the ques are not the worst thing about whats going on with it
av premading will still be better for alliance
It’ll be harder for you to beat the many 5-man squads that’ll be queuing up though.
you rly over estimate the power of a 5 man squad
It’s true for Vandar too.
thing is any true pvper would want WSG to be the best way to acquire honor.
its not late, the only change they should have implemented is the wotlk human racial and thats it. That would drive a few tryhard into the alliance and would make it less inbalanced in the long run. But the fact they are just outright nerfed and removed one of the biggest pros of being in the underdog faction thats just nonsense. Anyway I would be suprised if we wouldnt see a few more flamelash before naxx.
The xrealm premades made AV fun. People were actually doing the objectives and working as a team. Returning AV to the mess it was before is an extemely bad decision. I used to have so much respect for your guys.
nah not rly because then i can’t casualy pug it whenever i want without having 50% of my games being vs prems. premading is only fun if the teams you are fighting are good. 99.99% of them are not
You’ve been having this much trouble against the solo queuers turtling.
Imagine the increase in frequency of this, and the gear/class/spec requirements people can use for their 5-man squads now.
Even though it won’t be full premades like on the alliance side with the extreme amount of high-rankers thus far, it’ll still change the behavior of many of the horde teams from now on.
past few weeks, have had 0 issues with av. no long game ever. the bigger factor isn’t 5 man or w/e its the rng of getting faced against 15 mages
and now the crying will continue because all the sweatlord switch to wsg premades and farm the gamerdad there on gy
Could release the real AV instead of this joke of a 1.12
it will u fing dumbass troll
Than we can finaly do what we want, so. Horde do get wat they want.
The only people that seem upset here is alliance, horde seem happier, because YES alliance will still get premades, but at least they can join with 5 now…queues might get longer? but I don’t think anybody cares, goodluck getting to BWL with the new DR on honor… should defo make AV more intresting now!
Hahaha let the salt commence.
Yeah it is kind of a shame that they didn’t take the opportunity to add a rated BG style system alongside these fixes, it would have been a fun feature.
All it takes is 3 5-man squads of 5 mages in each.
It’ll change the randomized patterns of class setups, greatly.
ye gl with that… do you know the rng of that? i don’t expect to meet anymore or less mages in av after patch than now