I sure did.
If the alliance had a larger population of players like you, they could potential rival the horde in pugs vs pugs much more easily. And then perhaps still complain about racials, but it would be a step on the right direction.
Just lol… !
As for the racials… everyone remember very well what happened once upon a a time when blizzard gave humans their free cc breaker! You know what happens down the road do you ? Or you forget how 80% horde went alliance overnight!?
Dont dare to cry its not anywhere near as bad as it was to see first 10 arena ladder PAGES all blue !!!
No you dont lose AV cause backdooring … tou can sneak and cap horde base and ive done it myself as alliance before … today 1 out of 10 games i lost to alliance pug that actually capped IB gy and fight us off like we so at SH and they smashed us ! To bad 90% of you wants the dik and want it fast and because you split and avoiding us thats why u getting farmed few by few so easy ! Has nothing to do with the fokin backdoor but its ok you can all keep repeating what u heard from someone like parrots without even ask yourself if you really lose cause of it. And dont get me started on the kill drek with all guards up and bot agroing them cause this is bigger than a stupid gy backdoor cap that i can cap without backdooring absolutely ALONE as a rogue by the fokin bridge like you can in the horde base!
Doesn’t matter atm, so we’ve lost a few matches, big deal. You can’t steamroll us anymore and even the shortest game is FAR longer than the 6-8 minutes of old. Even in losses we get decent honor and some of the close games are actually fun when your faction actually DOES play instead of rushing madly for Drek. The changes are good, just sad that all you see are opportunitys to exploit them. Do your best, i honestly don’t care.
How about you git gud?
This shows how incompetent alliance players are. they can only win by gaining unfair advantage via 3.rd party program. You can come up new excuses every day for it, but it won’t change the fact it is CHEATING. Fun fact for you: since Wednesday I played 30+ AVs, won every single one. Personally I would set every cheater’s Rank back to 3. If a Marshall warrior keyboard turning , backpedalling, desperately trying to intercept stun they do not deserve Rank 12.
Can only win in there premades, cant fight fair in pugs like the horde do, then have the cheek to come on and say get gud or reroll, why they couldn’t premade for a few days, they was here crying, because it was pug v pug… unreal.
u are such a tryhard as the horde is. so go on play horde but shut up
Because Ion manages developers. He is a noob and don’t understand anything in MMO RPG.
The core issue is that horde has long queues, alliance almost instant. Then, the incentives are completely different for both sides - Horde wants the most bang for their buck in each battleground, Alliance wants fast games, we can even lose them, doesn’t matter so much.
So inside the AV, Alliance will keep pushing for Drek but they never manage, since Horde wants to farm them for honor more than they want to do any objectives. Results are predictable, and neither side really gets what they want. The only real fix would be to have similar PvP populations for both sides somehow.
In the meantime, can’t really blame people doing what they can to go against that terrible meta-game.
Have you considered for one second that the gigantic faction imbalance is what creates and nourishes this?
If you are Alliance, you have instant-Q for every PvP activity. That means Qing, tabbing away and watching Netflix is totally viable on the Alliance-side, because even if you get kicked - which you probably won’t, because the rest of the team is also watching Netflix - you can instantly have another game.
This is not possible on the Horde side with a long wait time. It’s simply not possible.
If the roles were reversed, do you think all of your skilled, glorious Horde players would put up a good fight against the odds if they could INSTANTLY get a new match after a quick loss? Maybe some, many would not. That’s just the truth. But if you know that there is another 1h wait time heading your way after the current match, of course you are more inclined to put yourself into it.
In the end, none of that matters. WoW does have hard factions. Which means likeminded players with similar interests will ALWAYS join the same faction because they want to play together. That’s the fundamental truth. If you are an AFK-Leecher who is okay with instant-Qing into losses, you will be FINE playing the faction with people who do the same, because they won’t try to report you and losses will be much quicker, which means more games for you.
That’s what hard factions cause to a game. That’s why they were a horrible idea 15 years ago and have never contributed anything positive to the game ever…except for creating a strange hatred inside the community which some players will claim is positive, because hating each other is a great, positive thing to strife for.
As long as there are hard factions in WoW, there will be imbalance…and imbalance creates problems. If Blizzard fixed this new “exploit” and Horde win-rate in AV went back to 100% like it was the last days, all Alliance players stopped Qing for it and the Bots and AFKers were eventually banned, so there was litterally NOBODY on the Alliance side left Qing AV except for 40 Russians who then end up being a “premade” by default…would that still be an exploit?
Because that is what you will eventually end up with.
So now you blames players for playing with other players in mmorpg game? Go back to retail pls.
Yeah that’s so far away from what actually was going on that it’s crazy to think that anybody could ever get anywhere near that conclusion. But you go ahead and keep telling yourself that all alliance players are simply bad and all hordes are just gods.
Only A random solo pvp player claims alliance racials are the best.
But Meanwhile every bugger with propper experience know. Dwarf/gnomes >> all other 6racials in real premade pvp.
Its a valid opinion also it would have been a suspension abusing this in vanilla days. Its cheating considering its trying to work around mechanics blizzard put in the game
Are we getting noticed AT ALL?
Have you tried posting on the NA forum?
Congratulations. You’ve just won the prize for the most stupid post of the day.
Lets ban all players communicating while playing wow. Just ban all guilds as well…they might communicate using discord in the raids.
In the real world ppl actually speak to each other.
How is your pet tarantula by the way?
The only way to stop this premade abuses both in wsg and av , is remove all numbers in bg and also remove possibility of group queue. Becausr now wsg premades are also retarded get nuked ane camped in gy , why do we need to play premades to win bgs does not make sense, back then people got rank14 without premades, Or do it like the true vanilla and remove cross realm
Spoiler alert: rogues have stealth… they don’t need a back door.