Any Hong Kong people on this server?

Obviously not!

It’s like with people gettin’ r*ped, it’s obviously their own fault and were actually asking for it. RIGHT!? ISN’T THAT HOW THIS WORKS?!?!?

EDIT: Extreme example, I know, but it’s just to show how utterly ridiculous this is.

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Yes, I do mute trolls and spammers, but when they are using mounts and toys to block your char or screen, it’s hard to enjoy rping.


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That is what I meant sorry. In that, its easier to solve a situation with a roleplayer being a douche, than an OOC roleplayer with a bunch of stupid toys, no spare time and mounts.

One can just be muted/ignored. The other requires you to actually not play until they get bored.

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I love how Roleplayer, the perfect example of non-toxic oocer is liking every single post of dragon rper lmao


And me, an OOCer, defending RPers against OOCers…

What is this world. The dude is a RPer, but don’t see the problem that I, an OOCer, actually sees. WHat in the flying heck. :thinking:


He arguing for the sake of arguing, not to make a valid point.

in ten letters

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I want to be optimistic, but this seems to be the case. And as I said, I find that repulsive in itself. Because I think -very- low of people who find amusement at the anger or suffering of others, which arguing for the sake of arguing is.

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Oh no, you changed my wording to call me dense… how will I survive this…

Honestly I think my point is valid. I also like to argue and both things do show. I don’t want to force anyone to agree with me, I’m just defending my reasons.

If you don’t like the debate you don’t have to reply, we can just agree to disagree. I appreciate that you showed me your point of view Vixi, really. I just disagree with it.

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Yes, we know you think, that doesn’t mean it is. Your point been debunked time and again.

edit: And editting others posts only makes you look lame.


It isn’t.

I can agree that not every OOCer is a gigantic titmonkey. I am a proof of this, but very, very, VERY many are, and that’s why most RPers are extremely hesitant to have OOCers coming here without any intention of Roleplaying, and that’s fair.

Roleplayers already get so much flak for being ‘‘nerds’’ and ‘‘neckbeards’’ for no damn reason.


And I appriciate hearing your thoughts, even if I disagree with them myself. I think I will be leaving this now as I’ve said my piece on the matter.

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Unsurprisingly it hasn’t at all.

How do you, or anyone, replied to my post about the difference between servers? How did you reply to this:

Which means that you are blaming them regardless of what they do. This is what Vixi just suggested, that because of a server label you have to act rudely with a lot of OOCers and make them wish they change server.

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He isn’t. He’s blaming those that do do it, and due to repeated offences from OOCers, is very distrustful of them and rather get 'em gone.

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Vixi literally stated RPers should treat OOCers in a bad manner regardless of who they are if they declare they don’t RP.
I’m sure she’s a good person and she actually doesn’t, but that’s the equivalent of suggesting we should harass people for no reason aside of them being OOCers.

I’m not, as I won’t mute or ignore every single oocer I meet, only those that are being an eyeshore. I never said for them to get off the server, just wished they were never here in the first place.

My last post(probably) since this was brought up. I -never- said they should be treated bad. Questioning why someone is on a server dedicated to something they -never- want to do, isn’t treating them badly.

Hopefully that should be enough to make that understandable and I won’t need to clarify further.


Strange, she’s always been nice dealing with me and I’ve been on the forums for years and been very open with the fact that I’m an OOCer.

She’s my lil gnomie buddy!