Don’t bother… he’s that thick… imagine trying to claim it’s not your fault you stole something that had already been locked away from you on purpose. His logic is on a par…
aaa well that not worked then haha
This is where WE put complains and investigation forms for later use where i work
https ://
Lmao i knew what this was before I even put it into my browser but still laughed when it popped up
The neverending pvp drama is very tiring
Nobody cares about your petty ranks
Enough with the “nobody cares” meme
Perhaps you do not care, but the majority does
Otherwise we did not have anything like the current state
Allow me to repeat: premading is the ONLY incentive many Alliance have to play AV. Removing premading will remove 50% of Allaince from AV and, possibly, from BGs all together. Banning premaders will have exactly the same effect.
Premades are VERY positive for horde queue times. Also positive for delicious horde tears.
So because alliance can cheat the system just now and premade a battleground that isn’t supposed to be premaded makes it ok? if alliance quit AV because they cant cheat at it anymore, i’d rather see that, I don’t care about the queue.
alliance seem to be more concerned about horde queues than horde, because that’s all you ever say Enjoy your queue, your queue will increase, so what! stop the cheating, I couldn’t care less about queues.
I guess at this point it’s just to piss you hordies off. And I approve.
This is an exploit that was posted on ownedcore.
What do you mean? I can’t get disconnected when in queue?
Seems like everyone here is losing their minds about cheating and exploits, both of which sound really catchy, but I have yet to see a blue post saying "x behavior is a punishable offense "
It’s the coordination that makes it into an exploit. The ownedcore post states that 20 groups of 2 people each can do this exploit to get into the same, and Blizzard has stated that it’s an exploit to bypass a hotfix. While the hotfix literally states the limitation was set to up to 5 players queuing together for AV, not more.
If anyone sees a premade in AV bypassing the 5-man limitation, just report the AV number & time of day + date and that it’s in the EU in an email to
and we’ll see what happens. They can get the rest from server logs.
What’s hilarious is that alliance over at the US realms are using this exploit too sometimes, so it’s like they’re forcing Blizzard’s hand to act. xD
This is an exploit that was posted on ownedcore.
Are you for real? This is getting stupid at this point if they have to go to ownedcore to get their workarounds at that point it’s an actual exploit and not “clever usage of mechanics”
Well, according too Blizz using the new workaround is an actual exploit. So just report them.
https:/ /
What do you think?Blizzard will bann 50% from aliance players? LOL good luck whit that!
Ban waves has happened before. It would probably just be a slap on the wrists, but you can’t really say you haven’t been begging for it.
I would prefer getting banned for premading then having to carry 15 bots /afk and harpy leveling leechers every game
If they want to ban the only guys actually playing the game? go ahead do it
On the other side guys have been botting 24/7 and are still not banned so yeah you really think they care? you pay 12€ thats all they care about
Considering it isn’t the first time they’re patching the game to try and stop this behaviour I would say it’s a PREEEEEEEEEEETTY obvious sign they don’t want you to continue doing it.
But y’know, please do. Repeatedly, while bragging about it.
Sooner or later the suspensions/bans will come out.
Im not even sure what you are trying to tell me, that sentence makes little sence.
Care to elaborate?
Still, regardless of the point you were trying to make, this is an exploit of a system blizzard JUST patched to try and prevent it.
Its the same as seeing a “DO NOT ENTER OR YOU WILL BE SHOT” sign and then enter anyway AND claiming its not your own fault you got shot.
I just feel someone at Blizz needs to rub two braincells together and ignite the spark that lets them realize that they may be dealing with the faction imbalance at the wrong end.