I just feel entitled to whatever the devs’ vision for this game is, whether it’s in my favor or against me. I just don’t like it when devs state (explicitly or implicitly) that things should be a certain way but they aren’t, like with server caps.
As for me, I look forward to TBC and to when Horde will finally stop being the minority faction on PvE servers - and I won’t have to see Ally chars wherever I go.
Horde that got every perk possible, not getting griefed farming pve content or ranking up in phase 2. Retail AV archers on alliance that hit them like wet noodles.
PVP racials, easier to get into WSG premades due to higher population.
I don’t expect them to balance anything.
People are balancing it.
Better racials -> faction imbalance -> premades.
If you don’t want premades then you need to balance factions so you need to remove unfair advantages (at least).
Absolutely beautiful RP there mate.
/Swings his mace and crushes a gnome
/Resists a stun causing half of enemy team to drown in tears
/Eats a hamburger
Herr derrrr before classic I googled best faction, and rolled horde knowing full well they’ll dominate. Then I went on to google most OP race and faction, and picked an UD priest. Which has caused alliance to counter that, being the minority faction, with the ability to premade.
It’s 100% brought on by the majority of horde players, that wanted an easy ride lol. Be a sheep, and get treated like a sheep.
Even if they remove BG number from inside people will still mass queue to force new AVs.
Addon can chceck up the names inside and people can join channel together on discord.
Please, literally thusands of bots running around BGs and open world not one got banned. You think Blizzard start ban poeple for mass q for AV or reading on discord BG numers?
I’m alliance and I don’ premade. Please stop with these generalizations that don’t add anything constructive…There are plenty of peope on both sides that don’t premade.
If this AV meta doesn’t get nerfed I will probably ban myself because there is no way I am going back to spreadsheets and recruitment. Its horrible.
A lot of people might think, AV Premade leader = EASY HONOR, but that is only what you see at the tip of the Iceberg. It literally sucked all the fun out of the game for me.
Not even half the way into the week the ARMY OF WARRIORS has found a way to subject us healers back into PvE AV.
Only reason I have updated the post for XRR is because of friends. But most of the guys in XRR know I hate AV.
well almost allys started to fight back at AV normal version, because they start to play team work like hordes but now again another premade exploit started… if this premade madness stop, I sure AV will be warzone again for better pvp
You guys should first read what “exploit” even means. We are not abusing anything. We use a discord and play as a team (AV is a team game, right?). Just because we manage to coordinate things better it doesn’t mean that is an exploit.
Who stops you hordes to make a discord and invite people? nobody…