AV preamdes and the Blizzard End User License Agreement

Classic is terrible game. That’s why all were waiting Vanilla. We dont need mindless copy of mechanics. We need spirit of Vanilla. Ion cant understand it!

Its not a strawman argument its just using an example to show how blizzard uses its eula to handle exploits

How is that not intended? It’s a MIND CONTROL ability with the buffs available to use while MCd and no one is getting an unfair advantage, it’s a raid…

Wcb blessing is a buff given to horde players. An alliance player getting it is not intended.

Source of that? It’s an ability you use, and when you are MCd it’s be design that you can get buffs… Everyone can do this so it’s not even an unfair advantage. It’s just an advantage. In pve…

… you got a source that queuing av is not intended? Also it can only be done if you collude with horde.

It’s the opposite. It has to be expressly authorized by Blizzard AND give and UNFAIR advantage. Using abilities for what they are designed for is not unfair advantage. AV queue is designed for max 5 player premades. Circumventing that is not expressly authorized by Blizzard and it gives an unfair advantage.

Erm no, its never worked like that. Blizzard doesnt expressly authorize anything. They use broad definitions, then cherry pick what they consider an exploit

Yes they do. For example ninja items, they have expressly authorised that. Also multiboxing. etc etc

They expressly said they cba dealing with it. Also not an exploit by eula definition

They expressly said its allowed. Same with multiboxing.

Again not an exploit by eula definition

What is not? Multiboxing? Yes that would be a cheat if not expressly authorized by Blizzard. And they have done that.

What about using terrain + invis potion to skip boss mechanics? Exploit?

It depends. Does it give an unfair advantage? Is it using spells and abilities for what it’s designed for?

No not rly ur using terrain to evade bug mobs the boss spawns then invis pot in the split second you have when they drop combat and reaggro on you. Only locks and mages can get to that point

Using terrane to evade mobs is not expressly authorized by Blizzard. So not allowed. But, does it give an unfair advantage? Maybe, if you can duplicate loot and stuff like that. Like when people user layering to spawn bosses or whatever.


What does these straw man argument have to do with AV premades?

Well they fit eula definition of exploit, but because thousands if not 10s of thousands of players have been using these methods for months, and no one has been banned or otherwhise punished for it, the most logical explanation as to how blizzard operates, is that stuff is ok until they expressivly say that it is not. Because listing all the things that are ok is a futile endevor, it is way simpler to simply state what is not ok.

I will now copy paste my previous post because these Straw Man arguments have derailed the topic.

My goal with this thread is to point out that premades in AV is by definition cheating, according to the rules. I’m not looking to get anyone banned or stuff like that, I just want Blizzard to make AV great again. Either make it not possible to premade in AV OR make it possible to premade in AV for both factions. Just allow 40 man raid, OR ONLY allow 40man raids (only allow premades, would force people into social realm premades).

Lost the argument have you? Logic to strong