Fresh start guild Lightbringer Alliance feel free to join us, leave a message here if interested 
I am looking for people to go through content together, would like to be doing all dungeon runs as a team (where poss), from levelling to mythic+
Raids could be a thing in the future but that would be normal low stress mode. Requirements would be to use wow voice chat (even just to listen), and enjoy having a laugh while having some fun! I don’t want people who turn on one another when content gets tougher.
If this works out then I would love to take the same team into classic when it comes out.
Hmmm, I’d like to do alliance side of the story, namely Drustvar, even have a lvl 20 hunter and warrior from the demo account, but I’m really offput by that “if one of us is not here we don’t level” requirement.
It feels like you want to tie my hands up. 
I’m interested! lvl 30 male from Belgium here.
Can only play during a few evenings in the week and one in the weekend, since I have a fairly busy week schedule. I’m down to play any class or role.
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Now it sounds like you’re tying yourself up. Such a bondage enthusiast. 
I’d say it would be better to make a pool of people out from which you can always grab what is missing, so noone waits on anyone?
I mean I’d feel bad if I was a part of those 5 on a day that I really wouldn’t feel like playing a low lvl and they’d be waiting on me
Sounds like clickety clack cliquery. jk jk
Then in two years when Anna Banana is GM of mythic raiding guild that was borne out of this, unwashed pleb named Looksmaxxed asks for invite and Anna Banana will be all like " no sir, you didn’t stick with me through the grindy days, only real OG’s allowed that still remember the Hogger wipes".
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No drama here thanks - I can get plenty of that subjecting myself to pugging 
If you don’t like what I am offering that’s fine, there are plenty of guilds out there… or make your own?
i’m just pulling your leg. 
Sounds like a good initiative tbh.
May it see many anniversaries. 
So on dreanor realm and what is the guild called that you will be at?so I can join.I will play mostly on the weekdays I will be playing dps and also will be healing in the future when I’m prepared.Will be playing paladin and a mage and a druid I can play both on alli and horde my guild is dead on my main realm so this will be a good start for me.
I don’t mind what realm in all honesty, just that it is Alliance.
How do people feel about a quieter realm? It will be easier to make gold there.
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How about chamber of aspects realm that one is quite and low pop we could meet and hang out there I mean wherever you decide madam
I will be called Halicoste there so you know it’s me.
I was thinking of Lightbringer (medium pop) I know stuff will sell good there like herbs/ores
We can also help the population out a little too 
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Oh cool Lightbringer it is also another useful info to add I am free from 5pm until whenever
cause I work until 4 and then I am at lunch so 5.And I am usually busy on the weekends so I won’t be on that much on the weekends.And I am really excited also yes voice sounds awesome would be a new experience for me to hear Scottish voice haven’t gotten used to it yet.
Thats great 
We need guild name ideas 
I am from Lancashire but am in the Midlands now… my accent is pretty messed up haha
How about a viking mythology name like Freya or Odin’s wrath or something along those lines or those sound too childish?.
They are good, but maybe something that fits what we are doing with the fresh start?
How aboutA new Destiny or Light of hope.And I really like what you are trying to do here also if this idea goes live you won’t be able to get rid of me
. Because I will have so much fun.
I guessA new Destiny it is
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