Alliance unplayable currently

It’s 50 : 50 on Judgement and PvP is very organized… When we are battling each other whichever side wipes has like 6-8 minutes to regroup,rebuff and we go at it again… Pretty cool community tbh

Do you guys expect normal answers from persons who are not normal? Yes? No? PvP is killing classic, and it will show in time. Just give it some time.


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Excuse me. How will this help? If the outnumbered faction rerolls to PvE, it will make the faction balance on the server even worse for people who stay. Instead of 1.5/1 ratio they’ll get 2/1 ratio. Your solution will basically ruin the server completely.

The server is already ruined for these players. You will have to ask what went wrong to those that think ganking lowbies is fun. In the meantime,players that want to play classic but don’t find it playable in these servers need a solution

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WPVP was never balanced. It has always been like this. It has always been about ganking, camping and griefing.

It is naive to expect anything else. You will get disappointed for sure if you think so. If you are frustrated by this, there is a clear solution: rerolling on PVE, because this will NEVER change.

People wanted Classic, and they get exactly what they wanted.

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I really wish people would think before posting… but some, apparently, are not equipped for it.
Yes, there’s always been ganking, camping and griefing.
But when you have 5x more players on the server for the same landmass, you will make things exponentially worse.


Ganking and camping lowbies have always been there since the start of wow.
A lot of max level players ganking and camping lowbies just for fun in vanilla.
You really think this is something new in classic? No.
And we all know it will never change.

just unsubscribe. thats all you can do

Solution has been pointed out by others again and again: transfer or reroll PVE.

You expect other solutions???

I don’t care, I’m not affected, but the people now unable to play decently because of poor design decisions for Classic (which weren’t a problem in Vanilla and its 5x lower server populations) have the right to complain about it.
We are all PAYING customers.


unsubscribe. never reroll and never transfer.

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Ofc they have the right to complain. Players have been complaining about everything possible since the start of wow.

But here there’s a good reason. They expected a Vanilla like environment, and instead they got a gankfest with 5x or more population in the same sized world.
That is not what was promised at all.

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Vanilla was 15 years ago.

People who think classic will be the same and “classic will have the best community” are just delusional.

I don’t think Blizzard has promised anything to players at all, except just releasing Classic as people requested.

And in fact, we all know, their exactly words are “You think you do, but you don’t”

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I’m not sure if you intentionally ignore what I’m saying or if you’re a bit… “thick”, to be nice.
The major issue is not 15 years, it’s the massively higher amount of players on the same servers with the same world size.

Alliance is unplayable, faction imbalance is getting worse by the day. Joined a dungeon group yesterday. Party, despite going together couldn’t get away from the FP, people logged and it was over. The “gather other allys and kill off the horde” argument is invalid and not possible due to imbalance (not enough players). The game will deteriorate until BGs are released.

how many hordes were there

10-15 present with some others hunting outside the FP to catch people escaping. Given the time of day and the fact that other players are doing other things made it impossible to handle. Took something like 15-20 minutes with 5 corpse runs until ppl gave up and the run was cancelled.

dont think you said, but which FP was it?