Any Hong Kong people on this server?

And in one of your post you said the rpers community was all toxic. Are you also saying every single rper is toxic because the community is?

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It has to be trolling at this point.


He has been trolling for quite a while now.

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Well. That’s not what I said. Perhaps you didn’t read the start of the discussion, but I just said that this entire debate has been done to death many times, it won’t make people change their mind and that I think anti-OOCers usually use oversensitive arguments.

We had a back and forth with Vilem&friends (in which it was made clear that OOCers weren’t his main focus) and then we discussed about what caused other RP servers to collapse… and if a similar situation could occur into AD. Which further ignited the issue of OOCers and harassers. By then people took the position you seem to share now, that OOCers are a bad category in and of itself.

I have debated this part already and offered arguments before you joined. The moment in which I report my experience isn’t really an argument, just an explanation as to why I don’t find it compelling when people tell me: “why don’t you do something about this crisis?!?”

As I said your central point entails an ambiguous situation, where you both absolve and condemn OOCers as a group/category.

I am trying to show you why I accept a piece of it, but reject it as a whole.

I said the community has a problem with toxicity and it would be better if people would focus on issues such as these rather than screaming OOCers are the root of all evil on AD. Of course many players aren’t toxic, I RP with a lot of great players.

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And we are saying that oocers in general are a problem.


Which is mainly caused by OOCers.


Your statements weren’t less vague. You claimed you have a problem just with trolls, then now you claim you’re having a problem with OOCers in general.

I think toxicity comes from inside. Trolling sure, comes in great numbers from outside, but toxicity is mostly an internal problem.

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Pretty much what Zagkush and Jessicka are saying.

My entire argument is that alot of the toxicity and harassment comes primarily from nonRPers and that is an issue.

Your argument seem to be that because it’s not the -sole- reason, then its no point in talking about it. Or because I consider it to be a large issue then I hate all nonRpers which I never said I did.

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Because the trolls are 90% of the time OOCers.

Caused by the OOCers.

Does toxicity exist within ICC? Ofc it does, there’s toxicity everywhere.
However, OOCers makes it far worse.


Yes, because many of the oocers in question are trolls and griefers. That’s why they are a problem.


My point is that it’s wrong to blame all the OOCers for harassment and trolling and henceforth you can’t become toxic yourself to random OOCers on that basis.

Personally I also think RPers do more harassment than OOCers. My argument with you is just that it’s wrong to blame an entire category for what a sub-category does.

I strongly disagree with the idea that toxicity comes from OOCers, people barely interact with OOCers when you RP. Toxicity is usually internal to the community. You said yourself your worst experiences were with other RPers.

Within our debate, my argument has always been that it’s wrong to blame an entire category for a group of trollers. Like, it’s even procedurally wrong: it’s called a fallacy of composition.

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Because if you’re like this here I assume you’re even more rude ingame, where there is less accountability.

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Then why call the rping community toxic? Can you answer that?

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It’s not blaming all OOCers. The whole point is acknowledging that -alot- of these issues stem from nonRpers, and there is no reason for them to be here if they have no intent -whatsoever- to roleplay.

My worst was, but it it doesn’t mean the others were not as bad, and the fact that are -alot- more numerous.

And I disagree with this. While it might have been diffrent before, nowdays there is actually a culture on its own tied to specifically nonRpers. As stated, many streamers and youtubers have created a popular meme that “roleplayers are nerds that deserve to be harassed, its fun guys!”, and this is a mentality that is -extremly- common among people who have no interest in roleplay.

Again, I do not blame. I say that there is a clear general issue with OOCers and it needs to be adressed. Particuarly that there is no valid excuse to why they are on a realm dedicated to roleplaying. See the Chess analogy again, it is really -that- simple. I disagree with -anything- that is opposed to that.

Huh, never called the entire community toxic? I said that it’s a problem it has. Read it this way: considering that there are toxic players within the community maybe we should focus on what encourages such an attitude and actually discourage it, rather than spend our energies on the non-issue that are OOCers (which is also a issue that can’t be solved by us). I also said if you don’t like toxicity you can pick it up with another issue, like ERP.

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But so far it’s only you who think it’s a non-issue? Everyone else seem to think it’s an issue, with a large group of people thinking it’s a majority issue that needs to be sorted out first.

And this seem to be where the problem lies. You just think it’s not an issue at all, so anything we say is just wrong.

Then the same can be said about the oocers, most of them are find pleasure in griefing and disrupting rp, which is a form of interaction that i don’t really want but have little choice when they are all over the place spamming toys or mounts.

edit: when such is happening, can you really blame the community of rpers for not wanting oocers around?

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But you still find them at a fault and suggest we should actively and constantly interact with them in a way that makes them feel unwelcome in the server.

You may not blame them, but you treat them as culprits basically.

Again. This is due to the terrible reactions RPers have had against these people (perhaps they deserved it btw, I’m not arguing they are right or wrong, just that people had it coming)

There is a difference between thinking that they shouldn’t be here but allowing them and actively promoting an attitude which makes their experience of the game worse. That is harassment.

Here we are again. Same argument. In this thread Kelduril argued the same.

Other players in other threads emphasized that the anti-OOC stance is counterproductive

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OOCers usually harass RPers, so then it’s fair trade.

My ex RP’d, and I’ve seen PLENTY of screenshots where she got harassed by OOCers, especially when the Project Douchenozzle guilds started showing.

OOCers is a huge problem. Sure, some aren’t (Like myself), but a lot are.




There is also diffrent ways to solve this.

While harassment/toxicity is never okay, a roelplayer being toxic is easy to just mute/not roleplay with. An OOC spammer is often visual or using things that affect your character, making it difficult to ignore without logging off the game completly.

Yes, because if they have no intention at all to do the activity this server is dedicated for, ever, I don’t see the point of them being here.

False, this has happened long before any reactions, and from talking to some of these people myself, it’s more to do with “It’s just funny, I like it when people get angry its so fun lol”. As I said before, I think very little of these people.

And Im agreeing a bit with Jessicka, you can’t be this dense. Now you are litterally just playing devil’s advocate for the sake of arguing, something I also find a little repulsive, since it falls into the category of “I like people being angry.”

Which is -exactly- what they are doing? Is it not harrasment that OOCers in general promote the idea that roleplay doesn’t deserve to exist because its not what they like? This is litterally like walking into a Seafood resturant, then complain loudly that they serve seafood and try to break into the kitchen to replace it all with meat.