AV fix boycott

bad map design led to good players abandoning the BG.
good players abandoning the BG led to alliance giving up.
alliance giving up led to multiple AFKers.

the map was the thing that set this all off. now that the good players abandoned the BG you can not just fix the map to solve the problem anymore. unfortunately.

its would still be a move in the right direction.


Shorter queues than yesterday,boicot isn´t even working.

Can we atleast be a bit honest about this issue. The moment Alliance could not premade any more, the queues went up because it was not good honor/h for the rankers. That left Alliance with mostly under geared players/more causal approach to pvp while horde mostly hade the same players.

In the meantime Alliance pugers tried to continue the 10min rush meta, ridning like headless chicken, refusing to take the fight, rushing IB.
This did not work because horde hade started playing for long games after beeing tired of losing all the time.

Current day: Alliance are still unwilling to play long games unlike the russians who take the fights, commit hard to snowfall gy until its capped before moving to IB.
The russians also defend their base with recallers. In essence they play exactly like horde do with good win rate.

Now please tell me its only the map layouts fault for the claimed 90% loss. I dont claim its 100% fair layout, it might even need a fix but its NOT soley the reason for the current situation.

If Alliance where willing to play the long game. Make sure you go for SF first before you move further south and have recallers who “turtle” the base to buy time like horde do. If you still end up with the same outcome then we have something to talk about. Its not rocket science to communicate how many needs to recall, defend x, y and z - horde do it all the time without having a designated “leader”.
10 minutes zerg rush is never comming back.

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what you conveniently ignore is that once an imbalance happens it will only further increase in a downward spiral. what you believe to be the cause of the imbalance are just symptoms of the actual problem.

you lose 6/10 games because of map? people quit.
you lose 7/10 games because people quit? others quit too.
you lose 9.9/10 games because only the crud keeps playing? <— we are here

it does not matter if you fix the map issue now. the damage has been done.
good/ambitious players will not flock back to AV unless there is clear incentive to do so.

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you lose 6/10 games because of map? give uppers quit.
you lose 7/10 games because people quit? more give uppers quit too.
you lose 9.9/10 games because only the ones that plays for victory keeps playing? <— we are here

Fixed and btw your post is bad in my opinion because you make clear assuments that its because of the map even Fulagubben clearly explained you that its not just because of the map and also do you really want to keep those players in the game to play with you that prefer to cry and quit than the ones that keeps fighting and practicing for greater results

Except there is no map issue.

You have one faction getting massacred in WPvP? People lose faith in their faction.
You lose BGs outside of premades? People then flock to premades when they are interested in trying hard to win.

What you’re left with is people who aren’t interested in trying hard from start to finish in AV, because if winning is what they’re interested in then there are much more convenient alternatives in other BGs. So you’re left with the casual “whatever happens will happen” crowd, who gives up at the slightest sign of trouble.
So because you can’t do premade exploits in AV as easily anymore, of course you get the “winners” flocking to other BGs.

Widespread mindset issues have been the problem plaguing the Alliance side ever since the WPvP chaos pre-BGs.

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Mindset is part of it but I think the biggest part is:

You win 6/10 games as alliance? the “best” players still quit.

It’s terrible honor per hour because you get like 10 times more from doing premades. On horde the difference is smaller so many more rankers mix in some AV between premades. Horde doesn’t mind long AV while alliance wants short AV. All because of the huge difference in queue times.

Again you are conveniently bending the reality to fit your narrative.
It’s true av been a downward spiral for alliance but the reason why, is not what you claim.
Alliance rankers left, horde rankers stayed, alliance winrate continued spiraling down.
So we should change the map because it’s not convenient to get 10 min free wins any longer?

I agree that the damage is done, i tried for weeks in the start of av when alliance premaded to get people to realise we wount win if we dont defend.
And slowly over time horde changed the collective mindset and adapted strategy, i dont claim i did this but i sure as hell contributed with constructive feedback in the bg chat.

I play av for fun to win and at all costs dont let alliance, my enemy get a single scrap.
The map should be 100% controlled by horde south to north when we win.
Im not alone playing av like this, i get lots of whispers if i need help recapping bunkers, stopping alliance killing our lieutenants etc.
I rather take a 15 minute longer game to accomplish it then a half assed win.
The sweetest wins are when alliance reached our base, we manage to recap graveyards behind them and wipe them.
Thats the mindset you are fighting from alot of horde.

explain how the balanced maps of WSG and AB do not show the same win/loss ration then.

this will be a fun read.

you also don’t need to keep trolling or downplaying the problem. blizzard won’t even attempt to fix it. your rigged AV is safe. relax.

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Easy: You’re imagining it.

Depending on if you ask a premade or a solo queuer, the win rate you’ll get is very different.
The map design is irrelevant. It’s decided with PvP. Also, the invidivual impact/responsibility is much bigger the smaller the size of the BG.
So you’ll get very different win rates depending on which premade or which solo queuer you ask as well.

I like how you conveniently just ignored my comment where I already gave an answer to that.

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Get rid of honour in AV.

Also got max rep in 2 days with pugs. You have war hungry ally in av at that time.

If lack of solo rankers (who are usually the bottom of the barrel on both Alliance and Horde side as the actually decent players find spots in premades which are still better H/h on Horde than solo queue) was the main reason for the abysmal Alliance win rate you’d expect the winrate to be much higher on AV weekend. While it does go up slightly it doesn’t get anywhere close to being 50/50. I’d be surprised if it’s above 10%.

Oh, I’m already on it. I think a lot of people are, without even thinking about it. Why go into this miserable bg time after time, knowing well you will lose every game before it even started (as alliance), just for some purple item that you can replace with an equivalent while doing something that’s actually enjoyable like raiding? It’s not worth it and I think a lot of people probably realize that and don’t bother.

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And yet another fine example of widespread mindset issues. Self-fulfilling prophecies are a thing, you know.

Like i wrote before, tho its my opinion created back then when I (and my daughter) use to play classic and AV. I think I played some 30+ games and my kid maybe just a bit less. Last few games I played during my last days on classic, somewhere mid April and I came to conclusion than AV is already being boycotted. Big majority of players were pure PvErs rep (semi-afk) grinders, few constant bots and very few PvPers or casual PvPers like me, and there were even some horde alts too.
So, again I think, (tho can be wrong ofc) that ppl already boycott AV, especially PvPers and to sum it up I dont think more than 3% of alliance playerbase queue it really.
AV is far beyond fixing and will be only worse… sadly
I dont care what are reasons.


True pvper would not boycott AV in a situation like this he would be playing only it (My opinion of real PvPer)

Go solo AB or WSG…you will answer yourself the question about “map balance”. Mostly at evenings when premades are active.

There are many factors not just the “map balance” to determine a victory in a bg.

In AV horde behaviour is like a bad premade,they report incs and defend but hardly adapt to new scenarios.When they get cut in the midle, luckily only happens against russians.They will try to rush to vandar in panic( “it´s a race”) some subpar people will try to convince all the horde to move to north.

Alliance in the other hand behave like bots,always do the same cheap tactic trying to mount up and run to nowhere.I dont think they ever report incs and ofc they dont care to adapt.

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