And “premade madness” means: horde win is not granted.
AV is a team game yes but you can’t join as raid… thats why before the patch was que solo to AV now with patch you can join 5 man with your group… you wanna play with your team ? cool ? join with 5 man group and fight the horde.
nope if premades madness end, both side can fight with their 5 man groups and who ever is better will win AV simple… if you try to cheat and join 40 man BG with 30 man premade, thats the problem… if this is a not exploit, why do you think blizz release patch for it ?
Exactly, not as raid.
We don’t know each other, we are random people that coordinate all together on a discord.
The discord has more then 1000 members. You think we are all a “raid” and know each other?
You talk about “fairness”?
In that case the map and Race abilitys should be fixed/changed aswell.
Because the map favors horde, and yet you talk about “The better team wins” =D
Because horde players cried too much?
allys cried at P2, is something change at P2 start ?
Did you seriously expect the hotfix from Blizzard’s budget team to do anything positively effective?. It is easily countered and has done nothing but completely bury your fun in PVP. They want you to alt tab and afk on classic exactly as they accomplished on retail.
again retail or new to classic players thinking about AV is horde favors map… god…its ally favors accept it alrdy…we have racials, you guys have racials, if you dont like your own racial then dont choose elf simple…
Exactly. This proves that Blizzard listens to horde cries only.
Trolls, don’t have good animation graphics. Especially when they run.
Actually, personally I can’t stand any other race except Undead. If Forsakens were on Alliance side (it could be), I would still play them. And I am not alone.
Undead and Orcs were the most popular races in Vanilla. Before anyone knew, how good their racial abilities were.
On the other hand, Dwarf Priest aesthetically is a joke.
I said it many times. Blizzard failed miserably in (re)creating otherwise cool races.
how do you know this?
i not “think” it, we know it favors horde.
Why do you think that horde is always faster at Balinda then allys at Galv?
Because you have 150% mount speed? no, because the map favors horde.
There was even an analystic of someone drawing a line from cave of horde towards balinda, then he mirrored the map and drawn the same line for alliance.
Result was that the ways are shorter for hordes… so ye, wanna talk about how it not favors you?
Not enough experience at that time.
Also Horde=Orcs. Of course they would be popular.
Im not saying, that no one chose their race because of powerful racials. Its just I feel that ALL Alliance players think that ALL Horde playing Orcs or Undeads, because they wanted “hilariously overpowered” racials. Its not true.
I don’t believe that Alliance lose almost every AV because of racials as it constantly said in these forums. Don’t know about map advantages.
Im leveling a Paladin now. So I will have the opportunity to research first hand, what is the reason of Horde dominating in PvP.
Not enough experience at that time.
but how do you know this?!
what if enough experience = reading the racials when u pick race
What are you talking about you moron? It’s horde’s fault this is happening, and you whinge and whine when you are actually faced with fair pvp that you take to the forums. Alliance have had to put up with unfair pvp for months and got NO response from Blizz. Horde whinge once because they actually get beat in fair pvp and this happens.
You wanna play solo pug vs pug well so do we but its no possible on wsg since 100% of the matches are vs premades but i dont see you crying about that are you ?
Not only racials but exploits especially the backdoor exploit making the alliance bridge chokepoint a simple skip
Pls fix already blizzzzz.
Still an improvement since they can´t dodge other premades this way.
Everything in this post is nonsense. PvP happened on a PvP server and didn’t like it? Shouldn’t have been on a PvP server then. PvE servers are over there ->. Completely irrelevant argument.
Horde’s fault? How so? Alliance are the one exploiting the queue system and Blizzard “fixed” it for the time being. Blizzard doing such things is their way of saying you shouldn’t be doing this. So tell us again, how is the Horde wanting the Alliance to play the same way Horde does, Horde’s fault? Short answer is that it isn’t. Another completely irrelevant argument. But that’s all the Alliance have. Such disingenuous, utter nonsense excuses trying to justify doing what they do.