Alliance unplayable currently

hahah get gud or log out and cry on forums.


How can you do this when both entrances to dungeons and FPs are camped by 20+ players?


the drugs your on are not helping you

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Iā€™m also ally on Shazzrah, itā€™s just unplayable really. canā€™t do anything in the world.
I donā€™t see any fun in that and itā€™s really demotivating.
Like sure itā€™ll be unfair sometimes and you will run into a group here and there, but this is just everytime constantly.
Imagine being excited to make it 20 yards further to the dungeon becuz your body keeps getting camped. thatā€™s where we are at rn

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wow that is some high IQ u got going there, :slight_smile:

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Your Iq must be lower then as u keep bumping this thread with your responses . For something you think is irrelevant, u doing a great job thanks m8 really appreciate it.

Ah man u win, u biggest brain, me small brain sorry


The horde on Mograine dont seem to know how the honor system works. While many alliance players try to stick in small groups for good honor and some actual real fun world pvp, it seems like all hordes team up in only huge raids. The few times we actually found a smaller group of hordes they just run away or hide from combat until they get backup and once again outnumber us by atleast 4 to 1.

Stupid zerg mentality that gives bad honor and contains 0 fun or skill. Too many kiddos roll horde as usual I guess.


Yep same on golemagg.

Normally a few nice scraps of 10v10 or a little smaller then out of nowhere a full raid team shows up of horde and ruins it for an hour or so, like they must get 1-2hp from killing each of us, and trying to corpse camp us whatā€™s the point XD

Zergs are laggy and unfun anyways, trying to explain it to some of the people in my guild who are obsessed with TM vs SS atm, but they donā€™t get that ā€œI HAVE LOTS OF KILLSā€ doesnā€™t equal more rank points :stuck_out_tongue:

There are some cool hordies though who are up for proper battles and theyā€™re the ones Iā€™m going to enjoy killing every day.

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I played on Shazzrah when Classic lunched.
Balance between horde and ally was broken then. I think now is even worse.

Leveling was painful and was not enjoyable at all. Thankfully, Blizzard opened migration. So my guild migrated.

I can understand your frustration, I really do. You can migrate or just stop playing until they introduce BGs.

Good luck and always try to have fun. If you do not, go spend your time elsewhere :slight_smile:

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imo its more a question of getting good than any faction balance

I donā€™t even engage in pvp if Iā€™m not outnumbered 10 to 1, itā€™s noskill, nochallenge :)) gitgud, get raidboss healthpool you plebs!

idk what you talking abuot i play on high pop horde dominant server, been doing fun ranking solo. learn to use los and keep close watch of spy and stay off the roads, and you can dodge most of the groups

Getting good? Fighting a group of lvl?? makes you better how?
Being assaulted by a group of 5-10 same lvl players, makes you better how?
It has everything to do with faction balance.

getting good is not getting caught by a group in the first place, or at least not as frequently

please teach me how to gitgud. My experience shows that I donā€™t even get to land the gryphon and my screen is gray. Corpse and gy camped 24/7.

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Please support this solution

well thats your first mistake. If you want to go to burning steps, donā€™t fly to burning steps. Fly to redridge and run up, or if you want to go EPL/WPL fly to hinterlands and take mountain pass. Doubt any 60 horde will be ganking hinterlands flight path

I think Golemagg is one of the better servers for Alliance tbh

Nah game is fineā€¦
people are broken mentallyā€¦
Back then some people were douches who did whatever is going on now.
Now its almost half of the server doing it.

I rarely killed any lower-than-me horde characters, if I did I did it for self-defense.

The root of the problem is that no-one has anything better to do. For them this is actually the fun in the game. Back then you had things to do.