Alliance premades are back!? FIX IT!

He even rolled Human lock because he liked a challenge until he realised he didn’t.

KEKW still losing in 8min after av queue changes. cant camp sh graveyard anymore, please blizz do something QQ

also i heard they do a lot of pvp in those 8min probably more than average horde player in av.

we play alliance just for pvp queue time ^^

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oh well git gud

I mainly re-rolled horde because that’s what I played for 14 out of my 15 years playing WoW and I only got baited to roll alliance for classic by irl friends who always played horde with me but decided to go alliance this time around for a change, they have quit months ago after doing MC for 3 resets and getting bored with the lack of content. So I had no reason to keep playing alliance. I have sympathy for the alliance and I know there’s loads of great players both pve and pvp, but my drive is pvp and the majority of players suck at that. This should be common knowledge but you make this a taboo. I certainly didn’t enjoy playing pugs in the alliance while it felt I was the only person with a brain in the BG. It is only a natural thing to want to be playing with like minded players that have a brain and an interest in pvp to a level I could not find in the alliance, plus after getting exalted quite quickly in AV doing my server’s premade pre X-Realm discord I had no further interest in joining premades as I enjoy pvp rather than the boring pve rush grind so I only queued for WSG after that point. Guess what, alliance being stomped left and right in WSG on pug vs pug because you know what? People can’t play. I could write a book on all the rookie mistakes I kept seeing repeated by the hundreds of pugs I grouped with. As I say, join a pug and watch your team mates play, you’ll see what I’m talking about. But you can keep calling it racials or whatever you like.

Also for your information, beating wotf may be hard as a priest with a 30 or 24 cd on fear, but do you really think that’s the case for a warlock? Only takes a brain and some experience. Fortunately I have both.

omg cant camp sh gy again? u should re read patch notes:

There will no longer be a number in the name of the battleground in the “Join Battle” screen.

Mate you’re just being daft, but that’s ok this is the classic forum afterall.

Don’t take it out on me because your irl friends baited you into playing Alliance. I’ve made you a friendship braclet out of peacebloom, too which character should I send it too?

You can send it to this one. I maintain good relationships with a lot of alliance players. Most of them are even smart enough to understand how the faction they love is overpopulated by incompetent pvpers and don’t bother crying on this forum because they aren’t in denial.

Join a pug, see how your team mates are playing, how they position themselves in the map and what they’re doing. Do that a couple of times, you’ll get all the answers you need.

Question dodged, ty for confirming though

Fix your brain.

I did answer it, or have you got a lack of cognitive skills or developmental disability?

I didn’t reroll horde because I can’t beat wotf, as I said as a warlock with decent experience playing pvp for years I can beat an undead as easy as any other race. Do you think I had never dueled one outside Ogrimmar? I may struggle if I have deathcoil on cd but even without it, if I’m specced SL I have no issues against any undead 1v1. They simply can’t kill me fast enough for the time their immunity lasts and I can simply outlast them with the current itemization and it will only play more in my favor as new tiers are released. I also wouldn’t be rerolling simply because mirror matches could cause me trouble if I really enjoyed the alliance, but the faction has no appeal to me at all, ugly races, ugly mounts, ugly emotes and a white knight attitude I don’t relate to. So I play what I enjoy.

I rerolled horde because that’s where I feel at home having played it for 14 years and feeling that’s where I have more pvp like minded people to play with. No one enjoys playing with scrubs and that was all I could do as there aren’t any alliance wsg premades and as I said I’m not fond of the pve rush drek grind and I only queue for wsg. Having loads of fun twinking at 49 at the moment where guess what, the alliance wins the majority of the matches at 49 because they x-realm premade for lvl 49 and they are very coordinated and play well as it would be expected from twinks, so I’ve been losing most matches but still have loads of fun having serious well played pvp matches and I don’t come crying on the forum that the alliance premades wsg at 49 or that they always have 3 healers and a druid fc. Horde racials don’t save us when the opposition just knows how to play and is coordinated which is the big flaw on alliance lvl 60 pugs. Join a pug and see for yourself how good your pugs play.

i hope this answer suffices. I think I had already gone into enough detail on my previous reply on which you didn’t really care to comment on how it should be common knowledge that the alliance concentrates the larger number of players with a non pvp mindset thus lacking skill and experience which who would guess… translates into a big defeat ratio.

But surely as someone who is primarily interested in PvP you would just join a pre made and not have to deal with these players you are talking about?

Or does joining an AV pre made go against your ethics as a proud member of the Horde?

Did you even read my posts? I only queue for WSG. I have no interest in the rush drek pve grind. I only queue for pvp. There weren’t any alliance WSG premades up until 2 days ago and it seems they didn’t last long and went back to play pve. Plus the faction simply has no appeal to me.

I read about 10% of it and then decided I’m not up for reading a life story.

Only read 5% of the last one.


If you don’t bother reading don’t bother replying or challenging my point.

Oh come on now there’s no need to have a hissy fit. We’re all friends here.

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Are you really that dumb?! Tell me the why Blizzard themselves are trying to stop you from premading the AV?
So ignorant and dumb it hurts! Yes the races are there and not something that blizzard is fixing this expansion… but obviously not the same as the way you want to stomp on randoms. Even more … comments like " boo hoo hordes no more easy victory " just confirmed that you are shiit outside premades! Anyway… you outsmarting devs on the matter is not the same as a person choosing his race ! Its beyond me how can you compare them when even blizzard are trying to stop premades in AV simply because they are unfair vs pugs and sadly we cant do the same cause of the queues otherwise would be fair! If i have to say my personal opinion, it is that AV premades should be made official as they are for every other bg and thats it! But if they are not… u dont get to defend them and pretend they are intended just cause you can pull it off when clearly they even make changes in effort to stop you!

The problem is they dont make effort to stop you bro, no effort was made for the backdoor exploit nor the pull exploit, about the racials we know no changes will be made but about the exploits there should be changes, but no alliance premades only get changes becouse alliance are outnumbered and their cries dont matter also you dont seem to understand that ITS NOT THE HORDE WHO CANT PREMADE ITS EU HORDE RUSSIAN ORC/UNDEAD CAN PREMADE EZ .

Hey mate, you’re a rogue. Have you ever tried jumping the horde backdoor and ninja cap their gy? You know there’s one too right? I honestly not ever seen any alliance rogue/druid on a pug trying to pull this off or even trying to ninja cap whatever near horde base. And trust me I keep tabs on the map and the location of everyone on my group very often. To this date, I still know people that never press M to open map a single time on a BG to see the location of his team mates. Keep blaming exploits.