Targeting av was still the wrong choice from Blizzard. Biting the bullet and announcing AB + BG weekends with BWL Release would have:
Shifted meta to AB Ranking outside of weekends.
Had a healthy rotation of all BGs within weekends.
That way at LEAST 3/4 weekends would have been prem vs prem, mostly. This still sucks for pugs, but pugs will always get shafted by prems in classic. Just kinda how it is.
It’s never good, Horde players get shamed for choosing Horde in large numbers because they like to do serious PvP, Alliance PvP’ers complain the average pug Alliance is so retarded they need a premade to play a battleground.
Basically two methods to deal with the same problem, PvP Horde tried to avoid the retarded players by avoiding the general faction they accumulate on, PvP Alliance wants to avoid the retarded players by creating a premade to exclude them, both of them contribute to the problem.
This is a player made problem. If Horde wasn’t full of try-hards rolling for OP racials and massively outnumbering the Alliance then we wouldn’t have instant queues enabling this.
So cry me a river. Blizzard coddle the horde and try to fix premades and reduce the Honour DR so Horde can camp FP’s even more than they do already and I’m glad it didn’t work.
I’ve long given up on the PVP grind because it’s horribly boring, but horde tears are always enjoyable.
The irony is that horde is the casual friendly faction due to sheer numbers advantage so it’s easy to understand why the best and worst players are there. Alliance has overall better players now due to most casuals leaving or reroling horde.
Lol butthurt lil kid. Op racials zug zug jesus christ the crying is real with you. Alliance has some decent racials aswell. If you don’t like it reroll horde crybaby
the funny thing is imagining those few nerds sitting around for days and trying to come up with just another exploit after the first one was fixed, instead of going into WSG and do real pvp. i pity those people.
You’re wrong here, they removed the Number because of empty Alterac party starting with -10 guys.
If There no more emtpy Alterac opened, Blizzrd shouldn’t change it again.
If devs were okay with AV premades, they wouldn’t have introduced the previous fixes.
AV premades aren’t okay, current racials are. That’s just how the game is. I wouldn’t be surprised if a new fix was eventually introduced to address this.
I’m quite convinced that the primary reason was the massive amount of dead lobbies VIP created and then abandoned, but yeah, it could be fixed. Truthfully I don’t really mind either way; I just genuinely loathe the entitlement I see come out of every orc warrior and undead priest/mage/rogue on these forums.