Alliance premades are back!? FIX IT!

Look at all those horde crybabies. winning every pugg both in wcg, av and wpvp isnt enough for them

Same can be said for alliance AV premaders, no?..

Finding a point to cry every single day is a new horde racial?


Wow. The amount of alliance here who defend this is insane.
I for one have the possibility to join wsg premades, but playing alone in battlegrounds now as horde is hell.

How do you justify AV premades exactly?? Because of racials you have the right to premade? Jesus, you really are a funny bunch.

The AV’s where all were mostly pugs are some of the most even games I’ve ever played since the patch, and that is obviously not good enough for you.
Last night we lost a 1hr 12 min AV, and all creds to alliance as they played better.

I’m sure Blizzard didn’t intend for Horde to back door in AV either

Or to Camp FPs day and night either but guess what it happens because it’s the most efficient way to get honor.

I know if Horde could pre made AV in the same way they would make a big speech about having too much honor and being too righteous to do such a cowardly trick.

Lets face it though your just salty because you waited an hour to be steam rolled in 5 minutes by a pre made and received 0 honor meanwhile Joe MGreenballs the Orc warrior was lucky enough to face nothing but pugs and got his 5k honor per AV and leap frogged you on the weekly leader board.

May I play for you the world’s smallest violin? Perhaps Joe could dance while I play.



Then explain me this, if you blame it all on the “back door” in AV. How can you defend that the pug vs pug in AV are some of the most even games I’ve played in classic?
If you lose it isnt because horde abusing backdoor.

Before the patch you hardly got any towers, wich are EASIER to get than bunkers and often ended up getting pretty low bonus honor. Why is that? Because of the back door? lol

You’re terrible players when it comes to pure pugs, but now when you could queue 5-man and 5 higher ranked players joined and probably lead the game, you got a pretty good chance of winning.

get rekt kekW

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What I’ve been saying for a while. All it takes is having good vision and watch how team mates perform in a BG around you to reach this conclusion very quickly.

But no, not retarded players in the alliance. Horde racials op.

Wait… what fair pvp are you talking about? Alliance premade vs Horde pug? On which the alliance premades even struggle to beat the horde pugs save a few?

I will give you the answer now. The hard truth to swallow. While there are garbage players on both factions, the Alliance simply has a much higher number of clueless pvpers than the horde. So the odds of having more competent players on your pug vs pug are much more in favor of the horde. People just don’t want to admit this and will tell you racials op because of faction pride I get it. But it only takes a keen eye to watch people around you playing and failing basic playing respawn after respawn as you will have the chance to experience. Once you start queueing for AV you’ll see for yourself.

Only to avoid horde advantage on AV map. Remove horde advantage and “premade” won’t be available. Because many alliance players will return back to AV.

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No geniuses. AV is a caster heavy bg, and horde side always got at least +3 mage/lock/sp in every single game. And racials ofc, you are superior at every class with those racials.

In wsg our paladins rule though.

Those backpedalling vurtne drakedog cosplayers are really funny.

If that was the case, there would be no (hundreds) guides on net, about talents, abilities, professions, races, and even classes. We all can read.
For example, when I started playing wow, and saw +1% crit on an item (or by talent, Im not sure), I thought it was a laughable stat. And I was playing DAOC before. Imagine someone, who played MMO for the first time.

Just curious @Hordes. How often do you face premades in AV on average?

Finally a decent answer. After meeting 2 premades in AV and the inevitable loss, we faced a pug and winning.
I dont know what the alliances are doing. They got no towers, and only 990 honor, while we got 2,7k honor.

Blaming losing an AV because of racials/mages/healers is pathetic (not you whom I am quoting, but the dude a few posts under you is pathetic, cause it should be pretty even).

I’ve met good pugs after the patch, wich I’ve lost a few games to as well. Hordes are quick with recalls when called and we also rush towers if on its way to be captured, wich the alliance don’t seem to be doing at all.

the 3 AV’s I’ve done tonight, it’s been 2/3 premades.

And how many wins/losses?
Have played 4 tonight as alliance, 2 wins.
Premades are just as good as any horde pug to be honest.
The last 2 days I had 100% losses and 20 mins of gy ganking in every AV game.

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Lost 2/3. Both vs premades where horde got stomped by high ranked alliance players.
I don’t minding losing if it’s a fair fight. But meeting rank 10-13 players against rank 1-12 players it’s bound to lose.

Like I’ve written in previous posts, we lost an 1hr 12 min game against 5 man high ranked players from the same server, wich sucked, but understandable as we are able to do the same.
Meeting so many high ranked players 2/3 times wich clearly are premades and almost insta losing is fustrating, specially when waitng 30-50 minutes for the queue.

Aren’t you the warlock who rerolled horde? Hard times fighting WotF, yes? Reroll horde instant leap in competence

Yah, that is what I meant with ‘retarded’ people stacking on the alliance and people rolling Horde trying to avoid them.