Horde could have done av premade , waiting for long que’s is not an excuse because youd still que and wait as a solo player with a long que .
I have never said that dude.
I think it’s a bad system that is not fun for many players, including me as I don’t play premades.
But that has nothing to do with my arguments not to change it. Did you even read my arguments I linked?
Try and listen to me now. I don’t play premades and I don’t play arena.
How is that so hard to understand for you?
I don’t want changes for the reasons I posted above. It has nothing to do with premades or pugs or what is fair or fun.
So why do you have such a strong opinion on this matter? if you have no experience on this why are you even getting involved? Re FOR the AV Fix lol?
Your argument makes no sense given the fact that YOU DO NOT KNOW or understand the current situation re BG’s?
Why are we even talking if you have NO experience in this matter what so ever?
OMG dude I just linked my argument to you from when I answered you.
You know why. I have showed you my arguments more than once.
Dude i understand your arguments. I do. But IF you have NO experience in the subject matter of what i’m trying to relay? Then don’t jump in thinking you know everything? At least have some XP, otherwise your point of view is mute.
What claim have I made that is not factually correct?
Again, i won’t b ‘pulled’ into a conversation that you have NO knowledge about. You obviously advocated for the AV fix… hence you had some knowledge on the subject matter.
Now ‘No Changes’? Hmmm… when you freely admit you have no experience on this matter?
I will leave it at this and let other forum posters/viewers decide on this subject matter at hand.
Stay safe, always, everyone
I have full knowledge about the Vanilla queue system for battlegrounds that we are discussing though.
If I made a factual incorrect statement, point it out.
I never said that, i was referring to this forum topic thread. But you freely admit you have NO knowledge about premades and BG’s atm?
You never said what? I am quoting you in every post…
You are using ‘sections’ of my reply in quotes to supplement your argument here. Okay i will rephrase that point. You Obviously have knowledge, and i really do understand your ‘no changes’ posts. But… you cannot advocate a Blizzard ‘hotfix’ when it suits your cause. Then rely on a ‘no changes’ when it does.
I understand you hate changes, that is very obvious. But it really does go both ways… you should have been calling out no changes previously tbh mate, and you know it!
This prem meta is rubbish. Farming pugs to rank 12+ has given birth to so many back peddling marshals. It is shameful. Also 75% of those “prems” dont fight other prems they give up at 200-200 in AB or even before first cap in WSG because its better for HPH. And what else is funny is that majority of people defending this system is telling you to go back to retail while posting from their lvl120 characters. It is true, prems were always part of this game but not in this number. There was always room for casuals who just wanted to have fun. This is not the case now. Blizz runed AV for me with this lil kids version of AV, though i understand them now. Current player base doesnt have what it takes to endure endless turtles, alliance especially. And now AB and WSG are also ruined by idiots who are looking for ez way to get to rank14. THERE SHOUDNT BE A EZ WAY TO GET TO R14 AT ALL. But that being said i dont think prem vs prem only is good either. There are some prems who indeed are deserving of rank14 and if they put time and effort and gold into it and actually fight other prems, they should be rewarded. But casuals should also have a place to just have fun. This is same problem as p2. Bunch of kids ruining the game for many people because of self interest
The grass is not greener on the other side. Only the Orcs are green. As horde we also meet alot of premade alliance teams.
Dude, it was alliance puggers that complained the most about the AV queue exploit at first. They would enter AV and then 35 premaders dodge the queue so game started with 40 horde and 5 Alliance. Now That’s unfair and must be hotfixed. And it was. 3 times. By Blizzard. Not me.
Mate, i totally agree with everything you have said.
FYI the ‘back peddlers’ get me laughing every time
Incorrect, not all insults are direct. You chose the indirect approach. If you want respect, give respect. →
The implication that I am a hypocrite is quite the insult, much worse than being called “monkeyboy”.
It isn’t.
If Blizzard were to implement your seperate queue, the only people able to compete in the premade queue would be the hardcore premades. The casual premaders would all have to resort to playing solo (not ideal for those who want to play with friends)
Because playing solo would then be better for a lot of people than actually co-operating as part of a team, they’d also be able to gain honor whilst AFKing and botting in the solo queue (which is exactly what happened on Nostalrius)
You’d be changing so much for so many people, just because you don’t want to play as a team.
That’s how I’ve felt with these people for the past 2 weeks. Burton has done nothing but go around in circles, albeit politely. Maunia is perhaps one of the most self-righteous people I’ve ever met, and Operations is basically an ape.
You get nothing, I don’t premade. Furthermore, most premades play against other premades. Not all premades are hardcore min-maxers. Most are just friends and guildies and people that form their own group beforehand because they don’t want to get randomed a team of 6 warriors and no healers. Which is exactly what you’d get with solo queue.
It is frustrating and it probably does suck. As does levelling weapon skill, as does rep grinding, as does losing world buffs because somebody sepnds 15 hours of their day waiting to dispell people.
But they’re all a part of Classic. They’re all features that you asked for when you signed up, they’re all the things that Brack warned you about what he said “You don’t want that. You think you do, but you dont”.
No, I’m not. I’ve been saying the same thing over and over and over and over. I think I’ve repeated myself more times than a bloody 2000’s pop song. It isn’t my fault if you’re not paying attention, it isn’t my fault if you don’t know this game’s community and it isn’t my fault that you’re playing the wrong game.
I don’t care if I piss people off. I know that people don’t like being told that they’re wrong, but it’s not in my nature to just let people live in their little bubble thinking that their idiocy has no affect on everything around them.
Miylee, before i even consider replying to your last post… Please reply to this ‘comment’ directly on your MAIN CLASSIC character?
No. Miylee has been my posting avatar for longer than Classic’s inception.
I’m not throwing memories and my name away just so somebody can read that nice little orange “WoW Classic” tag.