing your spot in the final brawl! CHALLENGE AREA 2

21:00 - 22:30 - 5th Challenge: Tharrnak il Modin - Mountain brawl - Morgrim

Channel the storm as you test your hand at throwing hammers! Can you muster the strength of storms? CHALLENGE AREA 1

22:30 - 23:00 - Closing ceremony and crowning of winners!

The festival comes to an end, crowning the champions who braved the mountain path, crushed boulders, braced their bellies, threw rocks and hammers!

23:00 - 00:00 Feast begins!

Rounding out the night with revelry, song, games or even a brawl! Food has been readied and supplied by the menu composed by the Blackwater Company!

Sunday 26th - Kunvar’garakaz - Anvil breaker

Only the 4 highest will be the ones to be able to continue to the Mountain brawl

Sunday 26th - Tharrnak il Modin - Mountain brawl








Thank you for hosting it! My old dwarf enjoyed the dancing a lot, and the free beer even more so :wink:


Ohh it was you! :eyes: Thanks for the chatter!


Sliiiight hickup - due to IRL I had to postpone the “art” for the prices, they will be delivered after the event unfortunately.

Rest assured, we will still hand out lovely prizes IC - only that the winner art will be given slightly delayed after tonight :wink:

See you soon! / Morg


Yup there go your 5 stars on Yelp.


In response to my own statement earlier about not wanting to live on this world anymore if a Wildhammer didn’t win the hammer throw, I am glad to report that I am alive and well after having taken first place myself.


Dwarf RPers really are amazing people, as I have said before. You can learn all that there is to know about their characters in a month, and yet after a hundred events they can still surprise you at a pinch. - Gandalf :man_mage:t2:


The event is still ongoing as I write this with the rewards being distributed… but… CAN I JUST SAY–

This was one of the best Dwarf themed server event -ever-! It was so memorable, there was so much laughs and stories shared, and I am forever thankful for these amazing hosts! BIG props to you for bringing love to the Dwarf Community…

Here’s to an ever expanding community with my stout-folks as we celebrate more BEARDS, BLOOD, BOOZE AND THUNDER in the future!

Big thank you <3 From the Hosts, the Game Masters and the Stalls that kept the RP so fresh and fun!


absolutely fantastic, Morgrim! You should be very proud of what you have managed to accomplish, me and all the Celestial Circle have had a blast!

Looking forward to the next one, and pulling a full Pandaren sweep once more! <3


A big thanks to everyone who put this on! Was super fun to be a part of :beers:


I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone involved. I had so much fun meeting new people and serving you all booooooze!
Once again tabs are going to be sent… to Morgrim aha! I cannot wait for the next Dwaf event! Hopefully I’ll be able to serve all you wonderful people again and come back with some drinking games!

If you are looking for caters for an event. Please feel free to contact me. Always happy to help create RP <3


Such a fantastic event Morg! Thoroughly enjoyed myself in the days I could attend. Definitely poured your heart into it, down to the smallest details. Here’s to the next one! :beers::mount_fuji::beers:


I really enjoyed the festival. Got the chance to interact with awesome people.
Unfortunately could not stay for the final celebration, had to hit the sack.
But it was worth staying late for it, even though I have to survive at work on roughly 4 hours of sleep fueled by coffee.


It was a blast!
So 3 Hooray’s for dear Morgrim who thought of this amazing festival! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:!
Also Hooray’s for everyone helping and attending ofcourse!!! :partying_face:
It’s everything together after all that truly makes it feel alive!


A massive thank you to Morgrim (& All organizers!) for this fantastic event.

Fond memories of this event and glad to see the community out in force.
Also a great time to debut my newest concept in the form of Stone & Sonnet poetry, which I thought worked brilliantly and thanks for those of whom I had the best interactions with!

Below is the recited poem from last nights closing ceremony, in honor of the festival:

Bul’ghaz Khara’kaz

Life rushed through the sleepy town,
Dwarf of every clan came forth to put on a show,
With promise of kegs to be drunk and hammers to be thrown,
This is the tale of the years Borkaz in Modan.

The festival begins with the constant flow,
Welcomed races of the Alliance from Pandaren to Elf and Gnome,
Here comes the judge, Morgrim and Co’:
“Each contestant will compete upon Dun Moroghs snow!”

Intermissions of joy and partnership,
Traditional steps to a rhythm many came to learn,
Story through movement,
Danced by those with newly created tales of fellowship.

Each corner hosted a stall,
Dwarven craft and forged,
Goods to be traded and prices to fall,
Each day we walk away with a healthy haul.

Forged within the flames of the Entertainer,
A bond to be shared by all who arrived,
The stories of the years Bul’ghaz Khara’kaz,
Brought to you by Morgrim, Unity’s Retainer.

By Rumbrad Brightvein
“Stone & Sonnet Poetry”


Festival was a blast! Thanks to organizators for such amazing event, as well as everyone involved!

Had a good time and met lots of new people! Can’t wait for future events!


10/10 would punch Wu in the nose again.


Try me!
Will have an ocassion to do so again soon hopefully haha


What a wonderful Festival! Big thanks to Morgrim for organising it! HEH!

Here’s a few choice screens in order(ish) from the third and final night!








Looking forward to the next one!!

:mountain_snow: :hammer_and_pick: :muscle:


Great event! Hosts were great fun and didn’t seem too overwhelmed by the amount of people which is impressive :smiley: