AV Premades = Cheating

I think premades should not be allowed in Alterac Valley. :grinning:

situation is like, there is 5 pvp servers with 99% horde population, 1 pvp server with 99% ally population, you will always face ally ‘‘premade’’ cos they are all from same server.
Should blizz ban them?

And i think Classic should never have been allowed to be released in this state.

It was inevitable that this would have happen.

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Hplovecraft, just shut up.

Not as pathetic as people who equate (and defend) exploiting to PvP server rules and faction ratio. That’s just pure idiocy and illogical thinking. It was the response idiocy deserved.

Synchonized av queuing is not cheating

Dude, those are common PvP Server problems. You don’t even need more enemies in general to experience that - coordinated groups of a reasonable size can even do that when they are generally on the “minority” side. Problem ist that many people think on a PvP Server there is that “ultracool open world PvP” which was NEVER the case. Not back in Vanilla, not on Private servers and not in Classic. PvP servers have always been about PvV (Player vs Victim) and were never designed to deliver a fair pvp environment. But this was no secret or anything that turned out different than anybody should have been expecting.

Battlegrounds on the other hand are restricted. There is a given amount of people on each side. There is a reason why Blizzard made it impossible to queue as groups in AV back then.

BTW the most frustrating is when the premades fail to get into the same AV and therefore just don’t join and rather requeue. There are sitting 40 horde players in that bg that waited 20-30 minutes for the invite which is getting shut down after a couple of minutes because of too few alliance players in it. But i guess that just further amuses you.

Alliance has the same problem in WSG VS hordes - we just turn the tides fam

Nothing stops alliance or yourself Making premades in WSG. In fact, pre vs pre in WSG is enjoyable. That’s not the case with av. Horde cannot queue with friends or make premades. That’s the issue here.

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Aliance is too bad in pvp, so they must premade. Like if its horde fault.

I don’t even know why I bother with the forums.
Blizzard are too incompetent or simply don’t care to fix anything, so we should just sulk it up or quit the game and i’m guessing the latter with how things are going atm.

The forums is not a place where you file a complaint nor is it a platform where you communicate with blizzard. The purpose of these forums is that wow players alike can have a place where they can hold discussions regarding the game.

30 vs 1 its totally ok for you and really balanced, right?

Go To Retail
git gud son
pvp hapen in pvp server


Again this is not the issue, but the result of the real problem.

It is only an issue for Horde player.

Well at least Fix Alliance being able to single pull Drek without any difficulty, the horde war masters will just stand there as they can pull him to the doorway.

That’s a very reasoned statement

Did you have anything to add - are you aware of individuals actually being able to pre-make a group and all queue as a team?

Didn’t think so

No cheating is happening - live with the fact that the queue is exactly as Blizz intended

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by that rule then I, and any others can not log on to classic and play in the same AV as my friends. People are not using a third party program to get into the same BG but simply queing at the same time, which I understand is a benefit afforded to alliance over the horde but instead of complaining on the forums about it why not help towards faction balance and then both, or neither side can then do it.

and yes it is still pathetic to tell someone to “shut up” just because to disagree with their position on a topic. if you don’t want to debate on a public forum then don’t post.

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Lmao do you think bad players will just magically win because in a group? Bad players stay bad. Good players will organize and outzug you. What a retarded statement really

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Horde low intellect does not allow to handle that.

  • roll horde to make alliance minority
  • complain about alliance being able to 3-2-1 que due to minority factor


In fact horde could do the same.
But it takes ages, thats why they are salty.

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Debate is only debate when it is returned in kind. What I responded to, both times, was not debate, only blatantly blinkered support of modern exploitation of a restricted feature of Alterac Valley. A genuinely dishonest stance that lacks merit.

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