About "Power Leveling"

Those are actually quite reasonable solutions.

I’d go further and make it so that anyone entering a dungeon with a player that is at least 10 levels higher than they are gets no experience at all.

That way if you desperately needed a dungeon in order to complete a quest and a boost was your only solution, having exhausted all other options, you could still get the quest done - but not expect any additional XP from doing so.


I hate the boosting too, but thinking you can force players to play with you is a good thing is dumb

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I’ll give my 5 cents on the issue, just my point of view as a person that prefers this boosting/power leveling.
I’ve been playing WoW starting from Vanilla, Naxx patch. My very first dungeon ever was WC at which I was “boosted” by my friend, a level 50 Shadow Priest. And as far as I know, boosting was a thing even back then. Especially at the end of Vanilla, when there were tons of T3-equipped 60’s just raising their alts to play something else. Maybe it wasn’t so popular, maybe it was mostly focusing on helping with quests, but it was a thing and you’re trying to change what’s not broken. So, again, most of the low-level characters were actually alts of higher levels, and we have the same situation in Classic. Both games (Vanilla and Classic) didn’t/don’t experience the large amount of new players registering a year after release, and there won’t be until the next addon. Just like in the retail-back-then version of WoW, it got most of new players during mid-TBC and WotLK times. I did leveling throughout TBC (as it was released when my main char was 30 or something) and WotLK, I leveled one of my characters to 60 in Classic and experienced all the necessary nostalgia, I tried many other MMORPG games, and now I just can’t stand this turtle crawl through levels, whilst being adult with job and family responsibilities, doing all the same thing all over again when, I’ll be honest with you, I just want to play endgame content. And if the game provides me the possibility to do so by getting boosts, I don’t see any reason for it to be anyone else’s business on how I play, because the all-leveling-together train has already gone. And if Blizzard remove this I’ll definitely and finally abandon this game at all and switch to other MMO-projects as there are plenty.

The thing is…

If u can get 5 levels in 2 hours from level 25-30.
Or u can get 5 bars in 2 hours from finding grp -> finishing one SM/SFK dungeon.

which one will you do?
Im a booster and i understand why ppl do it.
leveling is time consuming

Almost everything in Wow Classic is about is time consuming. We just decide ourselves when it becomes boring or enjoyable, which means if what we are doing if is a waste of time or worth the effort. Leveling, gearing, raiding, ranking, gold/items farming, even the time spent on a fly or waiting for a boat is about some kind of “more-than-average-time-investment”. You just set your goal(s) and soon or later the reward(s) will be for you.

I don’t see that much differences between going to the same places while leveling and going to the same dungeons trying to get some pre-BIS gears and run the same raids EVERY week. And it becomes actually much more time consuming when you decide to do the same process for all your alts. But again, you decide if it’s enjoyable and worth the effort to run the same endgame content over and over.

Our mains have reached 60 months ago and I can understand that some of us don’t want to go to the same process again. But…

  • 1/ we all started from scratch on brand new servers where looting our first green item was actually an event by itself, and for some of us it was an endless journey.
  • 2/ now we can easily support our twinks with BIS gear for each level cap, with best enchants, etc, this actually makes the leveling easier and faster than we will ever experience now on our currents servers. And we also made new friends.

And I prefer endgame too ! One year after I still have only one 60 character, my alts are between 20-40, because yeah, it takes time to level them. I might have one of them 60 soon. But I don’t want to feel the pressure of a population of players who actually set the pace of the game by boosting themselves, until, maybe around next January, it will even harder to gather people for weekly Blackrock Deeps, MC or BWL runs. Because everyone will probably be on Naxx at this time and the tryharders will already post threads about “we are getting bored ! what’s next now ?”.

We complain because our servers aren’t currently populated enough because of layers/lock, summer holiday and the end of Phase 4 progess. But this is also because many of us have rushed too fast by boosting themselves, got bored and took a break/left the game, leaving some servers kind of lifeless.

And have fun convincing new players to join an MMO where they will probably spend their time alone because of now one cares about low level content anymore.

You guys want to run everything too fast until disgusting yourself from every aspect of this game.

We asked Classic for years and look what we are doing of it: a rush.

This might be the obvious scenario where people will ask for easier features to rush even faster: LFG tool, heirloom, tokens, more flying points, etc. Please NO !

And “I’ve played others MMO” is a bad excuse. I’ve runned SWTOR, TESO and Secret World for years as well. The leveling process is obviously better for each of them (especially SWTOR), but if really want to have the same experience…I should go back to these games. Or Retail. At least I’ll be honest with myself.

But Classic isn’t like this and we all should take it for what it is: a damn time consuming game where the best reward will always be our own satisfaction for getting things done, whatever if it’s looting an HOJ, killing C’thun or just running half-naked in the Barrens for no reason.

I really don’t want to be that guy who says “if you don’t have time just go to Retail” but…

And for reminder…just one another related post:


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