AV Premades = Cheating

Yeah, no. Shut up.

I see most hordes are pretty chill about the que time : *

We use voicechat and count down. Everyone queue when the leader says 3-2-1-GO. 20+ get the same pop and they enter. No add-on needed, just voicecoms.

@All: This is entirely feasible due to the ratio of alliance / horde PvPers. No addons needed for this.

How dare people play together in a MMO! Drop the ban hammer!

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Oh really, so you havent seen the video of the lvl 36 Warrior going around blasting lvl 60’s?

if I ever got killed by a warrior my level let alone one 24 levels below me I will quit this game.

How pathetic of a response.

How can you say bull$@# like this when horde has 30 minutes queues and can never get in the same battleground.
Queues as groups is removed in AV for a reason, either add it for everyone or remove this abusing bull@##$.
It’s enough that WSG is ruined by premades, now we have to deal with this crap.


You can always reroll instead of being part of the problem. The best fix for alliance premades is faction balance


So? Horde has 30 mins queue because of players choices, not game flaws. If you did not play the dominant faction you could do it yourself efficiently. There is no bug/glitch to be fixed. You CAN try to do it right now, you just have to wait half a day to get in a premade game.


Yeah to be honest its as Mando says, the best way to stop this from happening is for faction balance in PVP so join the alliance :slight_smile:

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This sums it up perfectly. Well said.


Oh yes, why didn’t I think of that, just scrap the last 3 months of my life and roll alliance.


either that or spend the next 14 months crying about it on the forums… I know what one I would rather.

We told you now.

You have the chance to deal with it or do it NOW.

I can promise you it wont get better ! So you cant complain in half a year…

When the pvp population imbalance is so bad, that every alliance queues at the same time could blindly get in the same AV.

If this is “premade”, what is your solution to it? to disable Alliance to queue AV? hehe. Why not stop QQ and get good???

Keep crying over something doesn’t exist, so your dream may come true.

Short answer: No.

Long answer: It’s not cheating it’s coordination. Bots are cheating. Add-ons that show you things you where not meant to see are cheating. From what I have seen it’s not the “moral” aspect of it that most horde players are upset about it’s that they can’t do it as efficiently and that it’s getting done to them not by them.
If this is cheating than so is using voice in raids or any form of external communication. People did not have a problem with all the premades in world pvp when the horde was camping every flight path in the open world. They did everything to drive alliance player away from world pvp and so they focused on BG’s where the numbers are even. Horde players that benefited from this told others to “deal with it” the same can be applied now. Only now when they are on the receiving end they find that they don’t like it.
Say what you will. Justify it any way you want. It will not change the fact that it’s not cheating no matter how inconvenient it is to you.
And if you want something to be done about it ask Blizzard to bring the version of AV that has elites and more mobs in the way.

Cheat to win? As in using the wall glith… wait that’s the horde. My bad.

Playing horde is cheating (trolls excluded).

Banning people for wanting to play with their friends instead of a bunch of strangers. Yes that really seems like a smart move.