Hey Blizzard, can you please do something about people standing AFK in alterac valley. alliance always lose because 5-10 people stand afk in the cave. If you ask me its an exploit to enter a battleground and stand afk entire fight to get free reputation. PLEASE DO SOMETHING BLIZZARD! Its killing the fun on battlegrounds, must be possible. At least go out and tell people there will be bans if anyone exploit reputation/honor system.
This is unfortunately a downside to xrealm matchmaking.
The anonymity turns people’s behavior egocentric.
Realm-only queues would make people’s interactions more natural, and create room for some proper teamwork and synergy to form between people that gets to know each other over time.
It’s also easier to get people to punish the afkers when there’s social awareness.
It’s the anonymity and lack of accountability that breeds such bad behavior.
that might be true, but there are over 100 av’s, wont be that easy as u say.
It works fine now . 99% when we queue now we end in the 3 latest avs. Sometimes you end up in an older game because someone left or something. With 5 man group, that wont happen
Kavix tysm man i fing love you no h0mo tho
Can you bring Transmog in the process ? I have farmed all my BIS, looted my gear in MC and Ony, but now my Paladin looks like an idiot.
Just joking nochangers, chill out. Or maybe not…
In B4 deserter for refusing queue
ehm so nothign big right? i hoped in soem chnges liek sstronger archers to prevent zer taktic…
The number change is also a major buff to horde side because I’ve noticed during the past days there’s always a bad geared rogue parked in North to kill prospector and pull the trash.
Alliance have “new” tactics, queuing as horde rogue from 2nd account just in case if they get wiped multiple times, they get more time by pulling all the trash in their base and killing prospector with the same horde rogue toon just to win more time.
I wish those people who started alliance premades would be banned for all what they did, they obviously abused system and now even griefs people by using cross faction toons in AV.
Disgusting human beings.
It isn’t.
Granted, you no longer have premades in AV.
However, you also no longer have GhostAVs (5-15 Alliance). Those appeared because the premade players canceled all undesired BG invites.
Meaning: No steamroll games against an outnumbered opponent, and you now have about 1/4 the amount of AVs opening in total.
Let the latter part sink in for a moment. Less AVs, == Less Invites per hour == Increased queue times.
Queue times for horde right now are between 30-45min. INcrease that by a factor of 4 and, well…get rekked son
Edit: bonus stage:
Now that kills give alot more honor than they used to, and 5man premades are possible, WSG will be the new hotspot. Meaning, even less AV invites, even longer queues.
You told nothing about my point, you just cherry picked 1% of my reply and started responding to it. I don’t like that so I choose not to discuss about what you wrote. Won’t agree, won’t deny, nothing. You ignored me, I ignore you.
bla bla bla
Oh I see you are using the “lalalalalala i cant hear you” strategy common with people who can’t support their PoV with actual arguments
Are you talking about yourself?
Can you please point me into the place where you commented about alliance using Horde Rogues to pull trash in North and kill prospector to win themselves more time?
Sorry, I don’t discuss fantasies of random people on the internet
Ok, then piss off troll, you have nothing to tell to me, I see your replies in another topics where you cherry pick others trying to show your superiority over them.
Aww cute, the kiddy is angry
The thing is, I am in fact superior to you.
Another thing is, you don’t make that difficult.
You must be really lonely and abused person if you act like this. I’m sorry for you dude. Go outside and learn some social skills.
Do people like to go into discussion with you or do they just tell “Yeah yeah” and stop it IRL?
I know you will tell some nice things about yourself now, but reality is different.
Goodnight lonely guy, change yourself and then maybe people will genuinely want to talk to you and so you won’t have to come here and try to start conversations in this toxic way. You wouldn’t come here to sh1t on people if you weren’t lonely, you would have people to talk to you.
You’re forgetting a major factor though. Which is the natural movement of players.
So let’s say you’ve got that factor increase (wild speculation imo, you can’t really predict anything other than the fact that less alliance are likely to queue if premades won’t be possible), you’ve got the quitters to consider too.
Not all horde will keep queuing if the queue times increase. This will have a reducing effect on the horde queue times, which will bring it down again, and round and round it goes.
The queue times will only be as long as the collective tolerance of the horde will allow it to be.
Then you’ve got the ones chasing that peak honor per hour, even on the horde side. Once they go past their tolerance levels, they’ll seek to form WSG premades instead.
This is a good thing. It’s always better to seek out the social activity rather than the asocial one.
Also, you seem to be confused about something. The 5-man limitation is an increase from the solo limit in AV. It doesn’t affect other BG(s), such as WSG and the upcoming AB in phase 4 (probably arriving in the summer, hard to predict their early releases though).
Those BGs still allows the better social design of full premades possible for everyone.
As for why premades shouldn’t be segregated into a premade-only queue, see:
and you can read the entire thread for context.
These new changes only serves to make it harder, but it likely won’t prevent premades forming altogether in AV. It’ll definitely make full premades much harder to achieve reliably however.
The Russian pools are a problem nobody speaks about yet though, but they’ll grow into a much larger problem later on in AV once the gear disparity increases with t2, t2.5 and t3. Because their ability to form premades won’t be affected at all by these changes, due to their extremely small matchmaking pools.
Which is why russians should be in their own battlegroup
From a company perspective, they likely don’t see that as a valid option or it would’ve been done already and for all the other regions as well.
They probably see it as this, to keep the complaints down, or to bring them back in to the massive mix and to hell with the complaints.
A valid option would however be to aim for battlegroups resembling 1.12 if they feel so forced to use the xrealm matchmaking system instead of the realm-only option.
Which would mean battlegroups not only based on regions, but also battlegroups within the regions themselves so not even all EU-English servers would be in the same battlegroup.
This would be the most fair way to solve it if they don’t want to just go back to the more vanilla-like design of realm-only queues.
Basically, the Russian realms wouldn’t have a leg to stand on to complain about only facing each other, if everyone else would be sorted into their own small battlegroups as well. Which is a better solution from a company perspective.
Blizzard’s policy seems to be to just ignore it altogether though. They still don’t acknowledge it’s actually a problem.